arousal Flashcards
What is arousal?
The physiological and psychological activity in a person. Falls along a continuum
What is the drive theory?
The relationship between arousal and performance is linear, so as arousal increases so does performance.
What is the inverted U hypothesis?
Low arousal levels indicate performance will be below optimal
As arousal increases so will performance to optimal point (midpoint)
Arousal past this point will cause detriments to performance
What is the reversal theory?
Predicts the way in which arousal is interpreted is the main factor in determining performance levels. Athletes can be seen making reversals in performance as the perceived arousal can move from positive to negative in an instance.
What is the catastrophe model?
Predicts that physiological arousal is related to performance in an inverted U direction, however this only holds if the athlete is experiencing low cognitive state anxiety. If arousal goes beyond optimal level the athlete will experience a sudden decline (catastrophe) in performance. High worry and arousal are bad for performance.
What are individual zones of optimal functioning?
Athletes have a zone of optimal anxiety that facilitates their best performance. Could be upper or lower end of the state anxiety continuum
Examples of emotion focused coping skills?
Exercise, bath, pep talk, meditate
Examples of problem focused coping skills?
Work on managing time, ask for support, establish healthy boundaries, create to do list
What are 3 categories of coping?
avoidance-focused, approach-focused, appraisal-focused coping
Somatic anxiety reduction strategies?
progressive relaxation (learn to feel the tension of muscles and let it go)
Breath control (learn to control breath in stressful situations to smooth and deepen)
cognitive anxiety reduction strategies?
Meditation (quieten the mind, concentrate, reduce muscle tension)
Multimodal anxiety reduction packages strategies?
Stress inoculation training - exposed to and learns to cope with stress leading to immunity to stress