Mental Disorders Flashcards
change in acquisition of intellectual skills and adaptive functioning, reduced behavioral performance, and subaverage general intelligence manifested in first 18 years of life
intellectual developmental disorder
cause of intellectual developmental disorder
heredity, early alterations of embyronic development, pre/peri/post natal complications (generally involving oxygen flow), general medical conditions (infection/trauma), environmental influenmces
how is intellectual developmental disorders diagnosed
observation and confirmation of intellecutal capabilities and adaptive behavior
tx intellectual developmental disorder
manage and tx underlying cause
aka learning disorders
learning differences or learning disabilities
conditions that cause children to learn in an abnormal manner bc of brain’s ability to receive and process info
learning disorder
cause of learning disabilities
underlying abnormality in cognitive processing but specificities are unknown. Other processes like language, attention, and visual processing likely contribuite to the problem
tx learning disabilities
drug therapy or special instructional techniques
frequent repeitions or prolongations of sounds/syllables
stuttering more often occurs in
cause of stutter
genetics, anxiety
tx stutter
speech therapy
severe impairement in communication and social interaction skills related directly to developmental/mental age
pervasive developmental disorder
highly heritable disorder where communication deficits are common and sx vary in intensity among individuals
autism is four times more common in
cause of autism
factor/set of factors including maternal rubella, encephalitis, and phenylketonuria
tx of autism
behavioral therapy, self-instructed training, drug therapy (risperidone, SSRI, antiepileptics, and stimulants)
list disorders that fall under pervasive developmental disorders
autism, pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD), and asperger
condition with average/above average intelligence generally in language and cognition but difficulty concentrating, poor coordination, and problems with social interaction and communication
asperger’s syndrome
normal development period until between 2-10 yrs where child lose many acquired skills and body function control
childhood disintegrative disorder
condition w/sx of PDD, loss of motor skills, and typically only affects girls bc of a defect on the X chromosome
rett syndrome
condition where child doesn’t meet all criteria for autism or aspergers but demonstrates several traits/sx
pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)
typicallly, how many types of ADHD are there
cause of ADHD
theorized to be genetic with definite brain malfunction
how is ADHD diagnosed
follow DSMV criteria
tx adhd
stimulants, atomoxetine, guanfacine, vitamin supplementation
behavioral disorder where kids demonstrate behaviors oppositional toward adults and is a strong predictor of poor outcomes
oppositional defiant disorder
causes of oppositional defant disorder
negative child termperament and ADHD, negative parent temperament, ineffective child management, and parent and family stress events
how is oppositional defiant disorder diagnosed
pts demonstrate at least 1 sx at least 3 times a week for at least 6 months
tx oppositional defiant disorder
mood stabilizers, family therapy (parent training and psychotherapy)
condition with sudden, rapid, recurrent motor movement/vocalization that is nonrhythmic
tic disorders
aka tourette’s
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
syndrome of multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tics simultaneously/at different times
tourettes has a higher incidence in
cause of tourettes
genetics, streptococcal infections
how is tourettes diagnosed
motor and vocal tics occur several times a day over at elast a year without tic-free period of longer than 3 months and is not caused by substance/another medical condition, and pt experience significant impaired functioning
tx tourettes
drug therapy (calming agents)
t/f: dementia is a normal part of aging
false, it is a pathological sign
decline in perceiving, thinking, remembering, and cognitive functioning
progressive degenerative disease of brain with loss of mental and physical functioning
alzheimer disease
cause of alzheimers
genetics, age, biochemical changes in brain growth, autoimmune, viral infection, toxic chemical excess, chemical deficiency, blood vessel defects, deficiency of neurochemical factors
tx alzheimers
drug therapy, supportive care to meet needs and keep individuals as mobile as possible
pts w/this condition should avoid narcotic analgesics, antiarrhythmics, tricyclic antidepressants, antiemetics, antipsychotics, antihistamines, benzodiazepines, GI/Urinary antispasmodics, and muscle relaxants
this condition is caused from reduction in blood flow to brain from narrowed and stenosed arteries leading to general loss of intellectual abilities
vascular dementia
how is vascular dementia diagnosed
cerebral arteriography, MRI arteriography
tx of vascular dementia
improve blood flow (drug therapy, carotid endarterectomy, institutionalization)
cause of vascular dementia
growth of atherosclerotic plaque in carotid and cerebral artereies
condition caused by trauma to brain causing reduced blood flow to cerebrum
dementia caused by head trauma
how is dementia caused by head trauma diagnosed
xray, MRI, CT, neurological deficits
tx dementia from head trauma
prevent further damage, therapy, training
group of disorders that may result in chronic mental dysfunction and varying degrees of impairment
cause of schizophrenia
genetics, stress, environmental factors
schizophrenia is two to three times more prevalent in
tx schizophrenia
antipsychotics, psychotherapy, family involvement,
unique life threatening reaction to antipsychotics
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
sudden fever, muscle rigidity, altered mental status, and autonomic dysfunction while taking an antipsychotic
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
cause of bipolar disorder
neurotransmitter levels, endocrine disorders, electrolyte imbalances, emotional/physical trauma
tx bipolar disorder
drug cocktail of antidepressants, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and others