PTSD dx requires sx > 1 month
PTSD sx [3 days -1 month] duration = ⬜
[Acute Stress Disorder]
[Normal Grief Bereavement] overlaps [Major Depressive Disorder]
Name 4 major qualities of NGB that distinguishes it from MDD
- aIn [Normal Grief Bereavement]:*
- if Patient wishes to die it’s only to join the deceased*
- visual/auditory hallucinations of deceased person is normal*
- [sadness (Triggered by reminders) ➜ PRESENTS IN “WAVES” and ⬇︎ Intensity over time]*
Diagnostic criteria for [Adjustment disorder with depressed mood] - 3
- [≤ 4 SIGECAPSS] within 3 mo. of acute stressor (EXCLUDING BEREAVEMENT) that –>
- functional impairment
- NOT 2/2 more specific disorder

Tx = CBT
Diagnostic criteria for [Adjustment disorder with depressed mood] - 3
- [≤ 4 SIGECAPSS] within 3 mo. of acute stressor (EXCLUDING BEREAVEMENT) that –>
- functional impairment
- NOT 2/2 more specific disorder

Tx = CBT
[Normal Grief Bereavement] overlaps [Major Depressive Disorder]
Name 4 major qualities of NGB that distinguishes it from MDD
- In [Normal Grief Bereavement]:*
- if Patient wishes to die it’s only to join the deceased*
- visual/auditory hallucinations of deceased person is normal*
- [sadness (Triggered by reminders) ➜ PRESENTS IN “WAVES” and ⬇︎ Intensity over time]*
PTSD dx requires sx > 1 month
PTSD sx [3 days -1 month] duration = ⬜
[Acute Stress Disorder]
Buspirone = [5HT1α R partial agonist]
[slow onset] and [lacks muscle relaxant/anticonvulsant properties]
Describe Trichotillomania is
what’s a serious complication of this?
compulsive Hair pulling DO in which pt attempts to stop pulling hair out of scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes BUT CAN’T!
Possibly ➜ trichophagia (swallowing hair) which ➜ bowel obstruction
Related to OCD and has ⬆︎morbidity in those with hx or fam hx of OCD
Diagnostic clinical criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder consist of a ≥6 month time period of ≥3 out of 6 major sx
What are the 6 GAD major sx?
Worry / Anxiety that –>
- Tension in muscles
- Concentration ⬇︎
- Hyperarousal IRRITABILITY
- Energy ⬇︎
- Restlessness/on edge
- Sleep ∆
Patients with postpartum depression can be treated with ⬜ or ⬜ antidepressant and can continue to breastfeed
Sertraline ; Paroxetine
these have the lowest/undetectable levels in breast milk
This condition ( ⬜ ) is common in ⬜

[Tinea Corporis trichophyton] ; [atheletes who participate in contact sports]

pruritic but nontender rash with central clearing and raised borders
[Pressure decubitus Ulcers] require local wound care, repositioning and pain/nutrition control
How are shallow ulcers managed?
How are Full-Thickness ulcers managed?
s: [occlusive or semipermeable dressings to maintain moist wound environement]
- Patients with OCD can experience Obsessions, Compulsions or both*
- ________________*
a. define Obsessions
b. Give 4 examples
c. define Compulsions
Obsession = Recurrent intrusive anxiety-causing urges or thoughts about..
([killing/unwanted taboo urges], fear of arm, contamination, symmetry/bad luck)
Compulsion = rituals/behavioral response used to combat the obsessions (> 1h/day or causing significant distress)

Patients with OCD can experience Obsessions, Compulsions or both
Tx for OCD -2
[SSRI high dose]
[(Exposure & Response prevention) CBT]
+/- [TCA clomiporamine] and antipsychotic augmentation

cp for Carbon Monoxide poisoning?-3
- GI distress
- HA
Dx = [Carboxyhemoglobin levels: ABG]
This can present very similarly to [Cyanide tox (also [PINK SKIN BUT with bitter almond breath)] and [Methemoglobinemia tox (BLUE SKIN)] so be careful!

toxicity of what 2 substances causes PINK SKIN?
{Carbon Monoxide tox ➜ [PINK SKIN]}
{CYanide tox ➜ [PINK SKIN with Yucky BITTER ALMOND BREATH]}

Houses built before what year ⬆︎ risk for lead poisoning?
false positives occur so be sure to confirm with venous blood draw!
Antidote for CYanide toxicity - 3
“CYanide poisoning, Needs Smoke Help”
- Nitrites (induces methemoglobinemia)
- [Sodium thiosulfate]
- HydroxoCobalamin
empircally treat smoke inhalation pts for CYanide tox!
This type of study (known as ⬜ ) can only provide what type of information?

[ecologic correlational study] ;
population-level information
[mild 32-35C hypOthermia]
sx? (5)
m: passive external warming

(remove wet clothes, blankets)
[Moderate 28-32C (or unresponsive mild) hypOthermia]
sx? (5)
(warmed IVF, heated blankets, warm baths, forced hot air)

[SEVERE <28C (or unresponsive Moderate) HYPOTHERMIA]
sx? (3)


a child, brought in by their grandmother needs non-emergent care
What are the guidelines for this?
For minors, in NON-emergent situations, informed consent should be obtained from parent or legal guardian (written > verbal) before intervention
if 911 situation: consent does NOT need to be obtained before intervention (as long as reasonable attempts to contact parent/legal guardian are made)