Sustainability Flashcards
What is sustainability?
Sustainability meansmeeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.
What is sustainable development?
The concept of sustainable development was described by the 1987 Bruntland Commission Report as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
What are the triple bottom line principles?
The triple bottom line is a business concept that posits firms should commit to measuring their social and environmental impact—in addition to their financial performance—rather than solely focusing on generating profit, or the standard bottom line. It is broen down into the 3 P’s - Profit, People & the Planet
What does the NPPF say about sustainable development?
The draft NPPF defines sustainable development as:Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is central to the economic, environmental and social success of the country and is the core principle underpinning planning
Can you tell me about any Climate Change Conventions or Protocols you are aware of?
The Kyoto protocols within the United Nations Framework Convention committed nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with agreed individual targets.
The Paris Agreement agreed to limit temperature rises to below 2 degrees.
COP 26 was recently held in the UK in Glasgow, the key agreements were to reach net zero by 2050 and keep warming to within 1.5 degrees
What targets did one of these set?
The Kyoto protocols within the United Nations Framework Convention committed nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with agreed individual targets. The Paris Agreement agreed to limit temperature rises to below 2 degrees. COP 26 was recently held in the UK in Glasgow, the key agreements were to reach net zero by 2050 and keep warming to within 1.5 degrees
What are the most recent EU / UK targets relating to sustainability?
Zero avoidable waste by 2050, Net Zero by 2050
What is the Paris Agreement?
It is a legally binding agreement on climate change, to limit temperature rises below a maximum of 2 degrees and ideally below 1.5 compared to pre-industrial levels
What was the Kyoto Protocol and what were it’s targets?
The Kyoto protocols within the United Nations Framework Convention committed nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with agreed individual targets. They comitted to reducing their greenhouse gas emmisions by an average of 5% against 1990 levels
What are the 2020/2030/2050 EU targets?
The EU recently adopted a55 % net emissions reduction target by 2030, which takes into account carbon removals from forestry activities. This target paves the way for achieving climate neutrality in the EU by 2050. The EEA estimates that the EU’s net emissions in 2020 were 34 % lower than in 1990
Explain your understanding of COP26.
It was the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (Conference of the Parties), pledges were made by countries towards net zero, the tightening of the Paris agreement ‘ratchets’, deforestation, moving away from coal. It was also attended by industry, notably the car industry with many manufacturers pledging to move to net zero production by 2040
What did the UK Climate Change Act 2008 do?
The Climate Change Act 2008 isthe basis for the UK’s approach to tackling and responding to climate change. It requires that emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are reduced and that climate change risks are adapted to. The Act also establishes the framework to deliver on these requirements.
What are carbon budgets?
A carbon budget isa cap on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted in the UK over a five-year period. Budgets must be set at least 12 years in advance to allow policy-makers, businesses and individuals enough time to prepare. The CCC advises on the appropriate level of each carbon budget.
What did the Infrastructure Act 2015 say about climate change?
The government is introducing a zero carbon emissions standard for new homes in England and Wales from 2016, implemented through the Building Regulations. The intention is that there should be no carbon emissions generated from the energy required to heat and light a home.
It set safeguards for fracking but did allow it to take place under land without the owners permission, community rights to purchase stakes in large renewables projects, new carbon offsetting schemes (no carbon to be created in heating and lighting a home)
What is the renewable heat incentive?
It was a scheme that provided payments for those with sustainable heating systems in homes such as biomass boilers, solar water heating and certain heat pumps. People would receive quartley payments for up to 7 years for having and using the systems
How can buildings impact upon the environment?
This can happen with the carbon used to create the materials for construction, the carbon/emissions needed to provide heating, lighting and running the building and at the end of their life if the materials are unable to be recycled.
Can you give me an example of a sustainable design feature?
It could be the use of solar panels, a green roof to capture and store carbon, orientation to make the most of solar capture, the heating system installed, is there something in place to recycle heat in the building to pre-heat water
Can you give me an example of an environmental assessment method for buildings?
rdSAP used to generate a domestic energy performance certificate
Can you explain your understanding of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) to me?
This is the minimum energy performance rating for domestic and non-domestic rental property rented privately. It ensures that in order to be legally rented the property must meet a minimum score on the energy performance certificate. This is currently E and above, but in 2025 this will change to C or above
How does MEES impact upon your role?
They may in terms of the advise we give to clients if they are looking for buy to let properties so we may assess the EPC and provide advice on how or if they can obtain a C rating
What are the key dates for MEES?
Non domestic - 01 April 2023 regulations to have an E rating will apply to all existing rentals, 01 April 2027 must have a minimum C rating, 01 April 2030 Must have a B rating.
Domestic - April 2018, it is unlawful for a private rented property to be let with an EPC below E, 2020, all rented property must be above E, 1 April 2025 all residential, private rented property must be C or above
What falls outside of MEES?
Properties can be exempt if : all cost effective solutions have already been carried out and the cheapest available option is over £3500, if third party consent is not available, it may devalue the property by over 5%, listed buildings, buildings let as temporary accomodation
Are there any exemptions from MEES?
Properties can be exempt if : all cost effective solutions have already been carried out and the cheapest available option is over £3500, if third party consent is not available, it may devalue the property by over 5%, listed buildings, buildings let as temporary accomodation. In non resi, places such as places of worship are exempt, or under 50m2
What are the penalties for non-compliance with MEES?
It can be a fine of between £5k, 10% of the rateable value, 20% of rateable value or up to £150k. Usually it’ll be a fine of up to £5k
What is an EPC?
It is the energy performance certificate. It is a simple guide to the energy efficiency of a building and uses a guide of A-G to demonstrate how energy efficient it is. It also provides an indiciation of likely costs to heat and power the property and gives some recommendations on improvements that can be made
What buildings require an EPC?
They are required when a building is sold or rented and they apply to both domestic and non domestic properties
When is an EPC required?
Any property that is sold or rented must have a valid EPC, but there are some exemptions
Which buildings are exempt from having an EPC?
Places of worship, temporary buildings that will be used for less than 2 years, stand alone buildings with less than 50m2 floor space, workhops and agriculture buildings which don’t use a lot of energy, some listed buildings where improvements may alter their appearance, holiday lets, rented for less than 4 months a year, residential buildings used less than 4 months a year and buildings due to be demolished
When do you need to display an EPC?
In commercial buildings where the floor area is over 500m2 and if the building is to be rented or sold it must be displayed in the marketing literature
What is included in an EPC?
There is a simple colour coded A-G chart showing the energy efficiency of the building, a likely running costs for heating and electric and recommendations for improvements
How would you find an EPC?
There is a central register which can be accessed by anyone, they should also be included in a properties marketing materials, by asking the owner or selling agent and some commerical buildings must have them on display
When are the penalties for not having an EPC?
Usually it is a fine of between £500-£5000
What is a DEC?
Display Energy Certificate, they show the energy performance of public buildings such as health centres, NHS buildings, schools, police stations
When is a DEC required?
If it is fully or partly occupied by a public body, has a total foor area of over 250m2, frequently visited by the public
What must accompany a DEC?
On display must be the energy rating, the operation rating for the building for the past 2 years, the advisory rating including cost effective recommendations and reference values.
What are the penalties for not having a DEC?
A fine of either £500 for not having it displayed in a prominent place and £1000 for not having a copy of a valid advisory report
What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
Corporate social responsibility is a form of international private business self-regulation which aims to contribute to societal goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by engaging in or supporting volunteering or ethically-oriented practices.
What is BREEAM/RICS SKA/LEED/Passivhaus?
BREEAM is the assessment of an assets environmental, social and economic sustainability performance and was developed by the BRE.
RICS SKA rating is an environmental assessment method, benchmark and standard for non-domestic fit-outs, led and owned by RICS. SKA rating helps landlords and tenants assess fit-out projects against a set of sustainability good practice criteria.
LEED is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is a certification scheme for the design and specification of buildings.
Passivhaus - Passive house is a voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building, which reduces the building’s ecological footprint. It results in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling.
What happened to the Code for Sustainable Homes?
The Code for Sustainable Homes has now been withdrawn (aside from the management of legacy cases) and has been replaced by new national technical standards which comprise new additional optional Building Regulations regarding water and access as well as a new national space standard
What is the Climate Change Levy?
The Climate Change Levy is a tax on energy delivered to non-domestic users in the United Kingdom. It is a tax on a companies electric and gas use
What Building Regulation relates to energy efficiency?
Part L of the Building Regulations is the conservation of fuel and power
Name one example of Government policy on energy efficiency for buildings?
What is ESOS?
Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme
It is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations in the UK that meet the qualification criteria. It applies to large UK undertakings and their corporate groups. A large undertaking is one that employs more than 250 people, had a turnover of over £44m
Under the scheme, large organisations are required to assess their energy usage every 4 years and to find new ways to save energy.
When was CRC abolished?
The last deadline for submission was in October 2019
What replaced CRC?
The SECR builds on rather than directly replaced the CRC
SECR - Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporter
CRC - Carbon Reduction Commitment