Sust 2002 Flashcards
Lecture 1 and 2
What is a sustainable community?
a sustainable community manages its human, natural, and financial capital to meet current needs while ensuring that adequate resources are available for future generations
How do we create sustainable cities?
-planning in the US is largely a local matter without much central control
-all states allow and most require local comprehensive planning to implement governmental goals around sustainability
Role of local government in sustainable development
local government has the most responsibility for and control over policies to promote sustainable development
Types of (big P) policies:
sustainability plans, smart growth plans/policies, comprehensive planning, climate planning, and placemaking
development that represents the values, history, culture, economy, and geography of a community is key to supporting a strong economy, vibrant neighborhoods, and a high quality of life
Why do cities need to be sustainable?
as urbanization continues to increase-with an expected 70% of the world’s population expected to live in cities by 2050-it is essential that cities identify and implement green approaches
Why are sustainable cities beneficial?
-ensure healthy environment, improve quality of life for residents, and promote economic resilience
-help reduce pollution, conserve resources, and mitigate the impacts of climate change
-foster social equity by providing accessible services and green spaces, creating communities that are more inclusive and livable
How can government decisions impact health?
policies, plans, procedures, and programs (4p’s) -> help make the healthy choice the possible choice
What is health?
state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Social determinant of health
housing/neighborhoods, public safety, built environment, transportation, natural environment, economic development, water/sanitation, community
Role of public health
since introduction of pills, major decline of infectious diseases
Built environment
complete streets; safe routes to school and parks; policies governing fast food outlet density; parking requirements: age friendly plan
Active transportation
bus passes for employees; location and routes of transit/destination; covered bike racks at public event
Healthy food
community garden policies; grocery store siting rules; healthy concessions; provision of water fountains and water bottle filling stations
Sustainable DC water goals
-improve quality of waterways to standards suitable for fishing and swimming
-reduce volume of stormwater runoff
-reduce demands for potable water and increase rainwater reuse
-ensure safe, accessible drinking water
Health and equity
flow directly from governmental policies and processes such as: zoning, allocation of resources, distribution of amenities, access to capital