scheduled maintenance Flashcards
3 types of preventative maintenance?
- Flight servicing
- Scheduled maintenance
- Condition based maintenance
Define Scheduled Maintenance?
The minimum preventative maintenance required to be undertaken at regular, pre- determined intervals to maximise aircraft availability and keep an aircraft in good overall condition, minimizing the amount of corrective maintenance required in the future.
An aircrafts scheduled maintenance system will dictate the periodicity of the scheduled maintenance tasks needing to be carried out, either in calendar hours/days or aircraft flying hours and is promulgated by the PT, after consultation with the FLC, in the Topic 5A1 (Master Maintenance Schedule).
What are examples of Scheduled Maintenance?
tasked codes
maintenance packages
life expery
Explain addition scheduled maintenance?
Hot and cold weather ops
Desert or Dusty Environments
High humidity environment
Long term storage / transit
It is determined by the DT and laid down in the Topic 5/Topic 2NR SPS. Mshed has contingency based maintenance depending on the environment
There is additional maintenance for aircraft going into storage iaw PL127
What are the latitudes of scheduled maintenance?
Anticipating Schedule Maintenance
Extending Scheduled
Maintenance H - 10%
J - 25%
DT - ????%
Who can defer scheduled maintenance?
Authority level H may defer scheduled maintenance up to a maximum of 10% of their periodicity, but in exceptional circumstances can have their limitation on level H to defer sched maintenance activities up to a maximum of 25%.
Authority level J may defer any scheduled maintenance activity by up to 25% of its periodicity,
How can DT extend scheduled maintenance?
- Extension granted through DT
- Eng records complete the form and send it to DT
- DT will then provide a response
What is Scheduled maintenance IAW?
- Topic 5A1 – Master Maintenance Schedule
- Topic 2 N - Support Policy Statement
- Topic 5A2 – Hazard and Maintenance Information
What does the Topic 5A1 consist of?
- The Master Maintenance List (MML)
- The component replacement list (CRL)
- Component Life Register
What does the Topic 2N consist of?
Special Instruction Technical (RTIs, UTIs, SI, STIs, MGMs Merlin General Messages issued by PT)
Service Modifications inc. Naval Service Modifications (NSMs), Service Engineered Mods (SEM) and Service Mods SMs
Maintenance Policy Leaflets inc. Support Policy Statement & MFRI
Policy Letters – Letters are means of passing information of an urgent or short duration to Merlin units
Locally manufactured equipment
What is Condition based scheduled maintenance?
- The preventative maintenance initiated as a result of knowledge of the condition of an item gained from routine or continuous monitoring
What is the Flexible Maintenance System?
- Tasks carried out individually or as a work package
- Can be timed to coincide with corrective maintenance or other downtime
- This system will tend to generate aircraft quickly, but will involve more frequent requirements for scheduled maintenance.
What are Zonal Ops and how often are they carried out?
A general visual examination of a specified zone, carried out before and after cleaning to detect damage, deterioration and discrepancies and assess the general condition of the zone.
As well as scheduled depth maintenance the following are completed as required:
▪ Rectification of the ADF log
▪ Embodiment of outstanding mods
▪ Outstanding SI(T)
▪ Life Ex component
What are the different lines of servicing?
- 1st line - Maintenance organisation directly responsible for the aircraft. (SQDR)
- 2nd line - Maintenance organisation providing support to the 1st line e.g. workshops sometimes MU)
- 3rd line - Maintenance organisation in the military but not 1st or 2nd line e.g. 1710 Sqn, that require specialist tools or training
- 4th line - Maintenance organisation in industry e.g. rolls-royce/westlands where component cannot be serviced 1/2/3 line (return to manufacturer)
What depth facilities do we have?
- MU facility located on squadron carry out depth facilities, 300 and 600 hourly packages.
- MDMF (Merlin depth maintenance facility) located down at RNAS Culdrose carries out depth packages on the aircraft at certain intervals.
- MFSU (Merlin Forward Support Unit)
When does the aircraft go into depth?
MDMF - 1200hrs 4Yr
MU - 900hrs 3YR O MU - 300hrs 1YR
MFSU - 600hrs 2YR
What is component servicing?
Usually carried out on lifed items or LRU’s, where the component can be fixed and made serviceable again
What is flight testing?
confirms airworthiness of a component, or aircraft post maintenance,
When do we carry out flight tests?
- Periodically – Tasks / when suspect
- Post Scheduled Maintenance
- Post Fault Rectification to confirm airworthiness
- Post Component change when checks for proper operation cannot be carried out on the ground
What are Test Flights carried out IAW?
- Flight Test Schedule FTS (5M1)
- Split into 3 sections: Ground Checks, Flight Checks, Mandated checks for specified items
- Information within the 5M is maintained by the DT
What is a PTF?
Partial Test Flight - It’s carried out to test the performance and serviceability of the aircraft, following or as part of a maintenance activity that cannot ascertain aircraft serviceability on the ground relating to specific maintenance activity. A PTF is a test flight that is done IAW Topic 5M1 Flight Test Schedule.
On what occasions are PTF’s carried out?
- When detailed in the 5M Section 3 mandated checks post disturbance of certain equipment.
- When a maintenance activity requires check that cannot be carried out on the ground i.e not test equipment
- When A/C handling or performance is suspect When detailed in the aircraft document set When instructed to do so by the DT or AEO As detailed in RA4053 for royal flights
- Trials Flight
What is an MTF?
Maintenance Test Flight - MTF’s are conducted to confirm the performance and fully test the serviceability of an aircraft and encompass the full FTS Topic 5M and include a thorough walk-around of the aircraft prior to flight to include all trade material state survey and 700 documentation check.
Who carries out MTF’s?
- Maintenance test pilots usually carry out an MTF, if one is unavailable it must be carried out by a suitably qualified Sqn test pilot.
- However it must be redone once a MTP becomes available.
What restrictions are there with regard to carrying out a MTF?
- Must not be carried out at night
- whilst under continuous charge,
- no PAX.
When are MTF’s carried out and periodicity for Merlin?
- Carried out when detailed to do so in the Topic 5A1 (1 year MN/MTF, should align with Airworthiness review process MN/ARP)
- On receipt of a new aircraft
- When instructed to do so by the DT or level J (AEO)
- Entering 3 yearly Depth Package in order to baseline the aircraft
- Returning to fwd fleet from either 3 yearly Depth, manufacture or industry.
- Entry/ exit to MFSU or entry into industry can be done by sqn aircrew or MTP.
What is an airborne check?
Following a maintenance task where the serviceability of a system cannot be tested on the ground, and where the required test is not detailed in the FTS 5M, an airborne check is required. May be called up as part of an investigation/ diagnostics.
If the same airborne check is repeatedly required, then a MF765 should be raised to get the Topic 5M amended to include the check.
What is the purpose of a ground run?
To determine the serviceability of an aircraft/component that isn’t possible without the engines running, in a safe and controlled environment
To start-up or test an engine itself
In the event of servicing equipment not being available i.e. hydraulic rigs
To dry out the compressor post compressor wash
When are functional tests carried out?
They are carried out upon the fitment of a component
What are functional tests IAW?
The topic 1 – Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
Carriage of MOD Form 700C in parent aircraft
A MOD Form 700 may be carried in its parent aircraft provided that all documents bearing original signatures for work carried out are removed prior to flight.
Instructions for the removal of pages from the MOD Form 700 in order to make it suitable for carriage are given in the MOD F799/1 (aircraft/equipment type) filed in the MOD Form 700.
Only in exceptional circumstances, when there is no other way of returning such documentation, may it be carried in its parent aircraft. Such documentation is to be removed and dispatched to the aircraft’s parent Stn/Ship/Unit at the first available opportunity.
MOD Form 705(Aircraft Type)
MOD Form 705(SSC)
MOD Form 726(Aircraft Type)
MOD Form 710
MOD Form 707 Series (Excepting MOD Form 707A(ADP))