Stores Flashcards
What are the classifications of stores?
- Permanent (P class) – planned repair, must be conditioned on transfer (3/4th line repair)
- Limited (L class) – un-planned repair, may be security classified or high value/attractive (e.g. AA batteries), must be conditioned on transfer or scrapped and removed from inventory by local stores) (2nd line repair)
- Consumable (C class) – uneconomical to repair, scrapped at unit level, only serviceable stock accounted for (unit level disposal)
- Scrap – a P or L class item so unfit for its designed use it is uneconomical to repair RADA – retain awaiting disposal advice
What is meant by the ‘Conditioning of Air Stores’?
It is where a conditioner signs on the MF731 to determine the condition of an item of technical equipment i.e states serviceability state.
What is a MF731?
A mod form that details the serviceability state of an item, along with any faults, deficiencies, safety implications etc and is signed by a conditioner.
Each item should have two MF731s
Who is a conditioner?
An engineer deemed competent to assess the serviceability state of an item. A level 2 LH can condition R2 and serviceable within their trade boundary
It must be the duty engineer or someone with the appropriate authorisation to condition R3/R4
Only the AEO can condition a P/L class item as scrap
What are the conditioning terms?
Serviceable – technical equipment that is fit for immediate use and capable of performing its designed function
Unserviceable – is further split into three sub-categories, R2, R3, R4. Information on which sub-category to use is found in the Topic 5W.
R2 – repairable at workshops – imperative these items are returned promptly to ensure repair and to achieve a greater percentage of available stock
- *R3** – repairable at depth facilities, e.g. Fleetlands, where specialist tools/skills needed
- *R4** – repairable by manufacturer/repair contractor
Scrap – A technical item of P or L classification that is unfit to perform its designed function to such an extent that to repair it would be uneconomical.
When must an item be conditioned?
- Prior to transfer to another unit / maintenance organisation
- Prior to movement within an organisation (e.g. MCT wagon or storage) (sea trays etc)
- When the item is subject to cannibalisation between units/stations
- Prior to return of item to stores for any reason
When does conditioning not have to occur?
- If cannibalising within the squadron
- If the equipment is subject to its own specialist documentation e.g. mag plugs
- On receipt of equipment from industry that is new or repaired and the packaging sealed and has an associated document confirming serviceability (MF640)
- If removed serviceable and going back into that aircraft (e.g. generators removed for access, MU) etc
Can you condition equipment outside of your trade boundary?
There is an authorisation to condition outside trade boundary, Map-C482 or E484 condition scrap out of trade
What does certification on MF731 signify?
Certifies the item condition and all safety precautions, inhibiting and preservation actions taken, one copy is to accompany the stores item and a copy retained by Sqn AEOs Wtrs for 6months.
What is SMR code and where is it?
Source maintenance and recoverability code in topic 3 determines the maintemance policy of an item. If an item does not stipulate any second line repair capability item should be conditioned R3/4.V
Who is responsible for the packaging of an item returning through stores?
- The person signing the MF731.
- They are also responsible for ensuring that all blanks and connectors are fitted to the item and that the item is sufficiently packaged so as not to be damaged when transferred (poss. STC)
- If an item is being sent R3/R4 and hasn’t been sufficiently packaged for transit off base, then the MF731 is to be annotated with such.
- Also any dangerous substances or handling restrictions should be made obvious.
What is a STC?
Specialised Transport Container/carrier, some items have specific containers in which they are transferred, e.g. an engine/ radar transmitter.
If an iterm is to be cananbilised of unit must not leave until in appropriate STC if required.
What is the Standard Priority System?
A system which is utilised to give simple, clear direction to the logistics chain on the urgency and need for an item of equipment. It is split into Operational and Non- operational categories and then further divided into three more levels, immediate, priority and routine. It is implemented iaw JSP 886
What are the immediate demand codes?
01 Operational
05 Non-operational
Are only to be used when an item is required immediately to satisfy critical operational needs, where the lack of the item would result in degradation of a unique or vital capability. In the UK, delivery should be within 24hours.
Used when OPDEF, mission critical items, AOG, delays to trials.
“Fastest Possible Means”
What are the priority demand codes?
02 Operational
09 Non-operational
Used when an item is required for a specific requirement where the timescale of a routine demand wouldn’t be adequate. In the UK delivery is usually between 2-6 days.
“Fastest economic means/fastest scheduled transport”
What are the routine demand codes?
03/04 Operational
13/16 Non-operational
Should be used for the majority of unit demands. Expected delivery date of 7 days.
On what occasions are the use of Operational SPCs approved at Yeovilton?
Support to the strategic deterrent
Search and rescue or humanitarian tasks MCT Maritime Counter Terrorism
What is the difference between state codes and priority codes?
- The priority code details how urgently you require an item and within how many days.
- The state code details the aircrafts state as long as it doesn’t have that said item.
- It’s important that the state code and priority codes are in sync with one another, e.g. A D state with a 16 priority code would be questioned by ASCO.
What are the state codes?
- D state – Aircraft is Grounded or that a weapon system, simulator , radar/nav aids are not available for tasking and all work has stopped. D state emphasis is all work stopped. If work is ongoing on other systems then a P state should be used instead.
- P state – indicates that an aircraft or simulator will be grounded or that a weapon system, simulator, radar/nav aids will become unavailable for tasking, or that aircraft will be AOG within 14 days (21 overseas)
- C state – aircraft or weapon system or simulator, though serviceable is not capable of fulfilling its operational role through a lack of certain spares.
- S state – used for DSP’s, Fly away pack (FAP) etc. code S is split into two sub categories. S1 – indicates an empty line in the DSP etc, which if not supplied, would result in AOG within 14 days.
- S2 – indicates a line in the DSP which is below scale an warrants replenishment to prevent a future AOG warning.
How are state demands processed?
Through the ASDER system (air stores demand electronic record)
Who decides what state should be used?
The person authorising the ASDER after consultation with the duty engineer
What is an ASDER?
- Online system that allows the electronic entry of air stores state demands by any squadron or section user.
- It shows the demands progress through being authorised, stores etc. as it passes through each section, notes are annotated on it allowing it to be tracked
- Allows anyone with intranet access to view an ASDER’s progress
- Allows for the amending, deletion, cancellation and upgrading of state demands
- Also used for manual demands
What is a manual demand?
Where a number is a good number i.e. Obtained from the Illustrated Parts Catalogue or component itself but the stores system MJDI sees it as a NIR (no item record).
They are input through the ASDER system. In general manual demands can take over 18 months to be satisfied, especially if new contracts need to be established.
What are the alternative supply solutions?
Local purchase
Local manufacture/ manual demand
Special manufacture
Alternative item/ Mod states
Cannibalisation – if an assest is authorised to be taken from a DSP or FAP etc it is termed a ‘Management Issue’ as supposed to cannibalisation
RTU/ local repair - workshops
What is Return to Unit action?
Where an item is sent for repair and the squadron require the same item back.
It is permitted for special to fit equipment and NVG equipment otherwise only in exceptional circumstances.
ASCO vet the priority of the repair and issue a priority code, authorise the RTU action and issue a serial number
What are the RTU codes?
A – Urgent work, all other workshop work will stop and the priority A work will be completed ASAP, with no stand-easy, watch on stop on etc. authorised by TSO (technical support officer)
A ‘D’ state demand must be in prior to priority code A being authorised.
B – High priority work, will be completed in normal working hours, authorised by the AEO
What is meant by UART?
Unserviceable asset return time
The time between the issue of the new item and the u/s item being returned. It should not exceed 7 days.
What is meant by in course of Supply?
Item is available and will be supplied within the SCPT Standard Chain Processing Time
What is meant by Controlled item?
Applies to certain high value or short supply items. Release the item demanded having assessed their need.
What is meant by Inability?
Item demanded is unavailable due to contractual delays or in some cases no supply contract exists
What is a diversion order?
If an item is out of stock/inability but there is a contract for new stock, a diversion order will be sent to the manufacturer asking them to divert a set amount of items straight through TAS instead of going through the normal stores system. This is usually the most expensive option and will be carefully considered.
What is local purchase?
As it says, taking a trip down B&Q and picking up a screw that matches the u/s one etc.
What is normal manufacture?
Where parts are made iaw the approved instructions/drawings
Materials used must have a Certificate of Conformity or have to be sample tested to determine its specification
What is special manufacture?
The manufacturing of parts where no AP reference or drawings are available
Not permitted unless all other supply channels have been explored, including approaching the PT
Authorised by the level K following approval from the TSO
Any parts that have been specially manufactured are to be reported to the PT
What is cannibalisation?
The removal of serviceable parts from an aircraft/asset in order to make another aircraft serviceable. It may be necessary to cannibalise an item to ensure the aircraft meets its scheduled rollout date following Maintenance or modification.
What is the policy with regard to cannibalisation?
- It is undesirable but on occasion a necessary feature of maintaining aircraft in a cost effective and efficient manner.
- It is only to take place when all supply chains have been investigated and been unable to supply the component in the required time.
- It is a last resort
Why do we control cannibalisation?
- To ensure aircraft are not excessively stripped
- To prevent the true supply situation being hidden
- To prevent excessive diversion of engineering manpower
- To prevent transfer of faults from one aircraft to another
Who authorises cannibalisation? (i.a.w VLAESO
- Within the Sqn – Duty Engineer (MAP F170)
- Between Squadrons – CHF HQ Duty Engineer (MAP F170)
- From MFSU – Joint Fleet Planning Team (JFPT) and MFSU management.
What criteria must be met prior to cannibalisation?
- Part is urgently required to restore aircrafts serviceability to achieve tasking
- All other avenues have been investigated by the engineers and supply personnel including all uninstalled spares, considered local purchase if appropriate and have a failed to find a part that is available within the necessary time frame
- A state demand is in and no item is forthcoming within required timescale
What is the procedure for cannibalisation?
- Ensure you have a state demand in for the item
- Attempt to find another solution
- Fill out MF746D and Sqn log
- Contact ASCO/stores for Ref No.
- Get form correctly authorised
- Place one copy in MF700C of donor a/c
- One copy in Sqn log
- One copy to 846 Stores
- Update online cannibalisation log
Before robbing an item, what should the supervisor ensure?
- The item being robbed is serviceable
- There are no outstanding maintenance documentation/ TI recording against that component
- The main assembly providing the donor part e.g. engine, is not subject to MF760 action itself
- The removal is raised in the paperwork of the donor aircraft
- MF746D is completed (sheet 1 attach to donor sheet 2 & 3 dispatch to Supply org)
- If the component is going off unit, a MF731 is completed and the part sufficiently packaged, blanked etc. including mandatory wording i.a.w MAP 6.11 Para 4.3.6
- A demand is placed for a new item
- Any component that handles sensitive data inc. crypto is handled/transferred i.a.w JSP440
Before fitting the new item, what should a supervisor ensure?
Correct mod state including software state
Is certified serviceable
The demand state for the receiving aircraft is updated
Why is cannibalisation not a good idea?
- Faults can be transferred between aircraft
- Excessive diversion of manpower from task and waste of man hours
- True supply situation been hidden
- Individual aircraft being excessively stripped
- Could create a new fault on the donor aircraft (disturbing systems etc)
What is IOS?
ntegrated Operational Support Logistics Dept
Supports all aircraft platforms across the Fwd and Depth.
What are the functional areas of IOS?
- Help resolve maintenance issues for the RN
- Chase up manual and state demands PPC/ASCO
- Liaise with Boundary Cell
On receipt of a component from stores, what should happen?
Conduct the three part check iaw the BRd 768
1. Checkthedocumentationtoensurethecomponentisthecorrectitemandatcorrect
mod state, in date for calibration etc
2. Checkoverallconditionofthecomponent,makesureitappearsserviceable 3. Functionallytestthecomponent
What if the component has no MF731?
If it is straight from manufacture and is new it may have a manufactures label instead. Failing that, advice should be sought from the duty engineer who will suggest a way forward dependant on what the component is
You could perform an SST up at workshops if required to ascertain its serviceability
What should happen if the component has a Serviceable MF731, but is clearly u/s?
- Don’t fit it
- Raise a MF760 or QOR
- Order another item
- Inform the duty engineer
What is UART?
unserviceable asset return time – 7 DAYS Merlin
What is the Boundary Cell?
Provide tech support and asset management to the logistics function. If an item isn’t on the structure then they can add it on
They also can add flex-ops, TI’s, Mods etc to the forecast
Solve all GOLDesp problems on people’s accounts
What is SCOC Supply Chain Operations Cell?
Consists of service and civilian personnel who;
Place and hasten all state demands
Priority Progression Cell PPC
ASCO manned by Fleet Air Arm enginnering personnel to support yeoviltoin departments and is integral to SCOC set-up
What is the PPC?
Priority progression cell
They assist ASCO in the validation and progression of high priority demands for all aircraft across Fwd and Depth. i.e if both aircraft need an AFCS amp on a D state, and theirs only 1 available, the PPC will decide which aircraft gets priority.
What is ASCO?
Air Stores Control Organisation
Established by the technical supply officer (TSO) and the station AEO.
Tasked with advising on the most effective use of stores associated with aircraft maintenance.
Handle manual demands, demand states, cannabilisation and work closely with the PPC
What are the functions of ASCO?
- To maintain a list of stores that are in short supply and to control their issue 2. To ve tdemands which cannot be met
Find alternatives
Advise on repair
Ensuring demands are correct
ensuring only min quantities of high priority items are demanded
- Toassiststoreson:
Upgrading demands
progression of high priority DMDs
assisting the transfer of assets between a/c and Sqn
Ensuring all Topic 3A are at correct Al state
Advising on cannibalisation
Placing manual demands
Set up contracts for items or equipment
What is ECS?
- Equipment control section
- Its a storage facility for all stores
- When an item is conditioned it goes to ECS to be controlled before going to its next line of repair.
- Components that have had MF760 action against them are quarantined by ECS with MF760E
- Its next to main stores and battery bay
What do the following mean?
ASCO – Air Stores Control Organisation
SCOC- Supply Chain Operations Cell
ECS – Equipment control section
OPDEF – operational deficiency NIR – no item record ASDER – air stores demand electronic record
STC – Specialised/ standard transport container
RDD – required delivery date
UART – unserviceable asset return time – 7 DAYS Merlin
RTU – return to unit action
MJDI – Management of the Joint Deployed Inventory (accounting logistics information system for managing inventory and assets forward of the base inventory system)
What is a DSP?
- Deployment Support Pack
- They are the stores packs that are taken away with a squadron to maintain Sqn capability
- Can include further equipment above that normally carried for use in operational environments
- They are compiled through discussions between maintainers on the Squadron, the force commanders, the TAS and historical data
- Merlin DSP are built by manufacture