Anterior Triangle Flashcards
The triangle is subdivided into what four triangles?
Submandibular (2), Submental (1), Carotid (2), Muscular (2)
By ant/post bellies of digastric, hyoid bone, omohyoid
What are the boundaries of the anterior triangle?
Sup: Inferior border of mandible
Post: Sternocleidomastoid
Ant: Anterior Midline of Neck
What is the deep cervical fascia for and what are the layers?
Investing, pretracheal, prevertebral
*All 3 layers make up the carotid sheath which encircles the common carotid, IJV, and Vagus
The fascia supports the viscera, muscles, vessels, and deep LNs
Boundaries of the submental triangle?
Inf: hyoid bone
Lat: anterior belly of digastric
Floor: mylohyoid
*theres only ONE submental triangle
What does the submental triangle contain?
. Submental LNs
. Mylohyoid muscle
. Mylohyoid nerve
. Veins that unite anterior jugular veins
What are the boundaries of the submandibular triangle?
. inferior border of mandible
. anterior belly of digastric
. posterior belly of digastric
. floor: mylohoid, hyoglossus, middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle
What are the contents of the submandibular triangle?
. submandibular gland . submandibular LNs . hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) . Mylohyoid nerve (CN V3) . facial artery and vein
What are the boundaries of the muscular triangle?
. omohyoid (superior belly)
. sternocleidomastoid
. anterior midline of the neck
What are the contents of the muscular triangle?
. Infrahyoid muscles: sternohyoid, omohyoid (superficial layer), sternothyroid, thyrohyoid (deep layer)
. Thyroid gland
. Parathyroid glands
. L/R recurrent laryngeal nerves
. Anterior jugular vein (arise near hyoid from confluence of superficial mandibular veins)
. Larynx
. Trachea
What are the functions of the infrahyoid muscles?
. They anchor the hyoid, sternum, clavicle, and scapula.
. They depress the hyoid and larynx during swallowing and speaking.
Which arteries supply the thyroid?
. Superior thyroid artery (branch off of external carotid)
. Inferior thyroid artery (branch off of thyrocervical trunk)
. 10% of people have a thyroid ima branch
What are the veins that drain the thyroid?
. Superior thyroid (drains into IJV)
. Middle thyroid (drains into IJV)
. Inferior thyroid (drains into L or R brachiocephalic)
The parathyroid gland functions to ___________ .
Parathyroid hormone does what?
The parathyroid gland only maintains calcium homeostasis.
PTH stimulates osteoclasts to break down bone, releasing calcium into the blood stream. It is antagonistic to calcitonin, which is released by the thyroid.
Describe how the recurrent laryngeal nerves run.
They ascend toward the larynx in between the trachea and esophagus.
The left recurrent wraps around the arch of the aorta.
The right recurrent wraps around the right subclavian artery.
What are the functional components of the recurrent laryngeal nerves?
. Branchiomotor (BM, SA) to all laryngeal muscles except the cricothyroid
. Supplies viscerosensory (VA) and autonomic fibers (VE, para/pre) to the mucosa and mucous glands below the vocal folds
What are the boundaries of the carotid triangle?
. Superior belly of the omohyoid muscle
. Sternocleidomastoid
. Posterior belly of the digastric muscle
What are the contents of the carotid triangle?
. Carotid sheath structures (common carotid artery, IJV, vagus)
. External carotid artery
. Superior laryngeal nerve (int/ext branches)
. Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
. Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
. Ansa cervicalis
The carotid sheath contains what?
. Common carotid artery (medially)
. IJV (laterally)
. vagus nerve (posteriorly)
Where does the common carotid most commonly bifurcate?
. 65% of the time it bifurcates at vertebral level C4
. Second most common place is 12% C3 and C5
What are the branches of the external carotid artery?
. Superior thyroid . Ascending pharyngeal . Lingual . Facial . Occipital . Posterior auricular . Maxillary (terminal branch) . Superficial temporal (terminal branch)
What is the carotid body and where is it located?
. It is a chemoreceptor that measures the level of oxygen in the blood.
. It is a small mass of tissue that lies at the bifurcation of the common carotid artery.
. Innervated by VA fibers of CN IX (carotid sinus nerve) with a smaller contribution from CN X
What is the carotid sinus and where it is located?
. The carotid sinus is a baroreceptor that reacts to changes in arterial bp
. It is located at the proximal end of the internal carotid artery
. It is innervated by VA fibers of CN IX (carotid sinus nerve) with smaller contributions from CN X
The superior laryngeal nerve branches from what nerve? What are the branches off of the superior laryngeal nerve and what are their functional components?
. The superior laryngeal nerve is a branch off of the vagus nerve
. First branch is the internal laryngeal nerve which supplies viscerosensory (VA) and autonomic (VE para/pre) fibers for the laryngeal mucous membrane superior to the vocal cords and viscerosensory (VA) and special sensory (SS-taste)to the anterior epiglottis
. The external laryngeal nerve serves branchiomotor (BM, SA) fibers to the cricothyroid muscle.
Functional components of CN XI
. SE, SA
. trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
. the spinal accessory nerve exits the jugular foramen
Functional components of the hypoglossal nerve (CN XI)
. innervates all muscles of the tongue EXCEPT palatoglossus
. exits the hypoglossal canal
- C1 fibers that contribute to superior root of ansa cervicalis and innervation of geniohyoid and thyrohyoid muscles runs with CN XII
Ansa cervicalis
. Formed by ventral rami of C1 - C3
. Superior root (C1) and inferior root (C2 - C3)
. SE, SA, VE sym/post, VA
. All infrahyoid muscles except thyrohyoid
What is the innervation and function of the platysma?
. Depresses corners of mouth and tenses skin of neck/draws it superiorly when teeth are clenched
. Innervated by the facial nerve (cervical branch of VII)
Anterior belly of digastric innervation and function
. Mylohyoid nerve (V3)
. Depresses mandible, elevates hyoid during speaking and swallowing
Posterior belly of digastric muscle innervation and function
. Facial nerve (CN VII)
. Depresses mandible, elevates hyoid during speaking and swallowing
Mylohyoid muscle innervation and function
. Mylohyoid nerve (CN V3)
. Elevates hyoid bone, floor of mouth, and tongue during speaking and swallowing
Hyoglossus muscle innervation and function
. Hypoglossus nerve (CN XII)
. Depresses and retracts tongue
Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle innervation and function
. Vagus nerve (pharyngeal branch of CN X)
. Constricts walls of pharynx during swallowing
Look at submandibular and sublingual gland innervation!
Draw that shit!
Omohyoid muscle innervation and function
. Ansa cervicalis
. Depresses hyoid and larynx during swallowing and speaking
Sternohyoid innervation and function
. Ansa cervicalis
. Depresses larynx and hyoid during swallowing and speaking
Thyrohyoid innervation and function
. C1 via hypoglossal nerve
. Depresses hyoid and larynx during swallowing and speaking. Can also elevate the larynx
Sternothyroid innervation and function
. Ansa cervicalis
. Depresses hyoid and larynx during swallowing and speaking
Clinical Correlate
Right Cardiac Catherization
. Used to measure pressure in the right chambers of the heart
. Introduction through the right IJV is preferred
. Catheter is sent through IJV, brachiocephalic v, SVC, right chamber of heart