Swine Repro Management Flashcards
What is different about swine’s repro anatomy compared to other animals?
Uterine horns are extra long
Cervix is very long
Follicles are easier to see than CL on their ovaries due to clusters
How long is the swine’s estrous cycle?
21 days
How many waves of follicles do swine have?
a single wave
How long are gilts and sows in estrus?
Gilt: 36-48hr
Sow: 48-72hr
When does ovulation occur for swine in relation to their estrus cycle?
-2/3 of the way through estrus (36hr)
-Ovulation occurs 24 hours after LH peak, 42 hours after LH surge?
-Multiple follicles rupture over a 1-4 hour period
What are some signs of Estrus?
Actively seek boar, prick ears, lordosis
Vulva swelling, redness, vaginal discharge, restlessness and vocalization, increased motor activity
If a sow goes into estrus earlier what does that mean for the rest of the cycle?
She will stay in longer
What effects the ovulation rate of a sow?
-Age - sow 18-20ova, Gilt 12-14ova
-Nutrition - higher in full fed gilt, flush
-Breed - white or maternal higher ovulation rate
What’s the average litter size?
16-20 piglets
What is the lifespan on an egg?
8-12 hours
When should you AI an animal after estrus?
AM/PM - 12 hours Gilt
24hr - Sow
How long is the gestation of the pig?
Pigs are CL dependent. True or False
-Can give lutylse to abort
If there is MRP what happens to prostaglandin?
Intraluminal prostaglandin and prevent luteolysis
How many embryos are needed for MRP?
4 Embryos
What should you consider when selecting a healthy female hog?
Immune system, BCS, Healthy bones and joints, good genetics, decent data from dam
What should you select your hogs based on?
Breed/genetics, feet and legs, underline and vulva size, growth parameters, age at puberty and breeding
True or False: We may face challenges on selecting next females to be productive and prolific sows due to selection pressure we have placed on them?
Where do you start with sow selection?
Genetics - lean is great but can adversely effect repro
What are some lean growth traits?
Back fat thickness, feed intake, feed efficiency and days to market
What are maternal traits?
Number born alive, number weaned, 21-day litter weight
How does the mating system work in swine?
Purebred grandparent stock make F1 females
-Crossbreeds take advantage of heterosis
What selection criteria are used for the musculoskeletal system?
Conformation and structure, feet and leg soundness
What selection criteria are used for the Reproductive system?
When they reach puberty and external genitalia and underline
What is good conformation?
Desirable front and rear leg structure, proper angles of the joint, good width between legs
How is soundness of the feet evaluated?
Size of toe, unevenness of toes, small toes, cracks, abrasion and swelling
What makes a good underline?
6-8 functional teats, with good even spacing and none inverted or underdeveloped
What makes good external genitalia?
Well developed normal sized vulva
Not too small or injuries
When should they reach puberty?
Gilt - 5-8 month - 100-125kg
Landrace 173d, cross earlier, durcoc 224d
What does it mean when sows have a true lactational anestrus?
They do not cycle while they have piglets cause the suckling stimulus suppresses FSH and LH = no follicular development
When you remove the piglets, how soon will estrus occur?
4-7 days
What can influence the weaning to estrus window?
Genetics, nutrition, parity, litter size BCS, lactation length
What is the target weight for breeding gilts?
300lbs with 1 recorded estrus
When do most guilts enter puberty?
6 months
2/3 mature BW
Select 4-5 months and monitor growth and BCS
What are gilts fed:
5lbs coen-soybean meal
> 14-15lb daily
When should you BCS your sows?
Pre-farrow and post-wean
What vaccinations should sows receive pre-breeding?
Parvovirus, Leptospira, Erysipelas
3-5 week apart with last one 2 week prior to breeding
How should you feed a guilt during gestation?
Dont make her overweight
-negative effect on mammary development, reduced milk, decrease feed intake, fat gilt problem during farrowing, longevity of gilt
If a sow has to mobilize energy stores to make protein then that does what to her productivity?
What affects feed intake?
Parity, BCS, Crude Protein (16-18%), Feeding Schedule, Enviromental temps
What should the weaning to estrus interval be?
<7 d
What are good parameters for the following:
Farrowing rate:
Pig born alive:
pig weaned/mated:
21 day litter wei
Farrowing rate: 85%
Pig born alive: >10
pig weaned/mated: >19
21 day litter weight: >120lb
litter/sow/ye: 2-2.5
What are some things that can help us detect estrus?
Breeding saddles
Boar Bot
What drugs can we use for estrus synchronizaiton?
Altrenogest and triptorelin