stress Flashcards
What is stress?
An umbrella term that encompasses stressors, appraisals, coping and emotion as central parts of stress transaction.
What are stressors?
External/environmental demands (i.e. stimuli) encountered by an individual
What are appraisals?
Individuals evaluate (i.e. appraise) stressors on an ongoing basis to assess the significance of them to their well being
What is coping?
Constantly changing cognitive and behaviour efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person
Examples of perceived stressors?
Organisational - deadlines, exam, time management, work/life balance
injury/ how we perform
Interpersonal - relationship with others
Intrapersonal - own emotions towards an event, expectations on ourselves
What is the cognitive motivational relational theory (CMRT)?
The specific combination of primary and secondary appraisals is proposed to influence the intensity and type of emotion elicited. Also includes how individuals cope will mediate the type/intensity of emotions.