Risk Management Flashcards
What is your understanding of contract risk?
It is the assesment of risk associated with a contract, this may include loss of opportunity, legal exposure if things go wrong, and potential business impact the contract will have on the involved parties.
What is your understanding of project risk?
A project risk is an unknown or uncertain event which may occur during the lifecycle of a project, it could also be the risk associated with the project itself
What are the key aspects of risk management?
They are identifying the risks, analysing them, prioritising them, planning a response, managing them through the project and then an analysis on completion
What is your understanding of risk allowance?
It is the amount of risk that is agreed to be allowed, ie, time risk allowance is the amount of time allowed by the contractor in programming activities to allow for the risk of delay should problems arise.
What is your understanding of how traditional procurement routes allocate design risk among project parties?
In a traditional procurement route separates design from construction, therefore the risk is predominately born by the client who will be appointing the designer
What is your understanding of how design and build procurement routes allocates design risk among project parties?
With this route the contractor is responsible for the design of the finished project, therefore the risk associated with the design is allocated to them.
What is your understanding of how PPP procurement routes allocate design risk among project parties?
Public Private Partnerships, the public body will usually stipulate the service it requires and the contractor is responsible for the delivery, with this it uslly shifts the risk with design onto the contractor with stage payments based on performance. The contractor may design the project to reduce ongoing maintenance costs to mitigate some of the ongoing risk
What is your understanding of how traditional procurement routes allocate risk of cost overrun among project parties?
It depends on the procurement but typically it is done either through fixed price tendering to place the risk onto the contractor or it could be shared with an agreement of a gain share
What is your understanding of how design and build procurement routes allocate risk of cost overrun among project parties?
This is not something that I have undertaken, but I do know it can be allocated by specifying a fixed price lump sum which allocates the risk to the contractor. Clients and contractors can mitigate against it by including contingency sums in their budgeting and agreements for variations and contract extensions or design changes
What is your understanding of how traditional procurement routes allocate risk of time overrun among project parties?
Typically the risk is allocated to the contractor, with allowances, in the contract for unforseen events to mitigate some of the risk for the contractor and clauses for late delivery which protect the client
What is your understanding of how design and build procurement routes allocate risk of time overrun among project parties?
This is not something that I have undertaken, but I do know it can be allocated by specifying a project timescale which allocates the risk to the contractor. Clients and contractors can mitigate against it by including contingency sums in their budgeting and agreements for variations and contract extensions or design changes
What risk analysis methods are you aware of?
After identification, Probability and consequence analysis, brainstorming, bow tie analysis, probability impact scoring
SWIFT analysis
What is quantitative risk analysis?
Quantitative risk analysis uses verifiable data to analyze the effects of risk in terms of cost overruns, scope creep, resource consumption, and schedule delays.
What is qualitative risk analysis?
Qualitative risk analysis tends to be more subjective. It focuses on identifying risks to measure both the likelihood of a specific risk event occurring during the project life cycle and the impact it will have on the overall schedule should it hit.
What is your understanding of sensitivity analysis in risk management?
It is an analysis of how changes in a specific area affect the outcome or variables, so how the risk can be managed, mitigated etc by making changes
What is your understanding of expected monetary value risk analysis?
Expected monetary value (EMV) isa risk management technique to help quantify and compare risks in many aspects of the project. EMV is a quantitative risk analysis technique since it relies on specific numbers and quantities to perform the calculations, rather than high-level approximations like high, medium and low.
What is your understanding of a risk register?
It is a log of identified risks, it’ll list the risk, the probability of it occuring, what will make it occur, what’ll happen and the impact it’ll have, how it can be managed or reduced, who is owning it and a timescale for review
What is your understanding of a risk matrix during risk analysis?
It is a table, giving a way over defining the level of risk by considering the likihood against the impact
What risk mitigation strategies are you aware of?
Accept, Avoid, Control, Transfer, Watch and Monitor
What is your understanding of risk transfer?
It it the process of mitigrating a risk by transfering the strain of the risk onto another party. Like clients mitigating against material price rises by setting a fixed price contract
What is your understanding of risk avoidance during risk management?
It is identifying a risk and then setting a strategy to avoid the risk from occuring. So you plan for it, then take steps to avoid it
What is your understanding of risk reduction during risk management?
It is identifying the risk and then developing a plan to reduce the impact when it does occur, this could be bulk purchasing materials to reduce the impact of a price rise
What is your understanding of risk acceptance during risk management?
When identifying the risks, you can choose to analyse them and accept. For example you could decide that prices may rise, but only by a little so you accept the reduced profit, or sickness outbreak hitting a project, you accept it will happen and set plans for when it does
What is your understanding of fall-back option during risk management?
It is a back-up plan to the contingency plan, so you may set a contingency plan, if that then fails you have a further option. So in a rain affecting site where materials could be affected, you may order a dry store to keep them in, if that then fails your fall back could be to order more materials and submit an insurance claim