Study Guide- ADIRS Panel Flashcards
When is a full alignment required?
-First flight of the day.
-Crew change.
-GPS unavailable and NAVAID coverage is poor or flight longer than 3 hrs.
When is a quick alignment acceptable?
When aircraft is in transit (full alignment not required).
When deviation of the IRS position from the FMGC position is at or above 5 NM.
How is a quick alignment performed?
-turn each IR selector OFF and back ON (must occur within 5 sec for each IR).
-Align on REF.
When you turn the mode selector to NAV, what are you looking for on the panel?
The ALIGN light illuminates steady.
What does the ON BAT light indicate?
It is illuminated amber if one or more IRs is supplied by the aircraft battery. Also, illuminates briefly during the beginning of a full alignment.
What does a steady white ALIGN light indicate?
The respective IR is Align mode.
What does it mean when the IR lights are extinguished?
Alignment is completed.
What does a flashing white align light mean?
-IR alignment fault (a/c moved during alignment).
-No present position entered within 10 minutes of NAV selection.
-Difference of 1 deg. LAT/LONG between shutdown and entered position.
What does steady illumination of the amber IRU FAULT light indicate?
A fault affects the respective IR.
What does flashing illumination of the amber IRU fault light indicate?
Attitude and Heading may be recovered in ATT mode (you lost the navigation portion).
What does the amber ADR FAULT light indicate?
A fault is detected in the Air Data Reference part.
Does turning the IR to OFF also turn off the ADR?
Can you turn the ADR OFF and still have the IR?
With the loss of ADR 1, what would be lost on the Captains PFD?
Airspeed and Altitude Information
(outside info)
What would restore the loss of altitude and airspeed information on the Captains PFD?
Selecting CAPT 3, on the EIS Switching Panel, AIR DATA Selector.
What would be missing on the Captain’s PFD if IR 1 failed or was turned OFF?
Attitude and Navigation information. (Inside info)
What action would recover the attitude and navigation information on the Captain’s PFD?
Selecting CAPT 3 on the EIS switching panel ATT/HDG selector.