Swine Reproduction Flashcards
Swine production uses a
biosecurity program
shower in shower out
using breeds or lines to take max advantage of
their genetic types
breed complementation
In regards to breed complementation:
The ______ line is the breed giving you size
In regards to breed complementation:
The ________ line is the breed giving the
main genetic source
the tendency of a crossbred individual to
show qualities superior to those of both parents.
Heterosis or Hybrid Vigor
In regards to reproductive indices:
What is the target for piglets born alive per litter?
10 - 12 piglets born live/litter
Sows have ____ teats on each side
_____ are cranial to the umbilicus, and ________ are caudal.
Sows needs at least _______ functional teats
6 teats on each side
3 cranial to umbilicus, 3 caudal to umbilicus
Sows need at least 10 functional teats
What are the factors that can hasten
the onset of puberty in sows?
Mixing females
Length of day
Boar effect
What is the most common method used
for hastening onset of puberty?
Describe how it works.
Boar effect:
- Take the oldest, smelliest boar and allow them to touch*
- noses with the gilts and sows*
The Boar effect is used beginning
at _______ days of age; the time they are supposed to
go into heat
160 - 170 days old
Which 2 factors delay the onset of puberty?
Confinement housing
Season (photoperiod)
Age, weight, and breed are all factors that
affect onset of puberty
Crossbred animals reach puberty ________
than purebred animals
This breed of pig is the
latest to reach puberty, around 224 days
(Landrace reaches at ~170 days)
_________ day length hastens the onset of puberty
Long day length (16 - 18h)
How would you classify the estrous cycle of pigs?
Polyestrous, NON-seasonal
How long is the estrous cycle in pigs?
~21 days
The estrous cycle of pigs
has NO series of follicular waves,
as is seen in this species
Ovulation in pigs occurs two-thirds of the way
through estrus (36 hours), and ______ hours after the LH peak
24 hours
Ovulation rate is largest at the ____ parity
The largest litter size occurs from the _________
4th - 6th
This test is used to identify pigs in estrous
Lordosis response (back pressure test)
Estrus detection should be done
___ times per day ideally
Wean all piglets at day ______ post-parturition.
All sows will come back into heat in ________ days
Wean at: 21 days
Heat in: 4 - 7 days