Subjunctive with Conjunctions Flashcards
(on) [to] (the) condition that
a condición de que
S = always
a menos que
S = always
antes (de) que
S = always
|| provided that | as long as || (6)
para que | a fin de que | con tal de que | siempre que | siempre y cuando | así que
S = always
in case
en caso de que
S = always
ojalá (que)
que is not necessary, some argue not “pure”
S = always
for fear that
por miedo de que
S = always
sin que
S = always
as soon as (3)
tan pronto como | en cuanto | luego que
TIME: I when SC = habitual or in the past. S when MC = command or (potential) future
TIME: I when SC = habitual or in the past. S when MC = command or (potential) future
después de que
TIME: I when SC = habitual or in the past. S when MC = command or (potential) future
hasta que
TIME: I when SC = habitual or in the past. S when MC = command or (potential) future
I worked until my kids called.
Trabajé hasta que mis niños me llamaron.
TIME: I when SC = habitual or in the past. S when MC = command or (potential) future
I (usually) work until my kids call.
Trabajo hasta que mis niños me llaman.
TIME: I when SC = habitual or in the past. S when MC = command or (potential) future
Work until your kids call.
Trabaja hasta que tus niños te llamen.
TIME: I when SC = habitual or in the past. S when MC = command or (potential) future
I’ll work until my kids call.
Trabajaré hasta que mis niños me llamen.
TIME: I when SC = habitual or in the past. S when MC = command or (potential) future
even if
although/even though are indicitive meanings
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
so that - 2
de manera|modo que
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
while, until
mientras que
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
perhaps, maybe
quizá(s) | tal vez
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
according to
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
Maybe you can do it (I think you can).
Quizás tú puedes hacerlo.
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
Maybe you can do it (but I doubt it).
Quizás tú puedas hacerlo.
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
I (will) come even though I don’t have any money (I know I don’t).
Yo vengo aunque no tengo dinero.
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
I (will) come even if I don’t have any money (I don’t know if I have any).
Yo vengo aunque no tenga dinero.
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
Do it how (the way) you want (you’ve already told me how).
Hágalo como quiere.
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
Do it the way (however) you want to (I don’t know how that is)
Hágalo como quiera.
(UN)CERTAINTY: I when SC is more certain/real. S when SC is less certain/real.
just as, in the same way
así como
Express facts = certain. Always I / Never S
Express facts = certain. Always I / Never S
since, as - 3
ya|puesto|dado que
Express facts = certain. Always I / Never S