DM & Endocrine Flashcards
Goal HbA1C and BP for DM pts
< 7% ; <140/90(also BP goal for CKD pts)

When is Metformin contraindicated?
Creatinine > 1.5

Microalbuminuria is an indicator of (⬜3)
What lab value is used to detect Microalbuminemia?
what are the values for normal, micro and macro?
- DM
Urine [Albumin Creatinine Ratio];
normal = < 30
micro = 30-300
MACRO = >300
How often should eye exams be done for DM pts

for IDDM, how much daily insulin should be prescribed?

What things cause HYPERKalemia? -6

What are the opthalmological complications of DM-3; what causes them?
- Retinopathy (from ⬆︎VEGF –> abnormal angiogenesis)
- Glaucoma (⬆︎ Sorbitol eye pressure)
- Cataracts (Glycation of Ocular lens

A: Clinical Manifestations of DiGeorge Syndrome (5)
B: Genetic Cause
C: Embryologic cause
“CATCh 22 & Pa3”

Cardiac (Tetralogy of Fallot + Aortic Arch abnormalitites)
Abnormal face (Bifid Uvula/low set ears)
Thymus Aplasia (Thymic shadow in image) –> Virus/Fungal infection
Cleft Palate
[hypOcalcemia from PTH deficiency] may–> Carpopedal Spasms
22q.11.2 deletion
Pharyngeal arch - 3rd/4th both fail to develop
How does hypOthyroidism affect Neuro system - 4
- it causes ⬇︎ in DTR
- ⬇︎ motor relaxation phase
- Mood ∆
- Dementia
Obesity w/Hyperphagia + Retardation should raise suspicions for what disorder?
Prader Willi Syndrome
Common s/s of HYPERthyroidism -9
- [Tremor & Tachycardia]
- Fatigue
- Appetite ⬆︎ but Wt ⬇︎
- Reflexes ⬆︎
- Cardio (Tachycardia, Palpitations,Exertional SOB)
- Heat intolerance –> SWEATING
- Exopthalmous with lid lag
- Diarrhea w/ possible dyspepsia
Older pts may only have Fatigue and Cardio sx!
S/S of hypOthyroidism is mostly opposite of Hyperthyroidism
What are 4 symptoms specific to only hypOthyroidism?
Mosty opposite of TT Feels ARCHED but may also have…
- Diastolic HF
- Depression
- Menorrhagia
- Pedal Edema
What type of radioiodine uptake do you see in [Silent Painless thyroiditis]?
this is a variant of Hashimoto chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
low radioiodine uptake

What happens to [total thyroid hormone] serum level when drugs displace thyroid hormone?
Which drugs do this?-3
[free hormone displacement] ➜ [Thyroid production ⬇︎] –> ⬇︎TOTAL thyroid levels but normal free hormone levels
- Furosemide
- Heparin
Precocious puberty occurs in [girls less than ⬜ years old] and [boys less than ⬜ years old]
How do you work this up?

Precocious puberty occurs in [girls
A pt has just been diagnosed with [Gonadotropin Dependent Central Precocious Puberty]
What are the major causes of this?-2
IDIOPATHIC > Pituitary tumor

ALL PTS WITH THIS SHOULD UNDERGO CONTRAST BRAIN MRI REGARDLESS OF +/- HA/VISION SX. Precocious Puberty may be the first sign before the tumor
Danazol MOA
testosterone derivative with progestin effects
Teenage boy comes in with gynecomastia
How do you work this up?
YOU DONT! - Pubertal gynecomastia is seen in up to 66% of teenage boys mid-late puberty. It can be uL, BL and/or painful
Tx = self-limited to ≤2 years
How long does it take radioiodine therapy to treat Hyperthyroidism? ; How does radioiodine therapy actually worsen Graves ophthalmopathy?
1-4 mo ; radioiodine eventually –> hypothyroidism –>⬆︎ thyroid stimulating autoantibodies –> orbital tissue expansion from orbital fibroblast stimulation
Tight blood glucose control in DM pts mostly ⬇︎ their risk for what?
microvascular complications (retinopathy, neprhopathy)
we dont know if it has an effect on MACROvascular disease such as MI or stroke
Riedel thyroiditis MOD
progressive fibrosis of thyroid gland and surrounding tissue (that looks like CA)
cp for HyperParathyroidism - 4
Painful Bones (to include Pseudogout), Renal Stones, Abdominal Groans (includes constipation), Psychic Moans

MEN-Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 1 cp - 3

MEN-Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 2A cp - 3