Sulpicia 3.13 Flashcards
Tandem venit amor, qualem texisse pudori
quam nudasse alicui sit mihi fama magis.
At last the love has come, which there would be
More disgrace for me to have hidden through shame than to have exposed to someone.
Exorata meis illum Cytherea Camenis
adtulit in nostrum deposuitque sinum.
Having been prayed to by my Muses
The Cytherean has brought that man and deposited him in my lap.
Exsolvit promissa Venus: mea gaudia narret,
dicetur siquis non habuisse sua.
Venus has fulfilled her promises; if anyone might be said not to have had their own joys
Let her report my joys to them.
Non ego signatis quicquam mandare tabellis,
ne legat id nemo quam meus ante, velim,
I would not want to entrust anyone with sealed tablets
In case someone might read it before my man.
sed peccasse iuvat, vultus conponere famae
taedet: cum digno digna fuisse ferar.
But it pleases me to have stepped out of line – it wearies me
I will be reported to have been worthy with someone worthy.