Inclusive Environments Flashcards
What is the definition of an inclusive environment?
as ‘one that can be accessed and used safely, easily and with dignity by everyone’, ‘does not physically or socially segregate, discriminate or isolate’ and ‘is well designed, functional, efficient and sustainable, and delivers an enhanced user experience
What should an inclusive environment create?
A diverse and inclusive environmentestablishes a sense of belonging among employees. When employees feel more connected at work, they tend to work harder and smarter, producing higher quality work.
What should inclusive environments facilitate?
A diverse and inclusive environmentestablishes a sense of belonging among employees and users. When employees feel more connected at work, they tend to work harder and smarter, producing higher quality work.
What industry guidance are you aware of? Does it go beyond meeting minimum standards or legislative requirements?
Equality Act 2010, Construction Industry Council, Building Regulations part M , yes all the guidance does go beyond meeting minimum standards, BS8300
Why is it important to provide choice?
Because a one size fits all approach will not fit every users needs or the needs of the organisation
How do you promote diversity of user needs?
High quality, inclusive design
How do you promote inclusive environments?
Start from the top, focus on inclusive recruitment strategies, have safe spaces, be aware of unconcious bias, training, celebrate differences
How can this create a safe working environment?
Because it allows employees to feel comfortable in being their true selves at work
Tell me about the diversity of user needs.
Diversity in this sense refers to the variety in user needs. Needs diversity involves accommodating users with different skills, knowledge, age, gender, disabilities, disabling conditions (mobility, sunlight, noise), literacy, culture, income, and so on
What is cultural change? How can this be problematic? How can this be achieved?
A cultural change is an organization’s commitment to change. They want to change their beliefs, behaviors, practices, and processes. The goal is to transform the work environment for the better.It can be problematic because people can be resistant to change as they may have found comfort in how they are doing things now. Change can be acheived through training and ensuring staff are listened to throughout the process with the ability to feed into the process
In relation to end users and potential needs, explain the principles of direct and indirect discrimination and unconscious bias.
Whiledirect discrimination targets individual employees with certain characteristics, indirect discrimination occurs when employees are all treated the same, but certain employees are put at a disadvantage because of this.
What legislation contributes to creating inclusive environments?
Equality Act 2010
What primary and secondary legislation are you aware of?
Equality Act 2010, Human Rights Act 1998, NPPF
Tell me about the NPPF/Equality Act 2010/Building Regulations.
Part M of the building regulations ensures that people are able to access and use buildings, The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people with protected characteristics from discrimination in the workplace and wider society, the National Planning Policy Framework sets out the governments economic, social, environmental planning policies for England such as planning policies
What are key requirements for inclusive environments?
It does not physically or socially separate, discriminate or isolate. It readily accommodates and welcomes diverse user needs — from childhood to adulthood through to old age, across all abilities and disabilities and embracing every background, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and culture
On what scales might you advise on inclusive environments?
scale the Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education Scale (ATIES)
What is inclusive or universal design?
Universal design is the design of buildings, products or environments to make them accessible to all people, regardless of age, disability or other factors.
What is economic inequality?
Economic inequality isthe unequal distribution of income and opportunity between different groups in society. It is a concern in almost all countries around the world and often people are trapped in poverty with little chance to climb up the social ladder.
What is social cohesion?
It is the strengths of relationships and the sense of solidarity among members of a community
What is gentrification?
Gentrification is the process of changing the character of a neighborhood through the influx of more affluent residents and businesses. It is a common and controversial topic in urban politics and planning.
What issues might gentrification cause?
It can lead to the existing occupants feeling like they are no longer part of the community or not welcome, it drives up prices and makes it harder for people on lower incomes to find somewhere to live
What are the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010?
These areage, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
What does the Equality Act 2010 provide?
It provides protection from discrimination in the workplace and wider society, especially if the person is covered by one of the protected characteristics
How does the Equality Act 2010 relate to service providers or controllers of let premises?
It creates a legal duty to make reasonable adjustments to premises, to disposal of premises, management of premises. Those providing a service to the public must not descriminate against any of the protected characteristics
What does the Equality Act say in relation to reasonable adjustments?
The Equality Act saysthere’s a duty to make reasonable adjustments if you’re placed at a substantial disadvantage because of your disability compared with non-disabled people or people who don’t share your disability. Substantial means more than minor or trivial.
How is the Equality Act enforced?
Individuals can take legal action through the court system through employment tribunals or the county court system, it is enforced by the Equality and Human Rights Commision
What changes to physical features might be made?
Changes have been made to add sex, disability and gender reassignment
What are examples of auxiliary aids and services?
Adapted keyboards, hearing loops, specialist software,
When would you specify either a change to a physical feature or an auxiliary aid/service?
When there is improved technology or changes are needed to make the space more accessible
How do the Equality Act 2010 and Building Regulations relate to each other?
The Equality Act says that disabled individuals should not face barriers to access premises.If a disabled person does face a barrier to gain access then the service provider is under an obligation to make reasonable adjustments. The building regs then set regulations on how the spaces and access need to be designed
What does Regulation 9 say?
It’s part of the building regulations, and which types are exempt from the regs
How long is an exemption under section 9 valid for?
I would need to read the regulations to confirm this
What are the requirements under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)?
The public sector equality duty ( PSED ) requires public bodies to have due regard to the need toeliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.
Who does the DEC apply to?
Public Bodies
How is it enforced?
The equality and Human rights commision can issue and enforcement notice following an assesment
What is an Access Statement?
An Access Statement isa document that is important for recording and sharing the intentions of your plans in terms of accessibility. An Access Statement is a document that explains the ambition of your development in terms of providing equal access for all potential users.
What does Approved Document M relate to?
Approved Document M provides information about the ease of access to, and use of, buildings, including facilities for disabled visitors or occupants, and the ability to move through a building easily including to toilets and bathrooms.
How many parts is Part M split into and what does each relate to?
2 parts, part 1 dwellings, part 2 buildings other than dwellings
Does Part M guarantee inclusive design?
Where Part M requirements apply:Non-domestic buildings or dwellings newly erected. affects the structure, means of escape and fire spread, fire fighting access, and access to and use of the building). house, institution, public building or a shop where they were not previously.
What happens if you deviate from this and a user is subject to substantial disadvantage as a result of design?
Then enforcement action will be served and improvements must be made
What is BS 8300?
British Standard 8300 - Guidance on good practice in the design of domestic and non-domestic buildings & their approaches, so that they are convenient to use by disabled persons
What minimum standards does BS8300 provide?
Everybody – particularly the disabled, elderly or those less able to stand – should be able to enter, use and exit a building easily, comfortably and independently. This includes being able to escape in the event of an emergency.
What does NPPF say about inclusive design?
The NPPF defines ‘inclusive design’ as “designing the built environment, including buildings and their surrounding spaces, to ensure that they can be accessed and used by everyone
How might this be incorporated into local planning policy?
It is part of the planning approval process and how the building will comply should be incorporated into the design and application
What key design principles can be used to achieve inclusive environments?
Accommodating for all people, regardless of their age, gender, mobility, ethnicity or circumstances. Welcoming with no disabling barriers that might exclude some people. Realistic offering more than one solution to help balance everyone’s needs and recognising that one solution may not work for all.
How can inclusive environments be incorporated into the different stages of a building’s life cycle?
Bu inlcuding it as part of the initial design and designing it in such a way that adjustments can be made to suit the needs of the users, as the use of the building could change over time
How can you consult with key stakeholders?
Meetings, conferences, questionaires, focus groups, websites
Who might be key stakeholders?
Users, public, council officers, clients, disability rights groups, local residents, residents groups, ward councillors
What are the 5 stages of fire risk assessment?
Identify the people at risk, identify the fire hazards, evaluate the risk, record the findings, review and revise
What is a FRA?
A fire risk assessment shouldhelp you identify all the fire hazards and risks in your premises. You will then be able to decide whether the risks identified are acceptable or whether you need to take steps to reduce or control them.
Who must undertake Fire Risk Assessment
It is the designated responsible person, this could be the owner of the building or business or deligated to a specialist
How often must a fire risk assessment be reviewed?
At a minimum of once every 4 years
What legislation relates to fire safety?
Fire Safety (Regulatory Reform), Fire Safety Order 2005 Fire Safety Act 2021
What requirements does the Fire Safety (Regulatory Reform) Order 2005 introduce?
That owners and emplyers have a responsibility to ensure their buildings are complaint and staff are provided with adequate fire safety training
What is a PEEP?
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans
A PEEP is a plan for a person who may need assistance, for instance, a person with impaired mobility, to evacuate a building or reach a place of safety in the event of an emergency.
What arrangements to evacuate might be in place?
It could be plans such as fire escapes, how to evacuate less mobile people, training on using stair chairs
Safe shelter Zones
How does the 2005 Order relate to inclusive environments?
Appropriate means of escape should be included, plans for adequate means of evacuation for vulnerable people should be in place, training in place for people to help with escape
What does visual clarity mean?
providing necessary visual clarity in the event of a crisis, so clear signage that can be read during a fire, with recognised standard signage, stair treads etc
What audibility systems are you aware of?
Hearing loops, which is a type of sound system for people with hearing aids, fm systems and infared systems which can be picked up by the wearers aids
What employment law relates to inclusive environments?
Equality Act 2010
Explain your corporate policy relating to inclusive environments.
We don’t currently have one, but LCC did and it ensured that all reasonable adjustments would be considered and put in place to allow everyone to complete their work
How do ethical considerations compare to legal requirements in relation to inclusive environments?
They are broadly the same but an ethical employer will ensure that all reasonable measures are in place, without the need for reference to the legislation and the needs o employees and users are under review all the time
Explain what the Changing Places campaign relates to.
It’s a campaign to have more accesible toilet facilities in public spaces, particularly ones with facilities for adults with care needs
What is Fitwell?
Fitwel is a building rating parameter for commercial buildings and for both single-tenant and multi-tenant existing structures that offer best practices and guidelines in designing and operating healthier buildings
Explain your understanding of the UK government’s Disability Strategy.
Our new National Disability Strategy is a clear plan –from giving disabled people the best start in school to unlocking equal job opportunities, this strategy sets us on a path to improve their everyday lives by improving accesible homes, upgrade job support,