✅Surgery Flashcards
1st and 2nd steps for treating acute variceal bleeding
1st: 2 Large bore IV needles vs. central line for IVF
2nd: Endoscopic sclerotherapy vs. band ligation

Postop Cholestasis develops after surgerys that involve ⬜, ⬜ and ⬜ .
Why is this?(3)
hypOtension | [massive blood loss] | [massive blood transfusion]
- hypOtension ➜ [⬇︎ Liver function] ➜ [⬇︎bilirubin excretion]
- [massive blood loss] ➜ [renal ischemic tubular necrosis] ➜ [⬇︎ bilirubin urine excretion]
- [massive blood transfusion] ➜ [⬆︎ pigment load] ➜ [⬆︎ bilirubin to excrete]

Surgical repair for hip fractures may be delayed up to ⬜ hours.
72 hours
address unstable medical comorbidity first
How does SBO present (3)?
What’s most common cause?

- [NV –> hypOkalemia]
- [Bloating - Hyperactive “tinkling” Bowel Sounds]
- [Dilated Bowel Loops X-ray]
Adhesions! (operations)

Etx for [Isolated Duodenal Hematoma] occur?
1st line tx? -2
2nd line tx?
[Abd trauma to children]–>blood between mucosa and submucosa –> resolves spontaneously in 1-2 weeks
Tx =
1st: [NG suction + Parenteral nutrition]
2nd: [Laparascopic hematoma removal]
Describe Varicoceles
Tortuous Dilation of Pampiniform Venous Plexus surrounding spermatic cord & testis within scrotum
L renal vein compression (from Aorta and SMA or thrombosis) –>L side scrotal bag of worms worst with standing/valsalva and better when supine

[Retropharyngeal Abscess] presentation (5)
Why does this have to be treated STAT?
Odynophagia / [Painful Neck Extension] / Fever / Sore throat / [Trismus (inability to open mouth)]
Abscess infection may spread into mediastinum!
[Retropharyngeal Abscess]
Dx -2
Tx -2
Dx = CT neck vs. Lateral Radiographs–>Demonstrates cervical spine Lordosis
Tx = [Abx IV] + [I&D]

Complications of SBO (2)?
Management (2)
Strangulation vs. Perforation
Mgmt = [Surgical Exploration] vs. [NPO & IVF –> NG tube suction]
Diverticulitis Abscess Tx
CT guided-percutaneous (alternative surgical) abscess I&D
Diverticulitis = Soft tissue stranding & colonic wall thickening
INR for normal people
0.8 - 1.2
Therapeutic INR range for pts on warfarin
2 - 3
Acute GI perforation requires emergent _____
Laparotomy (surgical incision thru abd wall)
MOD of [AMBIC- Acute Mesenteric Bowel ischemic colitis] post AAA repair
inadequate [Left Descending Colon] and [Sigmoid Colon] arterial perfusion from IMA during aortic graft placement –> Ischemia

CT revealing air & edema in bowel wall –> thickening = AMBIC
Step-wise process for [Blunt Abd Trauma in hemodynamically unstable pts]. Any Caveat?
DPL = Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage = aspiration of 10 mL of peritoneal fluid with blood = intraperitoneal injury

Staph Aureus and Staph Epidermidis both affect prosthetic joints. What is the difference?
[Staph Aureus = Acute ( < 3 mo. onset)] & may only require debridement
[Staph Epidermidis] = Delayed > 3 mo. onset and must be replaced
PrePatellar bursitis is often due to ⬜, but other causes include ⬜ or ⬜
S.Aureus (infects bursa via extension of local cellulitis after trauma)
[Gout Crystalline Arthropathy] / [Rheumatoid Arthritis]

CT scan shows ⬜ which indicates what diagnosis?
. What causes this?

[air in DEEP tissue]; Necrotizing Fasciitis
[Polymicrobial > GASP] spreads rapidly thru SubQ & deep fascia after minor trauma –>
Tx = Debridement + Broad Abx

What is the first sign of hypOvolemia
Massive Hemoptysis is defined as ⬜ or ⬜ . The greatest danger with this is ⬜ .
[>600 mL expectorated blood over 24 hours] vs. [Bleeding > 100 mL/hour] –> Asphyxiation from blood in airway
What is the management for [Massive Hemoptysis] -4
1st: Intubate
2nd: Place bleeding lung in lateral decubitius to prevent bleeding from going to other lung
3rd: Bronchoscopy to localize & cauterize bleeding site
4th: Thoractomy if bleeding persist despite bronchoscopy or if uL bleeding
[>600 mL expectorated blood over 24 hours] vs. [Bleeding > 100 mL/hour]
On which PostOp Day is atelectasis most common? Explain how this causes Respiratory Alkalosis
POD2! ; PostOp pain vs. Residual anesthesia vs. tongue prolapse —> hypOxemia and INC work of breathing –> Hyperventilation —> Respiratory Alkalosis
Acute PE may present similarly
Femoral n. Function (2)
[Hip flexion]
[Knee extension]
Femoral n. innervation (2)
[ANT thigh] & [Medial leg via saphenous branch]