Superficial Face and Scalp Flashcards
Layers of the scalp
Skin CT Aponeurosis Loose CT Pericranium
Gaping wounds vs non-gaping wounds
Gaping involves aponeurosis?
Parotid gland and duct- associated arteries/nerves/muscles
Parotid sits on masseter muscle
Great auricular nerve is cutaneous
Facial nerve travels deep to parotid and branches into 5 nerves
Facial artery/vein starts deep to gland in inferior portion and travels medially
Transverse facial artery/vein begin superior to gland and travel medially
Maxillary artery and vein are deep to gland and mandible
Facial artery origin, course, distribution OCD
O- external carotid artery
C- ascends deep to submandibular, winds around inferior border of mandible and enters face
D- Muscles of facial expression and face
Inferior labial artery OCD
O- facial artery near angle of mouth
C- runs medially in lower lip
D- lower lip
Superior labial artery OCD
O- facial artery near angle of mouth
C- runs medially in upper lip
D- upper lip and side and septum of nose
Lateral nasal artery OCD
O- facial artery as it ascends alongside nose
C- passes to ala/side of nose
D- skin on ala and dorsum of nose
Angular artery OCD
O- terminal branch of facial artery
C- passes to medial angle of eye
D- superior part of cheek and inferior eyelid
Occipital artery OCD
O- external carotid
C- passes medial to posterior belly of digastric and mastoid process, accompanies occipital nerve in occipital region
D- scalp of back of head
Posterior auricular artery OCD
O- external carotid artery
C- passes posteriorly, deep to parotid gland, along styloid process between mastoid process and ear
D- auricle of ear and scalp posterior to auricle
Superficial temporal artery OCD
O- smaller terminal branch of external carotid
C- ascends anterior to ear to region and ends in scalp
D- facial muscles and skin of temporal frontal and temporal regions
Transverse facial artery OCD
O- superficial temporal artery within parotid gland
C- Crosses face superficial to masseter and inferior to zygomatic arch
D- parotid gland and duct, muscles and skin of face
Mental artery OCD
O- terminal branch of inferior alveolar artery
C- emerges from mental foramen and passes to chin
D- facial muscles of skin of chin
Supra-orbital artery OCD
O- terminal branch of ophthalmic artery
C- passes superiorly from supraorbital foramen
D- muscles and skin of forehead and scalp and superior conjunctiva
Supratrochlear artery OCD
O-terminal branch of ophthalmic artery
C- Passes superiorly from supratrochlear notch
D- muscles and skin of forehead and scalp and superior conjunctiva
Risorius function
Pulls corners of mouth laterally - closed mouth smile
Occipitofrontalis function
Raises eyebrows towards scalp
Corrugator supercili function
Pulls eyebrows together- makes a “Huh?” face
Procerus function
Pulls eyebrows downwards, helps flare nostrils
Nasalis alar and transverse portions
Alar- Compresses nasal cartilage
Transverse- flares nostrils
Orbicularis oculi
Closes eye
Buccinator function/innervation
One of first muscles humans can use, necessary for breast feeding/sucking. Aids in chewing
Facial nerve
Orbicularis oris
Puckers lips
Zygomaticus major/minor
Major- draws angle of mouth superolaterally
Minor- elevates upper lip
Masseter function/innervation
Elevate and protrude mandible
Mandibular nerve via masseteric N.
Temporalis function/innervation
Elevate mandible, posterior fibers retrude
Deep temporal branches of mandibular N
Lateral/medial pterygoid function/innervation
Lateral- protrude mandible, depress chin when used bilaterally. Side to side movement unilaterally
Lateral pterygoid nerve
Medial- elevate and assist in protruding when working bilaterally. Protrude side of mandible and produce grinding motion unilaterally
Medial pterygoid nerve
Levator palpebrae superioris function/innervation
Elevate upper eyelid
Oculomotor nerve
Superior oblique function/innervation
Abduct, depress and medially rotate eyeball
Trochlear nerve
Superior rectus function/innervation
Elevate, adduct and medially rotate
Lateral rectus function/innervation
Abduct eyeball
Abducent nerve
Medial rectus function/innervation
Adduct eyeball
Inferior rectus function/innervation
Depress, adduct and laterally rotate
Inferior oblique function/innervation
Abduct, elevate and laterally rotate
Musculus uvulae
Levator veli palatini innervation
Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
Tensor veli palatini function/innervation
Tense soft palate, open mouth of auditory tube
Medial pterygoid
Palatoglossus function/innervation
Elevate posterior portion of tongue and draw soft palate towards tongue
Pharyngeal branch of vagus
Only tongue muscle not innervated by hypoglossal n.
Tensor tympani innervation
Medial pterygoid nerve