Measurement Flashcards
Tell me about your understanding of RICS Property Measurement.
It is a professional statement, effective from May 2018, it applies to both residential and commerical properties, the key change was to include IPMS for residential dwellings, it’s in 2 parts, Professional statement: Property measurement and part 2: IPMS data standard
When would you use NIA as a measurement basis?
It’s the usable area of a building so typcially it would be used in a commercial office setting when looking at a rental valuation
When would you use GIA as a measurement basis?
It could be when measuring a flat for a valuation or reinstatement costs
When would you use GEA as a measurement basis?
When you are needing to obtain the overall size of a property, measured on the exterior of the building.
It could be when measuring the total size of the building for an EPC
Tell me about what is included in NIA/GIA/GEA?
Net Internal Area (NIA) is broadly the usable area within a building measured to the face of the internal finish of perimeter or party walls ignoring skirting boards and taking each floor into account. Broadly speaking the whole enclosed area of a building within the external walls taking each floor into account and excluding the thickness of the external walls. Gross external area (GEA) is the area taken to the outside face of the external walls of a building. It’s used when assessing areas for planning application purposes. Gross internal area (GIA) is the area taken to the inside face of the external walls of a building. So it includes the area of the internal walls.
What measurement basis would you use for office property?
IPMS Office
Usually IPMS 3, but could be IPMS 2
What measurement basis would you use for industrial property?
IPMS 3A - Industrial IPMS 3B - Industrial
What measurement basis would you use for retail property?
IPMS 2 - Retail & IPMS 3 - Retail
How does RICS Property Measurement differ from the old Code of Measuring Practice?
It has been updated to include IPMS Residential Dwellings
Why is accuracy important when you measure buildings?
Because the information is relied upon for a number of reasons, notably financial decisions which can have a big impact on clients and the decisions that they make
Tell me about how you use floor plans to facilitate measuring buildings?
I use it as a guide when doing it, to ensure that I have a measurement for each relevant surface, it also makes it easier when dividing up spaces for calculations
How do you calibrate a laser measurer?
Take a measurement against a known distance
Why do you take check measurements?
To ensure that the measurer is accurate, so that your outputs are also accurate
Tell me about a strength and weakness of a measuring technique you have used.
Using a laser as the accuracy can depend on the surface you are measuring to, if the disto is level & if it’s out of calibration.
The strength is that they can be accurate when done right and are a great time saving device
When would you use a tape measure?
Taking smaller measurments like window reveals or where I can’t get a decent surface for the laser
When would you use a trundle wheel?
For larger areas, I have used them externally, or when a straight line measurement is needed
What is a potential source of error when measuring?
Incorrect placement of the device, slumping in the tape, disto is at an angle, trundle wheel not in full contact with the floor
What is IPMS?
International Property Measurement Standards, it’s the measurement bible and the standards to be used when measuring property
Why has IPMS been introduced?
To ensure that property was measured in a consistent way, ensuring standards and trust in the profession
Which IPMS standards are adopted by RICS?
IPMS 1, 2 & 3 - Measurement of offices & IMPS 1, 2 & 3 Measurement of Residential dwellings
What is dual reporting and when would you use it?
It’s when 2 standards or measurement are used. So when IPMS must be used but a client asks for another standard then dual reporting should be used.
What is IPMS1/2/3 (a, b and c) and when are these used?
They are the basis of measurement, IPMS 1 is similar to GEA, IMPS 2 is similar to GIA, IPMS 3 is divided into a, b & c - a is GEA of area of exclusive accomodation, b is GIA and the measurement of internal walls, c is EFA is internal measurement, excluding internal walls
How do they differ to their former Code equivalents?
Measurements for IPMS 2 are taken to the IDF, with a definition of what the IDF is. IDF is a new concept added for this
What are limited use areas and how do you report these?
It depends on market to market what consistutes a limited use area, however they are areas of a building which are incapable of occupation due to local or national legislation, such as no windows, low ceiling heights
What is the internal dominant face?
The internal dominant face (IDF) is the inside finished surface comprising more than 50% of the floor to ceiling height for each IDF wall section. If such does not occur, then the finished surface is deemed to be the IDF.
What other IPMS standards have been published or consulted on?
There has been a recent consultation on IPMS All Building Asset Classes which ran until March 2021, there are also IPMS standards for retail and industrial buildings, there is also IPMS 4a & 4b for facilities managers measuring a part of a building
Have the other IPMS been incorporated into Property Measurement?
Not by the RICS at this time but following the consultation the probably will be
When is this likely to happen?
The consultation closed in March 2021, it will be incorporated when the new RICS Property Measurment Standards are published but I am not aware of a date for this
What RICS guidance relates to the measurement of land?
There is the RICS Guidance Note, Land Measurement for planning and development purposes May 2021 & the International Land Measurement Standard, Due Diligence for Land and Real Property Surveying
How does a theodolite help ensure accurate measurements?
The method of setting up helps ensure that it is level and directly above the survey point, plus the internal optical device makes reading circles more accurate than other devices, can be used on flat ground or slopes and still be accurate
How do you use a theodolite to set out a construction site?
It is placed over a control point with known coordinates, it’s pointed to another known control point to orient it to north, the distances and bearings from the control point to the points which need setting out are then located and fixed with pegs, these can then be checked
How do you calibrate a trundle wheel?
I would measure it against a know distance, ideally a metre, setting it off at the start against a pin, rolling it forward to another pin
How do you ensure that you present your measurements clearly and coherently?
I take the time to draw a site plan which can be large enough to be easily read, and use a simple system to denote which surface is being measured
Describe your role completing EPCs.
I was responsible for producing them prior to the property being let. I would check system notes, visit the property, draw a site plan, measure the property either with a GIA or GEA basis depending on the property type, using either a tape or disto, measure the window reveals using a tape and then calculate the square meterage for the property, noting it all down, including the calculations
Belmont Close, Huddersfield, talk me through how you measured the GIA.
It was a flat so measuring the external faces was not possible. Therefore, using a disto I measured the interior of the property, noting my readings on a hand drawn site plan, using front to back and side to side measurements
Tower blocks, Gipton, Leeds, how did you use the trundle wheel/laser device/tape measure to measure the concrete paving?
I climbed up a few floors of the block to take pictures and drawn a sketch plan of the area, then divided it up into areas, using the trundle wheel to measure the larger areas and a total external area. Then used a tape for smaller areas and the disto for speed is measuring towards a solid surface
How did your measurements support your viability study?
They gave an area of the paving, which I then used to compare to SOR rates for patch repairing the paving and SOR rates for removal and replacement of the slabs with tarmac
How did you ensure the accuracy of your measurements?
I measured twice and used the tape to confirm some of the measurements where I’d used the trundle wheel
Manor Farm Drive, Leeds, how did you use your measurements to calculate the square meter area to be replastered?
I squared out the area, then used the tape to take the dimensions of the exterior of the patches
What changes are due to the IPMS
The suggestion is that All Buildings will replace asset specific requirements so the standards will apply to all buildings, it'll be IMPS 1 & 2 for whole buildings, 3 for areas in exclusive occupation by the occupier and 4 for selected areas IPMS 1 - External Measurement IPMS 2 - Internal Measurement IPMS 3.1 - External Exclusive Use IPMS 3.2 - Internal Exclusive Use IPMS 4.1 - Including Internal Walls IPMS 4.2 - Excluding Internal Walls
You’ve read the RICS Professional Statement: RICS Property Measurement, 2nd Edition January 2018, how is it structured?
Application for this statement
Technical Definitions
IPMS Office as applied in the RICS professional statement
IPMS Residential applied in the RICS professional statement