Small Ruminant Reproduction Management Flashcards
What does it mean when they say sheep are seasonally polyestrus?
They are short day breeders
-Breeding period depends on photoperiod, food, breed, presence of make, breeding system and physiologic state
What is secreted by the pineal gland during darkness that influences the gonadotropin releasing hormone and HPG feedback loop?
Melatonin - increase gnrh and makes them cycle
What factors influence SR reaching puberty?
Age, nutrition, season, breed, exposure to make
When do the following go into puberty?
Ram: 4-6m
Doe: 6-8m (pygmy 3m)
Ewe: 6-9m
When should we breed SR?
Once they reach 60-70% adult body weight
Why are SR hard to AI breed?
6-7 cartilaginous rings
What is the average estrus cycle for sheep and goats?
Sheep 17d
Goat 21d
(short cycle beginning and end or postpartum)
How many follicular waves do SR have?
3-4 = hard to synchronize
How long after the Lh surge does ovulation occur?
What are signs of estrus in SR?
Swollen vulva, mucous discharge turning cloudy, tail flagging, mounting/immobilization reflex
How long does estrus last for SR?
Sheep: 30-36hr
Goat: 24-48hr
Why do we manipulate the estrous cycle in SR?
Max milk, meat through year (cornell star)
How do we manipulate the cycle in SR?
Adapted nutrition
Photoperiod manipulation (artificial light, melatonin)
Hormonal treatment - most not approved
Male effect
What is adapted nutrition?
Flushing before breeding - increase energy increase ovulation and kidding rate
-best response if marginal BCS
-2 week pre-breed up to 2-3 week into breeding season
What BCS should males have entering breeding season?
-Will lose lots breeding
-Need energy and protein supplement 4-6 week prior to breeding
-Don’t over condition or effect semen quality
How do you manipulate the photoperiod?
Alter light or melatonin implants