Health and Safety Flashcards
What health & safety legislation are you aware of?
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 enforces the duty of employers to ensure the health, safety and welfare of it’s employees, that they have a duty of care to non employees who could be impacted. Employees also have a responsibility for their own safety. It also mentions that senior managers and directors can be prosecuted if they have committed an offence
How do you ensure that you comply with this legislation?
I have relevant PPE, have had training on risks and how to complete an on site risk assesment and ensure that I comply with my employers lone working policy
What are the penalties under current health & safety legislation?
It can be a fine or potentially a prison sentence for serious breaches, this can be for individuals or fines for firms
Is it a criminal offence to breach the H&S at Work Act 1974?
Yes it is and individuals or firms can be prosecuted by the HSE in court for breaches
Tell me about your employer’s health & safety policy?
I use relevant PPE depending on the work being undertaken, we have a lone working policy and an open policy to discuss mental health and concerns
What are your health & safety duties as an individual surveyor?
I have a duty to my employer, to myself and to clients and the public to ensure that my duties are carried out safely and that others are not put at risk of harm
What guidance does the RICS produce about H&S?
Surveying Safely Guidance Note, Asbestos Guidance Note
Tell me something you understand from reading Surveying Safely.
That even office based activities are covered, including things like desk set up and looking after mental wellbeing
When was Surveying Safely last updated?
November 2018, it came into effect in February 2019
What are the key changes to surveying safely?
The safe person concept and ensuring the competency of others
What is the safe person concept?
It means that an individual assumes behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues and others health and safety whilst at work
What must Regulated Firms provide?
A safe working environment, proper equipment, safe systems of work and competent staff
What happened in the case of Suzy Lamplugh?
She was an estate agent who went to meet a client for a viewing and has not been seen since, the police have been unable to trace who she was meeting or what might have happened to her
Why is this important for surveyors?
Because we are visiting people we don’t know, in their homes and this will usually be on our own so we are at a potential risk of harm from the occupants
What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
It is equipment that will provide the wearer with some protection against health and safety risks
What is a risk assessment?
It is a method of identifying potential hazards which may cause harm, looking at who could be harmed, the risk associated with the hazard and then ways in which that risk can be eliminated, controlled or reduced
What is a risk?
Is it the chance, either high or low that a hazard may cause harm to an individual or group of people.
What is a hazard?
A hazard is something that could cause harm to an individual or group of people
How would you undertake a risk assessment before attending site?
At LCC I would check the records for any notes on past ASB issues with the tenant or known risks, I then ensure my diary is up to date with where I am visiting. When on site I check the external, then as I am going through the property for any concerns, also keeping an eye on the tenants behaviour. Under my employers policy, if there are any risks which cannot be easily overcome then I would leave the property
What is asbestos?
It is a naturally occuring mineral which, when used has a high degree of versitility, however it is known to cause serious health issues and it’s use has now been banned in the UK
What legislation are you aware of in relation to asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
What do you understand by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012?
You need to identify and control the risk of asbestos when completing work, work on asbestos needs to be completed by a licensed contractor and controls in place when it is non licensed work and training is mandatory for people who may come across it as part of their work
Who is the duty holder?
Anybody with contractual repairs and maintenance responsibility for a building or are in control of that premises
How does asbestos cause lung damage?
The tiny fibres get absorbed by the lung tissue, which then creates a protective barrier around them, this can then typically lead to cancers in later life
What are the two types of asbestos survey?
Management surveys and refurbishment and demoltion surveys
When was asbestos banned?
All asbestos was banned in 1999, however crocidolite (blue) and amosite (brown) were banned in 1985
What is an asbestos survey/management plan?
A survey will identify likely ACM’s and should include testing to confirm this. A management plan registers where ACM’s are located, how they will be managed, how they will keep users of the building safe and timescales for review of the plan
Explain the key principles of the new RICS guidance relating to asbestos.
It discussed the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and how these can apply to surveyors, how surveyors can identify and mitigate the risks and what they are responsible for. It also looks at strategy principles for managing asbestos
What is occupational health?
It is a means of ensuring physical, mental and social wellbeing of people in a working environment
Why is occupational health important?
Incorrect working practices can have a big detrimental impact on employees health and keep them out of work for long periods and affect their everyday lives, this obviously also has a big negative impact on the business as well
What are the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015?
They are the main set of regulations for managing health and safety in construction
When were the CDM Regulations last updated?
April 2015
What changes were made when the CDM regs were updated?
They were simplified, the CDM co-ordinator role was replaced by the Principle Designer, the principles apply to domestic projects now was well and there are additional duties for the client such as ensuring a construction phase plan is produced
What is a notifiable project?
Project that meets a threshold for notification to the HSE, anything over 500 person days, lasts longer than 30 days and has more than 20 workers on site at any one time
Tell me about your understanding of fire safety?
It is measures to reduce the risk of fire and to reduce the risk of the spread of fire to reduce harm and damage as well as ensuring adequate means of escape
What is the key fire safety legislation?
Regulatory Reform, Fire Safety Order 2005, also the International Fire Safety Standards
Tell me about your understanding of the Equality Act 2010.
It protects the rights of individuals so they are free from discrimination against one of the 9 prescribed protected characteristics
Explain what RIDDOR is.
Reporting of injuries, diseases & dangerous occurances, it puts duties on employers to report certain workplace accidents from fractures to deaths
What is a CSCS card?
Construction Skills Certification Scheme are cards which show that the individual has the necessary skills and qualifications for the role they are performing on site, covers roles like manger, trainee, PM
What is COSHH?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health it’s a law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health like chemicals, dust and gases amongst others (but not lead or asbestos)
What changes have recently been made to COSHH?
Revised limits on certain chemicals came into effect in 2021 to reflect Brexit and the end of EU regs. People now need to apply to the HSE for a substance to be approved rather than the ECHA
Explain any recent changes to Part B that you are aware of.
Part B is part of the Building Regulations and gives guidance on fire safety, changes are that sprinklers need to be fitted to any building containing flats that’s over 11 metres rather than 30, new consistent signage to help firefighters with floor levels,
Explain your understanding of the Fire Safety Act 2021.
It is a new piece of legislation that extends the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and it adds that the structure and external walls of a building will come under the RRO as well, this means the responsible person will need to ensure the fire risk assesment and fire safety strategy encompasses the structure and external wall systems
What is a Building Safety Regulator?
They’ll be the regulator for high rise buildings so over 7 stories or over 18m tall, they’ll enforce building safety by working with the building owners and if they are meeting regulations and that information is provided to residents on fire and structural safety
Tell me about your understanding of RICS guidance specific to residential property management
Health and Safety for Residential Property Managers Guidance Note
When did the Health and Safety for Residential Property Managers Guidance Note come into force?
It is effective from August 2016
What are the key principles of RICS H&S for Residential Property managers
It sets out key responsibilities for property managers and the regulations that apply in industry sectors such as real estate sales, HMO’s and letting agents and how health and safety risks can be assessed
What are some of the specific H&S risks/provisions/legislation you need to take account of relating to residential property?
HHSRS, HASAWA, LLT Act 1985, Fire Safety Order 2005
What are the key principles of the LTA 1985?
Section 11 and 20 are the primary ones that will apply, section 11 requires the landlord
What is vicarious liability?
It’s a Tort Law that means employers can be held liable for the actions and wrongdoings of their employees
What do the Occupiers Liability Act 1957/1984 and the Defective Premises Act 1972 say?
Occupiers Liability places a duty of care on occupiers of a dwelling to keep visitors reasonably safe, it was updated in 1984 to deal with dangers they are aware of, even if the visitors are uninvited. This legislation imposes a liability for poorly constructed and converted buildings, along with any injuries that may result. This is a landlord’s liability; however, failure by a contractor for instance to carry out their duties in a workmanlike manner, or use proper materials, could place a duty on the contractor as well.
What are the grounds for regaining possession of a tenancy under the Housing Act 1988?
Depends on the tenancy but usually serious rent arrears, death of the tenant, no right to rent or Anti Social Behaviour
What are the additional H&S considerations for HMOs you are aware of?
You need to hold a mandatory license, they need to comply with the same regulations and safety standards as other landlords and also ensure there is adequate means of fire escape
What are your duties under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 / Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rent Sector (England) Regulations 2020. Landlords must maintain gas appliances and flues provided for tenants are
Electric test must be completed at a minimum of once every 5 years and supply a copy of the certificate to the tenant & housing authority if it is requested. Landlords: have a duty toensure that gas appliances and flues provided for tenants’ use in residential property are installed and maintained in a safe condition. They are required to perform an annual safety check which has to be undertaken by a Gas Safe registered engineer on each appliance or flue.
Talk me through what the HHSRS is and what the requirements of it are.
Housing Health and Safety Rating system is a risk based rating system for assesing a buildings fitness by using a rating system to assess hazards in a building and their likihood of occurance, hazards looked at are heating, dampness, risk of falls. They are described as Cat 1-3 and cat 1 hazards need immediate rectification. It means landlords must keep properties free of hazards
Explain your understanding of the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018
This has now come into force for all tenancies and it requires landlords, it fits in with the LTA 1985 and gives more definition to what consititutes a home fit for human habitation. It makes it easier for tenants to seek legal redress and defines 29 areas which could make a home unfit
Explain your understanding of the Building Safety Bill.
This set out the role of the Building Safety Register and its aim is to establish a building safety regime for at risk buildings in the wake of Grenfell, it looks at materials, design, construction and ongoing maintenance
Explain how you ensure your personal safety on site?
I adhere to my employers lone working policy, wear relevant PPE and undertake dynamic risk assesments during the survey
Explain how you ensure the security of your personal possessions on site?
I either leave them locked in the car and out of site, or keep them with me where possible
Tell me about how you ensure good health & safety practices whilst on site
I am vigilant with my work, adhere to relevant policies and when I see unsafe practices I challenge it and raise it with a manager to ensure it is logged. I would also discuss H&S breaches or reportable incidents in my monthly meetings with the contractors
Tell me about when you have used PPE on an inspection.
When inspecting the roof space of a block of flats I visited with a colleague and we wore protective suits, high visibility vests, steel toe capped shoes with a robust undersole, hardhats and disposable gloves
What would you do if you suspected asbestos existed on a site inspection?
Depends on the condition of the asbestos, the reason for the survey and if it is likely to be disturbed during works. If it will be disturbed or is relevant I have commisioned a survey to confirm the presence then passed this onto a contractor, if it’s a Home Survey I will note the condition and location in my notes and draw attention to it in the report
Tell me about any specific precautions you would take when inspecting a dilapidated property.
I would wear appropriate PPE, insect externally at first, then complete a dynamic risk assesment to see if it is safe to enter the property and complete the internals. If during the survey risks become apparent I will act accordingly which could include leaving the premises
What hazardous materials have you come across in your work?
I have noticed the presence of ACM’s in a variety of locations
What would you do if you encountered an aggressive dog on site?
Depends where the dog is, where possible I have asked that it is contained in an appropriate place, where that is not possible or the property is unoccupied then I would leave and make arrangements to return when it is safe to do so
What precautions do you take if inspecting a new build property?
If on a live construction site I would adhere to any site rules in place and undertake an induction if nenessary. I would also discuss any risks with the siter manager, wear appropriate PPE and be vigil for risks
St Augustine Court – how did you safely inspect?
I wore a hard hat and safety shoes to reduce the risk of harm from falling materials, I notified my employer that I was visiting and spoke to a contactor to ensure that it was safe to enter, keeping a close eye on my surroundings when I was there
What did your risk assessment flag up?
That the Asbestos register had been completed and there were no know ACM’s in the vicinity, that the majority of the loose plaster had been removed and made safe but that there were still materials on the floor which could cause a trip hazard so to avoid these areas
How did you apply the RAMS during Covid?
I would talk to my team, going through the RAMS with them to identify any risk factors to see if it was safe for them to visit or what safeguarding measures could be put in place
What precautions did you take during Covid?
I only visited when absolutely necessary, I asked the tenants a series of questions then asked them to isolate in one room and open all windows and wore well fitting mask and gloves for the whole visit, cleaning my hands with sanitiiser on completion and safely disposing of the gloves and mask
Leeds – how did you safely inspect the roof?
The policy was to attend in pairs which we did, we inspected on a dry and still day, did not lean over the parapets
What legislation did you adhere to?
Work at Height regulations would apply
Do you have training to work at height?
No, only on how to safely use the ladders
When was Asbestos banned
In the UK, Blue (Crocidolite) and Brown (Amosite) asbestos importation and use were originally banned earlier in 1985 and the final ban came for all types in 1999.
Where might you expect to see Asbestos in a standard 70’s property?
Roof tiles, sink pad, floor voids, back board to the consumer unit, under cloaking, facias, rainwater downpipes