sx Flashcards
tenderness in neck front of and below ears, pain on swallowing, rash, headache, muscle aches, low-grade fever loss of appetite, and earache aggravated by chewing is
common cold symptoms, violent cough ending in high-pitched inspiratory whoop, vomiting of thick mucus, and a cough that gradually diminishes is
cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, photophobia, blotchy rash, fever, and Koplik spots is
Rose colored slightly elevated rash on face then downward on body, low grade fever, tender and enlarged lymph nodes are
extremely febrile, irritable, sweating profusely, stiff neck, tight jaw, spasms of facial muscles, difficulty swallowing, muscles of back and abdomen rigid, convulsive spasms, and asphyxiation is
URI, hoarseness, fever, harsh high pitched cough, stridor during inspiration, dyspnea, grunting noise/wheezing, pale skin w/circumoral cyanosis, and anxiety/frightened is
sore throat, croupy cough, fever, respiratory distress from obstruction, red and swollen epiglottis, rapidly increasing dyspnea, and drooling is
mild to severe sore throat, fever, chills, headache, malaise, anorexia, muscle and joint pain, inflamed and swollen tonsils w/yellowing exudate from crypts, lymph glands are tender and enlarged
acute tonsillitis
mouth breather, snores during sleep, sleep apnea, speech has nasal quality
adenoid hyperplasia
incessant productive/nonproductive cough, expiratory wheeze, rapid shallow respirations, rapid pulse, pallor, profuse perspiration, inability to speak, nasal flaring, intercostal/sternal retractions, anxious, exhaustion, tight chest feeling, diminished breath sounds/wheeze/rhonchi
cough, nasal congestion, wheezing, tachypnea, respiratory distress, fever, posttussive emesis, breathing too fast to feed, dehydration, apnea
intermittently draws up legs, clenches fists, cries as if in pain, farting/burping, episodes in late afternoon & evening, thrive, gain weight, tolerate formula/breast milk
infantile colic
mild to intense itching and irritation in area of eggs
helminth infestation
intestinal cramping, weakness, nausea, irritability, fever, painful passage of stool
pallor, weakness, fatigue, listlessness, palpitations, tachycardia, cardiac enlargement, jaundice, mental sluggishness
fever, easy bruising, pallor, weakness, weight loss, bone and joint pain, enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, anemia, susceptible to infection, prolonged bleeding time
anemia, jaundice, kernicterus, enlargement of liver and spleen, extreme hemolysis
erythroblastosis fetalis
extreme hemolysis, seizures, lethargy, intellectual developmental disorder, edema, pulmonary congestion
hydrops fetalis
loss of appetite, vomiting, irritability, ataxic gait, anemia, weakness, colic, peripheral neuritis, intellectual developmental disorder, symptoms of encephalopathy (vomiting, headache, stupor, convulsions, coma)
lead poisoning
lethargy, listlessness, irritability, combativeness, vomiting, hepatic dysfunction, hyperventilation, hyperactive reflexes, disorientation, convulsions, delirium, organ changes, coma, loss of cerebral function, seizures, loss of deep tendon reflexes, respiratory arrest
Reye syndrome
delayed growth, smaller eye openings, eyes widely apart, thin upper lip, CNS problems, heart defects, intellectual developmental disorder, learning difficulties (decreased attention span and memory, visual and auditory problems, communication difficulty), poor developed
fetal alcohol syndrome
mild excoriation/maculopapular rash to blisters and ulceration around infant’s genitals
diaper rash
abdominal mass, abdominal pain/fullness, anemia, bone pain, fever, hypertension, periorbital ecchymosis (raccoon eyes)
flulike sx (sore throat, fever, body aches), lymphadenopathy, weight loss, fatigue, diarrhea, night sweats, lower T cells, frequent infections, encephalopathy, malignancy, dementia, death
history of chronic/recurrent infections, GI disease (diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss), lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, chronic lung disease, granulomatous, increased autoimmune disorders
common variable immunodeficiency
asymptomatic, recurrent sinopulmonary infections, GI infection, autoimmune disease, food allergies, anaphylactic reactions, recurrent otitis media/sinusitis/pneumonia
selective immunoglobulin A deficiency
absent/near-absent tonsils and adenoids, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, recurrent severe gram-positive infections, enterovirus infection
x-linked agammaglobulinemia
severe recurrent infections, chronic diarrhea, failure to thrive, discernible lymphoid tissue absent, hypogammaglobulinemia, very low/absent T cells
severe combined immunodeficiency
abnormally wide set downward slanting eyes, low set ears w/notched pinna, small mouth, abnormalities of palate, cardiovascular defects, underdeveloped/absent thymus and parathyroid gland, signs of tetany, cognitive impairment
DiGeorge Anomaly
large circular lesions on skin/mucous membranes/nails/vagina, sores in mouth, recurrent thrust, diaper rash, recurrent respiratory tract infection, endocrine disorders, autoimmune conditions
chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
eczema, thrombocytopenia w/severe bleeding, increased susceptibility to bacteria and viral infections, petechiae, purpura, hematemesis, epistaxis, hematuria, GI and intracranial bleeding
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
fatigue, weakness, chills, fever, dyspnea, itching, pale, jaundice, bruise easily, hypotensive
autoimmune hemolytic anemia
sore tongue, weakness, tingling & numbness in extremities, slight jaundice, anorexia, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, weight loss, vulnerable to infection, neuritis, peripheral weakness, paresthesia, ataxia, light headedness, tinnitus, altered vision, optic muscle atrophy, headaches, weakness, dyspnea, tachycardia, premature ventricular contractions, congestive heart failure
pernicious anemia
inability for blood to clot, spontaneous hemorrhages, petechiae, ecchymoses, GI bleeding, epistaxis, menorrhagia, hematuria, easy bruising
idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura
acute glomerulonephritis, relatively acute renal failure, proteinuria, anemia, hemoptysis, hematuria, weight loss, fever, fatigue
goodpasture syndrome
inflammation of skin/joints/nerves/kidneys/lungs/organs, butterfly rash, photosensitivity, fever, fatigue, joint pain, malaise, joint deformities, weight loss, Raynaud’s phenomenon, hair loss
systematic lupus erythematosus
sclerosis, shrinking of skin and organs, tau/firm/edematous skin, skin firmly attached to subcutaneous tissue, skin tough and leathery, itchy, pigmented patches, Raynaud’s phenomenon, joint swelling stiffness and pain
xerostomia, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, difficulty talking/chewing/swallowing, sores on or in mouth/nose, dental decay
sjogren syndrome
inflammation and edema of synovial membranes, destroyed cartilage, deformed joints, destroyed bone, paralysis, death, inflammation around/in lungs/heart/blood vessels, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, persistent low grade fever, general malaise, edema/pain/tenderness/erythema/warmth in joints, joint stiffness, bursitis, anemia
rheumatoid arthritis
fluctuating temperature, poor appetite, weight loss, blotchy salmon-colored rash, anemia, swollen/stiff/painful joints, red painful eyes, swollen cervical/axillary lymph glands, irritability, acute pericarditis, impaired skeletal development
systemic juvenile idiopathic rheumatoid arthritis
recurring morning low back pain & stiffness, fatigue, weight loss, fever, diarrhea, eye pain, photophobia, pain, tenderness, heel pain, inflammatory bowel disease, family incidence of arthritic conditions, cervical/thoracic axial pain, stiffness w/paraspinal muscular spasm, limited ROM, forward flexion of spine
ankylosing spondylitis
gradual/rapid muscle weakness, loss of muscle power & atrophy, trouble swallowing & weakness in lifting, muscle ache, tender muscles, skin inflammation, rash over face/shoulders/arms/bony prominences, and fatigue is
weakness/numbness in limbs, optic neuritis, loss of vision in 1 eye, diplopia, unsteady gait, vertigo, difficulty peeing, facial numbness/pain, speech problems, dysphagia, hearing loss, impotence (men), fatigue, emotional disturbances
multiple sclerosis
extreme muscle weakness w/o atrophy, progressive fatigue, drooping eyelids, diplopia, difficulty talking/chewing/swallowing, and myasthenic crisis is
myasthenia gravis
purpura, petechiae, erythema, ulcerations, edema, pain & burning sensation, ocular lesions, genital/oral ulcerations, abdominal pain, arthralgia, weakness
small vessel vasculitis
headaches, fever, weakness, fatigue, malaise, anorexia, ,weight loss, dyspnea, hypertension, visual disturbances, muscle & joint pain, angina, ischemic pain, ulceration of skin, weakness, numbness
systemic necrotizing vasculitis
proportional overgrowth of all body tissue, abnormal & accelerated growth, lengthy long bones, delayed sexual development, delayed mental development
overgrowth of bones in hands/face/feet, excessive overgrowth of soft tissue, joint pain, large spaces between teeth
metabolic dysfunction, sexual immaturity, delayed growth, other sx depending on specific hormone deficiency is
extremely short stature but proportional and no secondary sex characteristics are
polyuria, polydipsia, fatigue, sx of dehydration, dry mucous membranes, hypotension, dizziness, and poor skin turgor is
diabetes insipidus
asymptomatic, goiter, difficulty swallowing, dyspnea, weight loss despite good appetite, heat intolerance, tachycardia, anxiety, and increased sweating is
simple goiter
gradual and painless lumpy enlargement of thyroid, pressure in neck, difficulty swallowing, sensitivity to cold, weight gain, fatigue, depression, mental apathy
hashimoto thyroiditis
rapid bpm & palpitations, nervousness, excitability, increased metabolism, losing weight despite excessive appetite, insomnia, profuse perspiration, warm moist skin, intolerant of hot weather, muscular weakness, onycholysis, general hyperactive behavior, loss of hair, tremor, exopthalmos, dermopathy
graves disease
fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation, dry flaky skin is
intellectual development disorder, delayed growth, dwarf, stocky, protruding abdomen, short forehead, broad nose, small wide-set eyes, puffy eyelids, wide open mouth, thick protruding tongue, expressionless face, dry skin, failed to develop sex organs, can’t stand or walk
excessive fatigue, muscular weakness, loss of hair, weight gain, constipation, intolerance to cold, dry and scaly skin, puffiness of hands, enlarged tongue
asymptomatic, hard painless lump on thyroid, vocal cord paralysis, obstructive symptoms, cervical lymphadenopathy, dysphagia
thyroid cancer
hypercalcemia, irritability of nerve and muscle, muscle weakness and atrophy, GI pain, nausea, conduction defects in heart, back pain, renal calculi, bone tenderness, arthritic pain, easy fracturing of bones
hypocalcemia, excessive deposits of calcium in tissue, hyperexcitable nervous system, overstimulation of skeletal muscles, numbness & tingling of fingertips/toes/ears/nose, muscle spasms/twitching of hands and feet, tetany, emotion changes, confusion, irritability, laryngospasm, arrhythmia, respiratory paralysis, death
fatigue, muscular weakness, weight gain, fat deposits on scapulas and trunk, protruding abdomen, salt and water retention, moon face, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, change in mood and cognition, decreased short term memory, thin skin, easily bruise, red or purple striae, excessive hair growth, amenorrhea, impotence
cushing syndrome
fatigue, weakness, anorexia, agitation, confusion, weight loss, GI disturbances, bronze skin color, irregular pulse, reduced cardiac output, orthostatic hypotension, depression, anxiety, emotional distress, can’t retain salt and water
addison disease
ketonuria, hyperglycemia, polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, fatigue, pruritus, fruity odor to breath, retinopathy, neuropathy, renal failure, atherosclerosis, MI, cerebrovascular accidents, delayed healing, susceptible to infection
diabetes mellitus
asymptomatic, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia
gestational diabetes
sweating, nervousness, weakness, hunger, dizziness, trembling, headache, palpitations, confusion, visual disturbances, drunken behavior, stupor, coma, seizures is
early development of secondary sex, gonadal development, spermatogenesis, altered growth pattern, emotional disturbances, pubic and facial hair, gonads and penis increase, sebaceous gland activity increase is
precocious puberty in boys
increased growth rate, breast enlargement, pubic and underarm hair before 8 year, menarche before 10 yrs, ovarian function, pregnancy, emotional problems
precocious puberty in girls
slow onset, thirst, increased urination, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, drowsiness, lethargy, flushed appearance, dry skin, fruity breath odor, dehydration, heavy respiration, dilated and fixed pupil, hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis, loss of consciousness, coma
diabetic coma
rapid onset, hunger, trembling, paleness, feeling faint, cold sweat, headache, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, irritability, impaired vision, hypoglycemia, confusion, seizures, loss of consciousness
insulin reaction
blurred vision, eye fatigue, rubbing of eyes, squinting, headaches
refractive errors
repetitive or involuntary movement of either/both eyes (horizontal/vertical/circular/combo), blurred or decreased vision
esotropia, exotropia, diplopia
swelling, redness, pus, feeling something in the eye
varied size, redness, swelling, pain, nodule
decreased visual acuity, irritation, tearing, photophobia, mild redness of conjunctiva
persistent redness, crusting on and around eyelids, itching, burning, foreign body sensation, bilateral and symmetric, eyelashes fall out, irritation of eyes
foreign body sensation, tearing, itching, redness, conjunctivitis, vision problems, damage to cornea, epithelial defects
tears down cheeks, eye dryness, tearing
drooping of upper eyelid
redness, swelling, foreign body sensation, itching, tear excessively, photophobia, discharge
foreign body sensation, scratchy, burning, stinging, photophobia, blurred vision, redness of eyes, difficulty night time driving and wearing contacts is
pain, redness, tearing, foreign body sensation, and vision impairment is
corneal abrasion/ulcer
redness and irritation to an isolated part to single eye
intense redness, pain, blurred vision, inflammation in posterior part of eye, vision loss, perforation of globe, sx in either both or one eye
deterioration of vision, poor night vision, yellowing/fading of colors, loss of brightness and colors, need bright light for reading, visible cataract
chronic open angle glaucoma is generally
blurred vision, severe eye pain, headaches, redness of eye, photophobia, sees halos around light, severe pain, nausea/vomiting, hazy cornea, significantly high IOP
acute angle closure glaucoma
mild distortion of central vision, straight lines appear wavy, semiopaque spots, activities requiring sharp vision is impossible
macular degeneration
microaneurysm, hemorrhages, dilation of retinal vines, macular edema, formation of abnormal new vessels, vision sharpness and clarity change, sx in both eyes
diabetic retinopathy
retinal tear or hole, new floaters, light flashes, dark shadow from periphery inward
retinal detachment
pain, photophobia, blurred vision, redness, sx in one or both eyes
dryness, gritty feeling, double vision, restricted eye movement, blurred vision
tinnitus, loss of hearing, earache is
impacted cerumen
severe pain, red swollen ear canal, hearing loss, fever, pruritus, drainage is
infective otitis externa
aka: swimmer’s ear
otits externa
fullness/pressure in ear, impaired hearing, clear and sterile fluid
serous otitis media
purulent fluid, painful, sudden onset, infection, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, rub/pull affected ear, lean head towards affect side, dizziness, muffled hearing, loss of hearing
suppurative otitis media
tinnitus, gradual hearing loss of low/soft sounds, turn head to hear, sx both ears
vertigo, tinnitus, progressive hearing loss, sensation of fullness/pressure, sudden onset, nausea, vomiting, sweating, loss of balance, hyperacusis, sx either or both ears
meniere disease
nausea, vomiting, involuntary eye movement, difficulty standing or walking, spinning sensation when moving head, dizziness while body still and eyes closed, lightheadedness, feeling faint
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
fever, extreme vertigo, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, loss of hearing in one ear, difficulty focusing eyes, poor balance is
slight pain, partial hearing loss, slight discharge/blood from ear, hear buzzing, facial weakness, dizziness, purulent drainage
ruptured tympanic membrane
mild to moderate hearing loss, purulent drainage, earache, headache, vertigo, weakness of facial muscles
pain, edema around mastoid, fever, chills, headache, hearing loss, drainage from ear is
tinnitus, partial to severe hearing loss is
sensorineural hearing loss
progressive hearing loss, chronic otic discharge, visible mass, lesion on ear exam, loss of equilibrium, tinnitus, pain is
ear cancer
gradual increase & change in quality of sebum, inflammation, red skin, yellowish greasy looking scales is
seborrheic dermatitis
erythema, edema, ooze/burn/itch/stinging vesicles
contact dermatitis
characteristic rash, vesicular & exudative eruptions (kids, dry leathery vesicles (adults), pruritus
atopic dermatitis
hives, abdominal colic, asphyxiation, itching
silvery scales, slight itch/soreness, dry/cracked/encrusted skin, nails thicken and crumble
dryness, inflamed/pustule acne, enlarged small blood vessels, small knobby bumps on nose, face redness, eyelids red and swollen, eyelashes fall out, burning or gritty feeling in eyes
papules, pustules, comedones, nodules is
acne vulgaris
bandlike unilateral rash along peripheral nerves not crossing midline, pain, burning, tingling, fever, vesicles, skin reddened & blistered, vesicles crust and scab
herpes zoster
lesions w/honey colored crust, small vesicles surrounded by reddened skin, pruritus, ulcerations w/erythema, scarring is
red, swollen painful pus-filled abscess
erythema, pitting edema, skin tender and hot to touch, red lines or streaks proximal to infection along lymph vessels, fever, malaise
round gray scaly lesion on scalp, slight pruritus, asymptomatic is
tinea capitis
active border around lesions and scaling with central clearing is
ringed round lesions scaled with vesicles is
tinea corporis
hypertrophic or thick, brittle, and lusterless nail is
tinea unguium
intense burning, stinging, pruritus between toes and on soles, inflamed/dry/peeling skin, and fissures is
tinea pedis
raised red pruritic vesicular patches w/well-defined borders is
tinea cruris
shiny reddened skin over bony prominence, blisters, erosions, necrosis, ulceration, foul smell, purulent discharge, and pain is
decubitus ulcers
intense pruritus, sensation of something crawling on skin, rash, itching worse at night is
intense itching, sensation of something crawling on skin, itching, rash, wheals, presence of eggs is
asymptomatic, pruritus, black/brown/yellow/other color lesions, rough wartlike texture to lesion, slightly elevated flat type of surface is
seborrheic keratosis
asymptomatic, scaly hard growths, slightly raised and pinkish brown growths is
smooth red dome-shaped papule w/central crust is
rough vascular skin w/yellowish brown adherent crust is
actinic keratosis
- pearly white/pink/red/transluscent shiny bump or nodule
- sore that bleeds, heals, and recurs
- reddish irritated area
- smooth growth w/indented center and elevated rolled edge/border
- scarlike area w/poorly defined edges
- skin white yellow or waxy
nonmelanoma skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma)
- change in mole size/color/shape/elevation/surface texture
- change in surrounding skin
- change in sensation
- change in consistency
malignant melanoma
pale skin, white hair, pink/pale blue eyes, eye problems
glassy core, less than 1/5 in, more painful than calluses on toes
up to 1 in, tenderness, pain
small hard white/pink lump, cauliflower-like surface, “black splinters” inside wart, painless, pruritus
mild discomfort, ,pruritus, asymptomatic
edematous/red/painful cuticle or nail fold, pus, blister of pus (whitlow), cuticle lifted, deformed/discolored nails
blister of pus is called
a whitlow
- swollen & red skin
- severe pain radiation from red area
- swelling
- fever
- change in skin color
- blister
- black spots on skin
- ulcers
- pus drainage
- fatigue
- dizziness
- nausea
- diarrhea
necrotizing faciitis
redness, heat, swelling, pain and loss of function
acute inflammation
fever, malaise, loss of appetite, elevated WBC & ESR
widespread inflammation
fever, headache, body aches, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, delirium is
widespread infection
nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, itching, burning, swelling, diarrhea, anaphylaxis, serum sickness, arthralgia, status asthmaticus
hypersensitivities (allergies)
eyes distend and look like an ox
congenital glaucoma
fontanels bulge, cranial sutures separate, scalp veins distend, fast increase in head circumference, high-pitched infant cry, projectile vomiting, downward displacement of eyes, neurologic signs, abnormal muscle tone of legs
neurologic sx, musculoskeletal malformation, immobile joints, paralysis of lower extremities, affected bowel/bladder control
sac over defect permitting light and fragile skin over site
asymptomatic, dimpling/tuft of hair/hemangioma over unfused vertebrae
spina bifida occulta
lack of control over voluntary movements, poor balance, wide gait
ataxic cerebral palsy
involuntary muscle movement, reduced muscle tone, difficulty with speech
athetoid cerebral palsy
hyperactive reflexes, rapid muscle contractions, scissor gait when walking
spastic cerebral palsy
difficulty sucking/swallowing, floppy/stiff muscles, reduced voluntary movement, legs difficult to separate, crossed legs
cerebral palsy
collapse of athlete during strenuous sporting event, cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmia, asymptomatic until collapse, chest pain, syncope, hypertension, palpitations, SOB, fatigue, SOB when lying down, reduced tolerance of activity
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
harsh and holosystolic murmur, failure to gain weight, restlessness, irritability, sweating when feeding, increased heart rate and respiration
ventricular septal defect
classic machinery murmur, thrill on palpitation, slow growth & development, signs of heart failure
patent ductus arteriosus
increased left ventricular pressure & work load, decreased blood pressure distal to narrowing, signs of left ventricular failure and pulmonary edema, pale and cyanotic, weakness, dyspnea, tachycardia, systemic blood pressure elevated in arms but decreased in lower extremeties
coarctation of aorta
fatigue, SOB, frequent respiratory tract infections, cyanosis, dyspnea, syncope, classic systolic cardiac murmur
atrial septal defect
cyanotic at birth, sx of hypoxia (tachycardia, tachypnea, dyspnea, seizures), delayed physical growth & development, clubbing of fingers and toes, cardiac murmurs, squatting after exercise to relieve breathlessness, polycythemia
tetralogy of fallot
cyanosis, tachypnea, signs of heart failure
transposition of the great arteries
asymmetric folds of thigh, limited abduction of affected hip, shortened femur when knees and hips flexed at right angle
congenital hip dysplasia
waddling gait, toe walking, fat replace atrophied muscle, lordosis, spinal deformity, difficulty climbing stairs and running, falls easily, difficulty getting up, crippled, immobility, susceptible to pulmonary infection, mental impairment
muscular dystrophy
fatigue, diffuse aching/burning in muscles, stiffness, disturbed sleep patterns, poor concentration, irritability, depression, extreme tenderness, headaches, jaw pain, sensitivity to odors/bright light/loud noise, IBS/spastic colon, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, gas, abdomen distention, urinary urgency/frequency, wake up feeling tired, sleep lightly and wake up
asymptomatic, low back pain, protruding abdomen and buttocks, arched lower back
asymptomatic, mild pain, fatigue, tenderness along spine, decreasing mobility of spine, rounded shoulders, head protrudes forward
unequal bra strap lengths, back pain, fatigue, SOB on exertion, one shoulder higher than other, one scapula more prominent, one hip higher than other, enlarged mass on one side of back when bent over
joint soreness/aching/stiffness, joint edema, dull pain, joint deformity, stiffness especially after immobility, crepitation heard with joint movement, decreased ROM, joint instability, joint pain with use, sx generally in morning
red itchy rash with red circle center (bullseye/target lesion), headache, fever, fatigue, joint pain, general malaise, muscle weakness, paralysis, neurologic condition, encephalitis, gastritis, carditis, arthritis and influenza sx
lyme disease
tenderness, pain when moving affect part, flexion and extension limitation, edema at inflammation site, point tenderness, adhesions around affected bursa, calcifications, limited movement of tendon
inflammation, swelling, localized heat, redness, pain, local tenderness, chills, fever, sweating, malaise, subperiosteal abscess, pressure and fracture of bone
high levels of uric acid in blood and in synovial fluid, deposits of other urate compounds around joints of extremities, joint deformity, disability, peak pain afer several hours and subsides gradually, slight fever, chills, headache, nausea, renal dysfunction, hyperuricemia, renal calculi
asymptomatic, local bone pain, almost continuous aching worse at night, edema, deformity, hearing loss/deafness, frequent fractures, spinal cord injuries, hypercalcemia, renal calculi, bone sarcoma
paget disease aka osteitis deformans
abnormally long exteimities and digits, subluxation of lens of eyes, heart and vascular anomalies, tall and slender, visual difficulties, asymmetry of skull, scoliosis, hyperextensible joints, mitral valve prolapse, thickening of heart valves, aortic aneurysm
marfan syndrome
pain especially worse at night and with exercise, limp, curtailing physical activity, painful soft tissue swelling, systemic sx, asymptomatic, sunburst appearance, anion skin appearance, lobular pattern, pathological fx
bone tumor
systemic sx and onion skin appearance on xray
ewing sarcoma
lobular pattern on xray
sunburst appearance on xray
painless lump, erythema of overlying skin, pain and tenderness, pain in and/or bleeding from organ, asymptomatic
muscle tumor
asymptomatic, spontaneous fractures, loss of height
general fatigue, progressive stiffness, tender painful bones, backaches muscle twitches and cramps, difficulty standing up, bowing of legs, chest deformity, shortening of spine, overall reduction in height
osteomalacia aka ricketts
inflammation, pain, great toe overrides or undercuts second toe, crowding of toes, hammer claw/mallet toes, enlargement of first metatarsal joint at base of big toe
hallux valgus aka bunion
pain, loss of joint motion, metatarsal joint stiff and swollen
hallux rigidus
pain, edema, tenderness, discoloration, inability to move affect part, deformity
bone fracture
localized pain, weakness, numbness, edema, difficulty moving or bearing weight on affected area, damage to blood vessels and nerves, edema, ecchymosis, sharp transient pain, stiffness, tenderness, soreness
strains and sprains
mishappen joint, extremely painful, rapidly edematous, ecchymotic, immovable, numbness, tingling, paralysis,
stiff and painful shoulder, pain localized in shoulder or spread out, sleep disruption, sx worsen after few months and remain constant before gradual improvement, permanently impaired shoulder despite pain dissipation
adhesive capsulitis aka frozen shoulder
immediate severe pain inflammation and immobility of affected parts
severed tendon
inflammation, edema, pain, tenderness along inner aspect of tibia, pain worsen with exercise and disappear with rest
shin splint
dull intermittent pain on bottom of foot progressing to sharp persistent pain, pain worse getting out of bed and taking first steps after immobility, at midsole or near toes
plantar fascitis aka calcaneal spur
single smooth lump just under skin on back of wrist/around ankle joint/behind knee/on fingers, appear in multiples/clusters/single, about zie of pea to inch, either soft or firm, painless or bothersome, pain with movement
acute pain when putting full weight on affected knee and leg, knee locks/gives way, crepitus heard on flexion or extension, full flexion difficult, pain increases with full extension
torn meniscus
immediate snapping sound and acute pain, unable to abduct arm, ROM limited
rotator cuff tear
white spots on tooth, mild toothache, hypersensitvity to sweets and temperature extremes, unpleasant taste in mouth, pain, gum inflamed, stabbing pain in jaw, abscess
dental caries
slight yellow/brown/gray teeth, brown spots, patches, dark lines in or on them
discolored teeth
red soft and shiny gums, gums bleed easily, painless
tooth root exposed, plaque develop in exposed root, unpleasant taste in mouth, bad breath, teeth extremely sensitive to temp extremes, pain when chewing, abscesses, teeth fall out
single small pale lumps in or on mouth, bleed easily, painless or painful
oral tumors
protrusion or recession of jaws and teeth turned or twisted out of position from crowding, difficulty chewing
hearing or clicking when chewing, severe pain or aching in or around ears and jaw joints, unilateral or bilateral pain and limitation, headache, dizziness, feeling of pressure, tinnitus, draining sensation in one or both ears, deafness, sinus pain, reduced ability to open jaw
temporomandibular joint diosrder
tooth ache/throbbing, pain when biting and chewing, swollen glands in face/neck, fever, malaise
tooth abscess
pale yellow spots with red borders in the mouth
mouth ulcers (canker sores)
painful ulcers, red and swollen gums, tingling and numbness around mouth, vesicles, scabbing
herpes simplex (cold sores)
sore slightly raised pale-yellow patches in mouth and sometimes throat, burning sensation in mouth, painful when rubbed or eating, light bleeding, smell of yeasty breath
painful red swollen gums with ulcers that bleed, grayish gums, metallic taste in mouth, bad breath, fever, enlarged lymph nodes
necrotizing periodontal disease
white plaque thickening and hardening on mucous membrane of mouth, asymptomatic, sensitive to hot or highly seasoned food
oral leukoplakia
white patchy lesions, oral lesion refusing to heal, pain, dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, bleeding referred pain in ear or jaw, loose teeth
oral cancer
belching, burning sensation in mouth and chest, coughing spell and wheezing, vomitus regurgitating back to mouth, dysphagia, erosive esophagitis with bleeding, eroded tooth enamel, dental caries, nonproductive cough, hoarseness, frequent clearing of throat
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
asymptomatic until hemorrhage, post hemorrhage manifest as hematemesis, melena, sx of hypovolemic shock
esophageal varices
heartburn, pain after eating or drinking, hematemesis, pain, dysphagia
dysphagia, weight loss, retrosternal discomfort/burning sensation, iron deficiency, hoarseness, coughing, frequent pneumonia
esophageal cancer
pain, heartburn, indigestion, epigastric pain that is gnawing/dull/aching/hunger like, pain/fullness after eating, weight loss, dehydration, subtle midepigastric pain, intense pain in upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, clutching stomach, frequent eating, occult or frank blood in vomit or stool, change in pain
gastric and duodenal peptic ulcers
epigastric pain, indigestion, feeling of fullness, nausea, belching, fatty food intolerance, loss of appetite, blood in vomit or stool
asymptomatic, persistent abdominal pain, nausea, dysphagia, melena, anorexia, palpable mass
gastric cancer
abdominal pain gen starting around navel then localizing in right lower quadrant, nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, constipation
heartburn worse after eating large meal or reclining, chest pain, dysphagia, asymptomatic
hiatal hernia
severe pain, lump or bulge that can be pushed back in, sharp pain
abdominal hernia
chronic diarrhea, crampy, intermittent abdominal pain gen in RLQ, weight loss, malaise, nausea, anorexia, fever, abdominal fullness, sx of acute abdomen, tender and distended abdomen, vomiting, blood in stool, sx of malnutrition, perianal fissures and fistulas, abdominal pain, bloating, intermittent sx
crohn disease (regional enteritis)
intermittent bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, urgency to defecate, mucoid stools, frequent stools, cramping and rectal pressure, weight loss, fever, malaise, tenesmus, blood mucus and pus in stool
ulcerative colitis
travelers diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal cramping, frequent loose stools, nausea, profuse vomiting, fever, weakness, increased intestinal mobility, dehydration, mucus pus and blood in stool
severe pain, nausea, vomiting, bloated, painful abdomen, no stool or gas, electrolyte imbalance, elevated WBC, hyperactive or absent bowel sounds
intestinal obstruction
asymptomatic, nonspecific abdominal distress (pain and flatulence), difficulty defecation, alternating constipation and diarrhea, blood in stool
abdominal pain/tenderness gen in LLQ, fever, palpable abdominal mass, change in stool, pain in RLQ or suprapubic area, blood in stool, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, sepsis, adhesions, abscesses, fistulas
abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, bloody stools, weakness, weight loss, sx related to iron deficiency anemia, abdominal distention, pallor, ascites, hepatomegaly, cachexia, lymphadenopathy
colorectal cancer
mild to severe greenish foul-smelling watery diarrhea, fever, weakness, abdominal cramping and tenderness, nausea, vomiting, dehydration sx, irritation around anal area, fecal incontinence, blood and mucus in stools
pseudomembranous enterocolitis
sx of malnutrition, weight loss, weakness, tired, dizzy, rashes, brittle hair and nails
short bowel syndrome