Supervision of Pol-Ch 13, Personnel Evaluation Systems Flashcards
Studies have revealed that this is one of the highest development needs at the supervisor level of management, exceeded only by the need for developing the supervisors capacity for motivating others
evaluation or appraisal of employees
Personnel rating systems are inherently unstable because the instruments are
causes of evaluation system failures
indifference employee pressures failure to train raters rating abuses slipshod procedures rating shortcuts
evaluations system will be successful only if the raters or those rated really want it to succeed.
indifference- lack of interest or concern
the key to the successful administration of a rating system and is its most usual source of weakness
training raters
without this training, it is highly probable that the system will collapse because of its cost ____ and ____
inefficiency and uselessness
abbreviated versions of rating scales devised to economize on time at the expense of accuracy have been responsible for a high percentage of failures.
rating shortcuts section
recording methods
incident reports
record observations
supervisors log
critical incident technique
involves the collection of objective data about an employees performance, which can be used as a basis for more effective performance ratings
rating forms will usually list from 4 to 12 traits or characteristics that must be considered by rater. Not more than twelve traits relevant to the job performed should ordinarily be used for best results
rating traits section
rating traits and abilities can be grouped into broad categories
personal characteristic-honesty,character,attitude
ability-common sense, judgement,stability,job knowl
suitability for promotion
one of the most significant organizational factors contributing to poor performance is the failure of the supervisor to clearly communicate the expected standard of performance to subordinates
performance standards section
one of the least useful devices in the evaluation of personnel
arithmetic accomplishment - reports reflecting quantity only
____ will provide one tool for measuring employee capabilities and giving management an inventory of them
_____ employee is usually the most vociferous and may attempt to embarrass his superiors by accusing them of prejudice.
Failure to train raters:
________ can usually be traced to the lack of training or a failure on part of management to clearly define rating traits.
*deficiencies are perhaps the greatest source of complaints about administration of the system.
Another cause of failure in rating programs results from the neglect of management to give raters an opportunity to learn rating procedures under supervision wherein rating problems and solutions are discussed,
Rating system is bound to fail into disrepute if
personnel rated come to lose confidence in it because it has been abused by management.
Key figure in rating system is
first line supervisor.
who plays a prime part in setting standards of performance for his subordinates
first-line supervisor