Superficial Face Flashcards
Innervation and function of orbicularis oris
. Innervated by the facial nerve (VII)
. Spincter of the mouth
Function and innervation of orbicularis oculi and its three parts?
. The orbicularis oculi is innervated by the facial nerve (CN VII) and it closes the eyelids and assists in the flow of tears
. The orbital part tightly closes the eyes to protect them from glare and dust
. The palpebral part gently closes the eyes
. The lacrimal part aids in the drainage of tears
Innervation and function of occipitofrontalis
. Innervated by CN VII
. Retracts/protracts the scalp and elevates the eyebrows
. Two muscle bellies
Innervation and function of buccinator
. Innervated by CN VII
. Presses the cheek against the molars to keep the food in between the teeth. It is active during whistling, sucking, and blowing.
Trigeminal nerve (CN V) does what for the superficial face?
. Cutaneous sensory innervation
The facial nerve (CN VII) does what for the superficial face?
. Motor innervation to the muscles of facial expression
What does the mandibular nerve, V3, do for the DEEP face?
. Motor innervation to the muscles of mastication
Cutaneous branches of the cervical nerves do what?
. Extend over the ear and the posterior aspect of the neck and scalp
. They are from the cervical plexus
The great auricular nerve does what? What are the nerve roots?
. Inferior aspect of the auricle
. Much of the area overlying the angle of the mandible (or skin inferior to the inferior aspect of the mandible)
. C2-C3
What are the three components of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)?
. Opthalmic (V1)
. Maxillary (V2)
. Mandibular (V3)
* The mandibular branch is the only one that has motor fibers in addition to sensory fibers
What are the five major cutaneous branches of the opthalmic (V1) nerve and what are the functional components?
. Supraorbital (SA) . Supratrochlear (SA) . Infratrochlear (SA) . Lacrimal (SA) . External nasal (SA)
What are the three major cutaneous branches and functional components of the maxillary (V2) nerve?
. Infraorbital (SA)
. Zygomaticofacial (SA)
. Zygomaticotemporal (SA) (inconstant…whatever that means)
What are the three major cutaneous branches and what are their functional components of the mandibular nerve (V3)?
. Auriculotemporal (SA, VE para/post, VA)
. Buccal (SA)
. Mental (SA)
The motor root of the facial nerve contains what functional components and does what?
. Branchiomotor (BM)
. Somatosensory (SA)
. These fibers exit through the stylomastoid foramen
. Innervates the auricular (posterior auricular nerve is given off before the CN VII enters the parotid gland), mimetic, posterior belly of digastric, and stylohyoid
The parotid plexus consists of what 5 anterior terminal branches?
. Temporal . Zygomatic . Buccal . Mandibular . Cervical
Most arteries that supply the face are branches of what?
External carotid
What is the major artery that supplies the face and what are its branches? Where does this artery branch from?
. Facial artery
. It runs medial to the masseter up to the canthus (medial angle) of the eye
. Its branches are the inferior labial (lower lip), superior labial (upper lip), lateral nasal (side of nose), and angular artery (termination of facial artery)
. It is a branch off of the external carotid artery
What branch does the superficial temporal artery give off and what does it supply?
. The superficial temporal artery is the terminal branch of the external carotid artery
. The superficial temporal artery gives off the transverse facial artery
. These arteries supply the temporal region, parotid gland, and skin of the face
. They will anastomose with the facial artery
Where do the arteries of the SCALP run?
Connective tissue layer, which limits their ability to constrict
What external carotid artery branches contribute to the arteries of the scalp?
. Occipital
. Posterior auricular
. Superficial temporal
What branches off of the internal carotid artery contribute to the arteries of the scalp?
. Supraorbital artery
. Supratrochlear artery
“these two branches are originally from the opthalmic artery”
What provides the primary drainage of the face? Describe its course.
. Facial vein
. It begins as the angular vein, receives blood from the deep facial vein (which drains the pterygoid venous plexus) and then drains into the IJV
Clinical Correlate: Danger Zone
. The facial vein communicates with the superior opthalmic vein, which drains into the cavernous sinus, leading to the cranial cavity
. This could lead to the spread of bacterial infections back to the cranial cavity
Which veins contribute to the retromandibular vein? Where does it drain?
. The retromandibular vein originates from the superficial temporal and maxillary veins
. It has posterior and anterior branches
. The posterior branch meets the posterior auricular vein to make the EJV
. The anterior branch meets the facial vein to make the IJV via the common facial vein
What are the layers of the SCALP?
. Skin
. Connective tissue (nerves and vasculature)
. Aponeurosis (epicranial aponeurosis)
. Loose areolar connective tissue
. Pericranium (external periosteum of the neurocranium)
What is the function of the epicranial Aponeurosis?
. Covers calvaria (dome of skull)
. Serves as an attachment for the frontal and occiptal bellies of the occiptofrontalis muscle and the superior auricular muscle
. These structures collectively form the musculoaponeurotic epicranius
What is the function of the Loose areolar connective tissue in the SCALP?
. It contains potential spaces that may distend with fluid following infection or injury
. This layer allows free movement of the scalp proper (S, C, A) over the calvaria
What makes up the parotid sheath of the parotid gland?
. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia
Where is the parotid gland?
. In the parotid bed which is between the ramus of mandible and mastoid process
What is the course of the parotid duct?
. It pierces the buccinator muscle and enters the oral cavity opposite the upper second molar
What is embedded within the parotid gland?
From superficial to deep:
. Parotid plexus of the facial nerve
. Retromandibular vein
. External carotid artery
Function of the greater auricular nerve (C2 - C3)?
. SENSORY Innervation of the parotid sheath,
. Parotid gland,
. Overlying skin
Function of the auriculotemporal nerve (V3 branch)?
. SENSORY innervation to the parotid gland
Sympathetics and Parasympathetics (visceral motor) to the parotid gland are supplied by what?
Sympathetics: External carotid nerve plexus
Parasympathetics: Glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX
What is the parotid gland secretomotor innervation pathway?
. para/pre fibers from the superior salivatory nucleus travel through CN IX
. para/pre fibers continue through the tympanic nerve of CN IX
. para/pre fibers meet the tympanic plexus and meet up with sym/post fibers of caroticotympanic nerve (they don’t synapse)
. para/pre (and sym/post) fibers follow the lesser petrosal nerve which goes through foramen ovale ending up in the otic ganglion
. para/pre fibers synapse here
. para/post fibers go through auriculotemporal nerve (V3 branch) to reach the parotid gland
Where are the LNs in the face?
Only in in the parotid/buccal region
Where does lymph from the scalp, face, and neck drain?
Superficial ring (pericervicular collar) of LNs
Which LNs comprise the superficial ring (pericervicular collar)?
. Submental . Submandibular . Parotid . Mastoid . Occipital . (Superficial Cervical)
Where does the superficial ring of LNs drain? Initially to eventually?
. Initial drainage to deep cervical LNs along IJV
. Then into the thoracic duct (L) or R lymphatic duct
. Both of these drain into the venous system at the junction of the IJV and subclavian
Which part of the face drains into the parotid LNs?
Lateral part of face and scalp
What part of the face drains into the deep cervical LNs?
Deep parotid nodes
What part of the face drains into the submandibular LNs?
. Upper lip and lateral lower lip
What part of the face drains into the submental LNs?
Chin and central part of lower lip
What does the lesser occipital nerve do? Nerve roots?
. Cutaneous innervation to the posterior aspect of the auricle as well as the skin behind the hear
. C2
What does the greater occipital nerve do? Nerve roots?
. Cutaneous innervation to the skin on the back of the head
. C2