Supervision of Pol-Ch 8, Psych Aspects of Superv Flashcards
The wish for security, based on fear, apprehensivesness and avoidance
The commonly recognized basic human drives
- drive for response, derived from love, friendship and affection,
- wish for recognition, gained by status, presige, social approval
- drive for new experiences, including curiosity, adventure, craving for excitement
Satisfaction derived from _____ others well is important in law enforcement
Fundamental Satisfactions that the individual strives to fulfill
- affection, acceptance and security
- sense of personal adequacy
- recognition as a personality
- opportunity for accomplishment
- opportunity for independence
- opportunity to obtain new experiences
- opportunity to possess something or someone
Coleman lists of basic psychological needs that have a vital bearing on the behavior of individuals.
feeling for security
sense of adequacy
sense of self-esteem
sense of social approval
Alfred Adler used this phrase to describe the psychological feeling of inadequacy and applied this concept as a partial explanation of some of the problems of the emotional human animal.
inferiority complex.
Persons have a drive for superiority and that the frustration coming from a feeling of inferiority thwarts this basic drive.
inferiority complex
father of psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
Freud found that if he allowed his patients to talk about their psychological ailments, by bringing them to consciousness and giving them expression, their fears, problems and complexes were often alleviated
Rogers, describing catharsis as the process of
talking or acting things out
lack of ____ or _____ is often the direct cause of debilitating anxieties, fears and feelings of insecurity among employees.
knowledge or understanding
_____, ____ and an ____ of helpfulness are essential if the best results are to be achieved.
patience, sincerity and attitude
Symonds describes this behavior as a “step taken by individual in order to avoid meeting and solving some difficulty or present problem.
regressive behavior
An escape from reality, a “defense against anxiety by stopping the process of development.
condition of fixation.- involves a concentration on some particular infantile situation that tends to block maturation. Childlike or immature reasoning, in connection with some problem situation, usually will not solve the dilemma but will likely lead to increased anxiety.
When individuals are prevented from fulfilling certain conscious desires or impulses, when their basic drives or needs or satisfactions are not realized, they are thwarted in reaching their goals, frustrations develop.
goal frustrations
behavior reactions commonly found in frustrated persons
aggression, regression or fixation
Degree of success achieved will be directly related to supervisors ____ and ____ the effort he expends in helping his subordinates solve their problem
patience and understanding
Nature of Frustration:
when important goals are obstructed, usual reaction is to go around it, remove it, attack it head on or accept defeat. Sometime they become aggressive and attack it improperly. Person who finds it difficult to adjust to gets frustrated and
irritation, emotional conflicts of all sorts, reduced flexibility in handling other problems. Sometimes, supervisor becomes the barrier when supervisor ignores or is unaware of employees drive to attain a certain goal
drive toward achievement of a goal may be blocked by what type barriers?
- external- physical thing in environment, ex: malfunctioning flashlight, sticking door, bad brakes,
- internal barriers-new and better assignement, fears of responsiblity of new position, failure of person to make adjustment to the environment in which he finds himself.
other External barriers
- human barriers- nagging spouse, incompatible partner or supervisor.
- situational barriers- unpopular rules or policies, inadequate salaries, or onerous situations
Frustration and Performance:
Individual experiencing frustrations to which he is unable to adapt will usually become
emotional, irritable and inflexible, which will affect his performance.
The threshold level at which frustrations have different effects on behavior is called
frustration tolerance
This might be the result of the blocking of a great desire to attain a goal or inability of the individual to accept a substitute goal.
Intense frustration
Since human beings cannot remain static for long, they tend to meet frustration with ____
When aggressive behavior conflicts with social standards, what takes place.
suppression.. With supression comes more frustrations
talking back, picking arguments, finding fault, name calling, excessively criticizing, belittling other and engaging in sarcastic or bossy behavior are examples of
direct verbal attacks.
rumor-spreading activities, uncomplimentary stories and jokes, disparaging remarks about the object of attack are examples of
indirect verbal attacks
Form of loafing, work slowdown, sabotage, destruction of property, waste, excessive rest periods, absenteeism, departure from job before end of day
Aggression has two main functions
- wresting of satisfaction from the outside world in the drive toward a goal that is blocked
- desire to hurt or destroy the source of pain, those things or persons who are symbols of the barrier.
This principle will apply to the amount of control he exercises over his behavior.
pleasure-pain …If the pain from punishment he is likely to sustain exceeds his pleasure from the aggressive acts, he will probably discontinue them
When emotional conflicts with their resultant frustrations are frequent or continuous and attack reactions are not available to the individual, he may give up all attempts to satisfy a motive and adopt an attitude of resignation
attitude of resignation… His hope for solution will be absent, as will his esprit de corps.. Discouragement will often cause bitterness or apathy.
When employee has attitude of resignation, he should be helped to establish new goals and interests. Sometimes giving him added responsibility and understanding that someone has confidence in him. If his self-esteem is not reestablished, he usually becomes the marginal employee.
There are frequently no readily available solutions for such a mental attitude if it involves true resignation. As last resort, separation of the individual from service may be in order to preserve the morale of organization
Employees withdrawing physically or mentally from his dilemma, who lacks self-confidence in his ability to perform
headaches, stomach upsets or nervous disorders are often caused by anxieties or frustrations are called
psychosomatic illnesses
sometimes an individual will develop certain defenses in form of excuses to help save face or preserve his pride and to justify his failure to achieve his goals or fulfill his responsibilities
excuses and rationalizations
when individual assigns such blame to some external object rather than to himself, he is said to have engaged in
______ is common reaction to failure
rationalization: perhaps one of the most common and one of the most insidious defense mechanisms because it usally cannot be dealt with subtly.
This act may protect him from the effects of frustration to a degree, but it prevents him from facing situation and making real effort to solve problem confronting him.
Finding excuses
frustrated individual will abandon problem solving for an immature or even infantile type
regressive action
regression in a supervisor has particularly damaging effects. It may cause him to depart from his philosophy of _____ _____
firm supervision
Immature reaction resulting from regression substitutes for _____ and _____ ability
growth and problemsolving
Adlers psychology assumed that individuals tend to repeat infantile acts when they have found such behavior helpful in achieving their desires.
The screaming child seeking gratification of a desire…The weeping employee will weep when results are achieved thereby
when an individual keeps repeating a response even if it is not effective, he is experiencing
most obvious means of preventing frustrations arising out of the work environment is the ?
discovery and removal of underlying causes
When goals are adopted which are impossible or unreal, frustration is likely, resulting in
uncontrolled anger psychomotor tension depression remorse embarrassment withdrawal from reality complete change of personality
supervisor should help relieve his troubled subordinate of frustration by providing an opportunity for the achievement of a feeling of
if frustrating conditions produces severe emotional or mental disorders that persist, what might be in order
professioanl attention
a conscious or unconscious drive that prompts an individual to take action to achieve a goal