Supervision of Pol-Ch 3, Leadership,Supervision and Command Presence Flashcards
Leadership may be defined as
art of influencing, directing, guiding and controlling others in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect, and loyal cooperation in the accomplishment of an objective.
leadership is the human factor that
binds a group together and motivates it toward goals
Park and Kleemeier make the distinction when they state
when men obey another because of fear, they are yielding. When men follow, they do so willingly-becuase they want to do what a leader wishes. Herein, lies the distinction between being an authority and being a leader.
distinction between being an authority and being a leader is, Leaders ____,____ and ___ the group to follow willingly, even eagerly
stimulates, motivates and inspires
authority ___ and __ his men to yield and obey becuase they fear the consequences of disobedience
pushes and drives
Becoming skillful in applying sound leadership techniques requires
Ideal for the organization- is the leader recognized as such formally and granted leadership authority not only by his organization but by his subordinantes
The true leader
The grant of authority by the latter is the only real source of authority
____ of ____ authority does not ipso facto make a person a leader. Leadership status must be earned
Granting of formal
Outstanding training is offered by numerous programs to help supervisors develop leadership skills:
Southern police leadership Institute
west point command and leadership program
FBI National Academy
What leader is highly authoritative
What type of leader is most likely to succeed when bold, rapid aciton is indicated
autocratic-provided he has capacity to make sound, workable decisions
This supervisor who seeks ideas and suggestions from his subordinates and allowing them to participate in decision making that affects them, by and large secures best results as a leader
supervisor who leads democratically
purely democratic leadership will work poorly in
emergent or unusual situations
I emergent or unusual situations, in such situations, the stronger leaders make it understood that participative management means
“I manage and you participate”
leader keenly aware of human factor in managing others, as an employee-oriented leader, he secures better performance from his subordinates, motivates them better and enables them to derive greater satisfaction from their efforts. Most probably, he not only will be a ____leader but will be ___ by his group.
popular and respected
This leaders seldom gives his subordinates the attention or help they need, when the leader
plays down his role as such and exercises mininum control… Free Rein or Laizzez-fiare ldeader
free rein or Laissez-Faire leader
does not work well. More concerned about being liked by his subordinates than being respected by them, invariably produces a climate of permissiveness.
feelings of insecurity develop among workers because they are left without positive direction and guidance they look for and expect from leader.
Free Rein and Laissez-Faire Leader
As result- morale, discipline, efficiency and production begin to deteriote and leader loses control
One supervisor can be highly effective in each situation as long as he can adapt his style to needs of that situation.
Situational leadership
Hersey and Blanchard developed situational leadership to help supervisors understand how to diagnose situations and then apply the correct management style for maximum results. The leaders style is a combination of ___and ___
task behavior
relationship behavior
Style the leaders uses in a situation is dependent on the workers ___, which is a combination of ___ and ___
ability and willingness
Readiness style’s
When workers are both unable to do the job and unwilling to try, leaders uses ____
Readiness style 1.- this Leadership style 1 (telling), High in task behavior but low in relationship behavior
When workers are unable to do the job but are willing or confident, the leader uses ____
Readiness style 2 - this Leadership style 2 (selling), high in task behavior and high in relationship behavior
When workers are very capable but are unwilling or insecure, the leader uses ____
Readiness style 3 - this Leadership style 3 (particpating), low in task behavior, high in relationship behavior
When workers are very capable and very willings, the leader uses ___
Readiness style 4 - this Leadership style 4, (delegating), low in task behavior and low in relationship behavior.
Detective squad is typically closer to what readiness sytle
readiness style 4
Situational leadership is based on an interplay among ________.
- amount of guidance and direction (task behavior) a leader gives
- amount of socio-emotional support (relationship behavior) leader provides
- readiness (maturity) level that followers exhibit in performing a specific task, function or objective
Situational leadership was developed to help___
leaders be more effective in their dealings with subordinates
Selection of leadership style is determination is based on his own ___, ___ of his subordinates and his ___ and theirs, yet he must avoid becoming bogged down in supervisory style.
personality, personalities and goals
What is the key to skillful leadership?
selection of the right approach for right situation
Command presence. It is the natural manner of an individual indicating a complete command of his ___ and ___ faculties and ___
mental, physical and emotions
In command presence, it encompasses the qualities of ___, ___ and ___
dignity, self-assurance and poise
Who summarized this condition by stating: The supervisor absorbs heat from above instead of passing his own irritations on to his subordinates. He maintains a deportment of calmness and evidences a high degree of emotional security, even under provocation
Pfiffner and Fels
Elements of Leadership
- Discipline
- Ethics-
- Common Sense
- Psychology
A _____ in it broadest sense in an organization is perhaps the best mark of good leadership
high level of discipline
Ordinarily, if high discipline is present, a high level of ____ __ ___ and ___ will result together with increased efficiency
espirit de corps and morale
Position of true leadership places on the leader a ___ obligation to adhere strictly to high standards of ___ and ___ he expects of his subordnates
honor and integrity
Supervisor’s conduct is appraised in three frames of reference:
- what is actually is
- what he thinks it is
- what it appears to be to others
_____ ____ is one of the most valued characteristics of a leader and is the hallmark of true leadership
Common Sense
The maintenance of a high level of discipline and morale requires some practical knowlefge of the _____ ____ that affect human behavior
psychological factors
To gain willing support and cooperation of subordinates, the supervisor must learn those principles and techniques of leading them by _____ and _____ rather than by driving them by arbitrary methods
sound logic and clear thinking
Supervisor will find that best results will be obtained if he uses his authority ____ and ____displays it.
sparingly and rarely
Supervisor must develop at least a ____ understanding of the things that motivate them
______ involves the application of incentives, which encourages a certain positive pattern of behavior and attitude and contributes to the accomplishment of org object.
Unless employees ___ with these ___ and ___ they are attainable, he will not be able to commit himself to them. He wont be motivated
agrees, objectives and believes
By avoiding ____ and ___ supervisory practices, he can gain their confidence and respect, which are vital in the process of motivation
inconsistent and arbitrary
this type of motivators as fear, coercion, intimidation and punishment
Negative motivators
Negative motivators should be avoided except when more ____, ____ have been tried and have failed
constructive, positive means
Supervisor should constantly evaluate his leadership qualities in an _____ so that he might gain some insight into his ___ and ___
objective manner
strengths and weaknesses
The biggest problem in supervisor self appraisal is
honestly admitting to himself that his techniques might be wrong from time to time
_____ ____ will quickly be recognized and may become the source of resentment and dissatisfaction
Mechanistic supervision
Leadership Characteristics- Every leader should possess the following traits
- Friendliness, sincerity, affection for others and personal warmth
- enthusiasm for job and all it entails
- ambition
- physical and nervous energy and vitality
- moral and physical integrity
- intelligence
- technical skill
- faith
- verbal aptitude
- courtesy
- modesty
___ and ____ are essential to effective leadership
Diligence and industry
____is a composite of all his personal characteristics
personality of an individual
The keynote to supervisory success is ___
capability of the supervisor to adapt others methods to his own particular style
With regard to the human relations movement, Megginson aptly observed that it has brought about “an overconcern with the ____ and ___ doctrine and the ___ ___.
sweetness and light
happiness cult
Megginson asserts that when supervisor interprets the human relations doctrine as meaning that he has not right to be critical and dissatisfied with inferior performance, he deprives his subordinates of
a standard of determining the level of performance that can be reasonably expected of them. Just having a happy emloyee is not enough
Just having a happy employee is not enough- they need _____and _____ and _____if they are to be satified and productive
reasonable goals and sense of achievement and personal development
the objective of good human relations should be the ____ production in the ___ possible time with the ___ energy and the ___ satisfaction for the producers
greatest, shortest, minimum and maximum
Supervisor will find that a calm, controlled manner will be hellpful to him in maintaining the ____ and ___ of his subordinates
confidence and respect
Indicators that supervisor lacks self-control desirable in a leader is
frequent irritation, petulance and emotional displays-especially of temper and anger
the ___, ___ and ___ attributes of supervisor have a powerful effect on his relations with subordinates
physical, moral and mental
Who said “ We need to develop a new set of social skills that will combine the new permissive and democratic approach with the continueing need to exercise authority, positive and forceful authority when called for.
Pfiffner and Fels
The is a force the supervisor should utilize to substantially increase his effectiveness
Desire of individuals for recognition
Who used the approach with great success that honest, sincere praise wins friends and influences people but that insincere flattery will backfire and make enemies
Dale Carnegie
The One Minute Manager by management experts Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson recommends using the one-minute praising tech.
Blanchard and Johnson suggest one-minute reprimanding and one-minute goalsetting tech similiar to those listed.
“feedback is the breakfast of champions”
Critism and Reprimands by the leader
average supervisor all to often does not face up to his responsibilities of giving criticism when due. Often afraid of repercussions from the social group if he does.
Knowledge of subordinates
supervisor should learn as much as possible about his subordinates, individually and collectively.
he gains more info thru inspection of personal records, observations, personal contacts
Supervision of Marginal Employee
employee who does just that amount and quality of work that will not give organization a cause of action against him often is cause of consideration concern to supervisor.
such employee that invariably the source of much dissatisfaction within their peer group and often contaminate with their antiorganization attitutde
Marginal employee
order giving
using indistinct speech or poor word selection, giving orders in a disordered or haphazard manner, giving to many orders at once or too much detail in one order and neglecting to follow up are some of most prevalent reasons for failures in order giving.
which is more effective than coercion in obtaining acceptence by those workers affected.
Direct commands
- orders may best be given by command when emergent conditions require direct, prompt action
- also appropriate in situations where officers know what the right thing to do is but may be tempted for a variety of reasons to neglect their duty
most orders should be framed as
requests. Employees will often resent an authoritarian dictatorial method
the capable, conscientious, responsible subordinate usually requires nothing more than a
___ or ____ directives can be employed to good effect with reliable employee who readily assumes responsibility for a task
implied or suggested
Orders to ____or ____employees should be given in a more direct manner than by implication or suggestion
inexperienced or unreliable
requests for volunteers
used with care. Usually to perform a dangerous or disagreeable assignement he cannot or should not perform himself. Never have volunteers for a task supervisor should perform.
verbal orders
usually satisfactory for simple tasks and in emergency situations.
other than a simple order, person giving it should have it played back so that any misunderstanding that have resulted in the communication process can be clarified.
____orders should be used in situations where complex operations or numerous persons are affected to ensure that all receive same message.
supervisor surrenders his authority little by little when he fails to follow up his orders to ensure that they have been carried out
One of the most frequent functions the supervisor is called on to perform is that of
decision making
____has a stabilizing influence on subordinates
____is easily perceived and tends to destroy confidence and lower respect
decision making process involves several steps
- awareness that real problem exists
- facts must be obtained
- when sufficient data has been collected, it must be evaluated and analyzed.
- alternative approaches leading to a logical conclusion should be decided on , and probable consequences of each should be weighed. This involves insight.
- decision must be selected from alternative solutions. Pros and cons should be considered and weighed.
- decision must then be communicated to those who must carry it out
_____is perhaps the most common failing of an inexperienced supervisor
oversupervision, often called ____ caused what?
causes loss of respect for supervisor, creates suspicions in minds of employees, fosters rumors and arouses resentment.
example setting
supervisor must remember the principles, not just the rules. “if you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.”
Marks of a good leader
rigid adherence to the requirements of good taste and convention, good breeding and behavior and lack of pomposity
the respected leader will be imitated ___or ___ by those he leads
consciously or unconsciously
women supervisors: _______has been cited by Haar and Morash as one of the primary sources of stress for female officers
gender stereotyping
Of all sworn officers in 2000, what is the percentage of women and what is percentage female commanders
13 %, 7.3% commanders
Source of peer support, training and mentoring for woman
International Association of Women Police
____of african american officers in one study reported that they believed there was a pattern of racial discrimination in employment decision
supervisors must make decisions scrupulously based on ___ snf ___ requirements
fairness and mission
avoidance of gender bias and harassment
all supervisors must excercise exceptional common sense and introspection in their relationships with subordinates, especially with those of opposite sex.
Sexual harassment in workplace is prohibited by federal law ____ and it may be litigated as a civil rights violation under ________
29 CFR 1604, and Title 42, Section 1983
One survey found that _____ of police agencies have no written policy against sexual harassment
symptoms of leadership failure.
selfishness, suspicion, envy, failure to give credit, hypercriticism and arbitrariness usally denote weaknesses, if not failure of indiv leader. When these characteristics are present to a marked degree in a supervisor, he is not fit to direct and control others.
leadership fails more often because it is not ____ when it is most needed than because the techniques are flawed
if level of discipline in org is low, if standards of conducct and performance leave much to be desired, or organization is riddled with disloyalty, mistrust and self-interest, its leaders have failed;
failure will inevitably result in reduced productivity, low morale and poor organizational spirit.
The challenge for supervisor is to help police officers redefine their role and accept responsibility for following in a constantly changing, transformational enviroment.
With many PD’s turning to COP and utilizing problem solving approaches, Peak, Gaines and Glensor made this statement
Key ingrediants in developing an effective leadership-followership strategy are
genuine participation, communication, shared decision making, equity, self-control and interdependence
CP invests great deal of authority in street-level officers; it requires
leadership, management and communicative skills, coupled with a considerable amount of creativity.
first challenge for supervisor of a CP program is to adapt to high level of necessary ____and ____involvment
commitment and community
CP supervisor skills are critical:
leadership, program management and negotiation
for community oriented policeing and problems solving to be effective, supervisors must understand its ___, ____ and _____
concepts, support its principles and be part of it.
1990 the Police Executive Research Forum identified characteristics of a good problem-oriented supervisor:
- allow subordinates freedom to exp w/new approaches
- good and accurate analyses of problems
- granting flexibility in work schedules
- allowing subord to make most contacts directly, paving way when they are having trouble getting cooperation
- protecting subord from pressure within dept
- running interference
- knowing what problems subord are workingon
- knowing subord beat and important citizens
- coaching subord thru process, giving advice,helping manage their time
- monitoring subord progress and prodding them along if necessary
- supporing subord even if their strategies fail,
- managing problem-solving efforts over long period of time,
- give credit to subord and letting other knows it
- allowing subord to talk w/visitors or at conferences about their work
- identifying new resources and contacts for subor
- stressing cooperation, coordination and communication within the unit and outside it
- coordinating efforts across shifts,beats, outside unit and agencies
- knowing that officers and det.s must come to believe in it
ensuring that COP and problem solving are connected to homeland security is a ____issue
leadership. First line supervisor are in best position to make sure this gets done
Some supervisors fail in their primary task of
directing, leading and controlling others, because they have not been able to apply these principles to their particular position
Perhaps the single function that best marks the good leader is his ability to maintain a high level of ____, ____ and _____
discipline, morale and esprit de corps
nowhere are these _____ ____more important than in giving of orders.
psychological factors
the leaders ___, his ___ and ___ and the time and place in which the order is given will affect the reactions of his subordinates
manner, gestures and inflections
what type of language should be scrupulously avoided
immoderate, vulgar and indecent language
Most difficult type of motivation process, yet the most powerful and lasting force in forming attitudes is
process of Inspiration