aircraft documentation Flashcards
What is the purpose of aircraft publications?
To ensure that all Royal Navy aircraft, components and associated equipment are maintained to an exact and identical standard.
- They ensure the aircrafts airworthiness and safety to aircrew, ground crew, maintainers and to the general public.
- To show serviceability status of an aircraft and to certify and record maintenance carried out on the aircraft.
- Also used as a reference into the technical history of an asset and its tracking and a means to analyse any unserviceability trend and patterns and their possible cause.
Where are the rules laid down for the completion of aircraft documentation?
- MF799 - Instructions for use
- BRd 767
State Importance of certification?
In specific instances, particularly in the context of aircraft, an individual’s certification affirms that the equipment is operationally ready and that operators may entrust their lives to it. Therefore, the importance of correct recording and certification cannot be over- emphasized and all personnel are reminded that it is a serious offence to certify a maintenance record without first ensuring its accuracy. Knowingly certify incorrectly can lead to manslaughter charges and at minimum authorisations removed.
How can we check the serviceability of an aircraft?
Visual Check of aircraft
Where are the rules laid down for the insertion and removal of controlled pages in the MF700C?
- MOD Form 799/1
- Inserting: Level C controlled forms, pages must be given a serial number and logged into the MF713
- Removing: Level E, serial number struck through and initialled on the MF713 (register of controlled MOD forms)
What are the advantages of Electronic documentation?
- Write once – access many times, avoids duplicate documentation, which improves accuracy
- Time spent data recording reduced
- Aid to fault diagnosis through data searches
- Back up archiving of data
- Asset tracking and fault occurrence managing
- Cost benefit of reducing no. of forms produced
Can an aircraft be “S” if the MF700C says “S” but GOLD says “US”
Both the 700C and Gold should reflect, however if Gold server goes down maintenance can continue but aircraft is classified Gold in abeyance. A Pt1 and associated PT3 is raised with mandatory wording from Gold JAP and all catch up is done sequentially when back on line.
Who is in charge of publications on the Squadron?

The AEO, although he delegates this responsibility to the AEOW (AEO writer) and then in turn to a Publications rating.
What are the responsibilities of the AEO with regards to publications?
- The demanding, issuing and amending of new publications
- All amendments are recorded and implemented in chronological order Publications are accounted for
- Providing a tech library for maintenance personnel to withdraw books from
How are AP’s kept current?
- Through amendments which are incorporated
- Through AIL’s (advance information leaflets - YELLOW)
- Through SAL’s (service amendment leaflets - BLUE)
- Updates to the CIETP (interactive electronic technical publication) are via signal amendment to CIETP Blue Text
How are publications accounted for?
- Sqn manages publications through the Publications management systems (PMS)
- Publication custodians audit their total holdings against the MOP Millie online Portal customer holdings
- Through A and B musters.
What is an A muster?
- Carried out every 12 months or on change of custodian
- A physical muster of all publications against the MOP Millie Online Portal Customer Holding
- Check the publication is in good condition and AL state matches
What is a B muster?
- Carried out every 6 months
- A check of the local database against the MOP customer holding
- Any missing amendments resulting from this muster are to be demanded
What are the sections of the MF700C?
- Section 1 – Aircraft Maintenance Log
- Section 2 – Limitations Log, List of Mods, List of frequently moved Mods, on board software log, mission specific software loads
- Section 3 – Acceptable Deferred Faults Log, Acceptable Deferred Husbandry log, PT granted concessions
- Section 4 – Flight Servicing, role equipment, expendable stores certificate, DTC log, flying hours and equipment running log, oil replenishment, residual torque check, fuel uplifts away from parent unit.
- Section 5 – Simplified item task, short forecast
- Section 6 – Aircraft Weight and Moment Data
- Section 7 – Power Check Record, Vibration proforma, RTB - tuning adjustment record Section 8 – Compass Calibration log
- Section 9 – Aerial delivery equipment log card
- Section 10 – Not Used – Used at PT Discretion
- Section 11 – Index, Leading Particulars, General Instructions for Use, military AR certificate
Explain the MOD form 700 series?
- 700A – Aircraft Log Cover – used for stowage of controlled MOD forms
- 700C – Aircraft maintenance form cover – this is a working document in which current maintenance records are kept
- 700D – Engineering record card cover – contains ERCs for components fitted to the aircraft.
What does the Master Maintenance Schedule (5A1) consist of?
- Master maintenance schedule
- Component replacement list
- Component life register
- Additional schedule maintenance
What does the Topic 2 N consist of?
- Special Instruction Technical (RTIs, UTIs, SI, STIs, MGMs Merlin General Messages issued by PT)
- Service Modifications inc. Naval Service Modifications (NSMs), Service Engineered Mods (SEM) and Service Mods SMs
- Maintenance Policy Leaflets inc. Support Policy Statement & MFRI
- Policy Letters – Letters are means of passing information of an urgent or short duration to Merlin units.
- Locally manufactured equipment
What are the RA’s?
- Regulatory Articles
- They define the reasons why and requirements for undertaking certain procedures wrt aircraft maintenance, stores etc. e.g. tool control must be enforced on aircraft for xxxxxx reasons
RAs series:
4000 = CAE Continuing Airworthiness Engineering Regulations
2000 = FLY Flying Regulations 3000 = ATM Air Traffic Management 5000 = DME Design and modification Engineering Regulations
What is the MAM-P?
The information within the MAMP is used to support the RA’s and tell us how to enforce the requirement that the RA has raised. For example, it will tell us how to control aircraft tools from the tallies down to the entries for the paperwork.
What is the BRd767?
Naval Aviation Orders – contains information specific to the Royal Navy. Instructions in this book should be adhered to at all times.
What publications on squadron are not electronic?
Flight reference cards- Topic 14
5M Fight test schedule
Aircrew Manual - Topic 15
What is the CIETP?
Compound interactive electronic Technical Publication
Issue and SADB Signal Amendment Data Base used as AL State to certify work