SQDN Hierarchy Flashcards
who is the CO
what are his responsibilites
CMDR vaughn
- has custody of A/C
- preservation of A/C in his charge and airworthiness, ensuring they are maintained and flown correctly
- provides aircraft, manpower, and resources to meet forces readiness element, (R0 12hrs R11 365days)
- assumes responsibility for moral, discipline, training and welfare of sqdn personnel
- outward facing role looking at sqdn operational and training commitments
who is the LO
what does he do
Lt sykes
- sqdn admin
- budget control authoriser
- UPO supervisor
- Legal and budgetary advice
- co-ordinates appraisals
who is the SPLOT
what does he do
Lt Cmdr charlsworth
- provides student pilot training
- ensures pilots conduct continuation training
- flying S&P
- SQDN flight safety officer
- Sqdn XO for welfare and discipline
Who is the TO
what does he do
Lt Cmdr Ingles
- ensures aircrew maintain currency
- maintains S&P of pilots by managing training programs
- Liase with DAEO & Ops Officer to integrate training requirement with available resources and tasking
- co-ordinates monthly check of flying logs
who is the Ops officer
what does he do
Lt Cmdr wray
- Liase with DAEO to ensure efficient use of aircraft
- works with TO to produce a viable med and long term training plan
- plan flypro to meet operational tasks
- compiles Sqdn long, med and shortcast forcast
- liase with outside agencies to determine sqdn commitment
- produce movement orders and operational orders as required
who is the WO
what does he do
Lt Cmdr Cloud
- helicopter warfare training
- aircrew training in weapons and tactics
- crypto custodian
- co-ordinates squadron air weapons requirements with appropriate station departments
who is the exec chief
what does he do
- acts sqdn saftey, health, environment and fire warden
- building manager
- motor transport co-ordinator
- unit utilities manager
- MAA review officer
- conducts aircraft move tests
- DO or handlers
who is the AEO
what does he do
Lt Cmdr stephens
- A/C maintenance manager
- quality systems owner
- unit ERO
- DO
- Manpower authorisation
who is the QSC
what does he do
- directly accountable to the AEO (QSO) for implementation of unit QMS
- develop quality management cell
- maintain S&P
- co-ordinate squadron audits
- publishes tech dissems
- updates YAMO’s with AEO’s consent
- AERO’s are ony valid for 12 months before adding to AESO or cancelling
- reviews ToRs (annually) - linmr manager approves changes to ToRs
- liase with the QA Cell for IQA
- attend station QA meetings
- must complete TEM 17 and have a competency check undertaken by the QSM
- QSC manages the QMS for the QSO iaw Brd 763 (naval quality management system)
who is the DAEO
what does he do
Lt scholes
- advises on the air engineering aspects of flight saftey
- schedules major work packages, component changes, and A/C between squadrons, MU, MFSU, MDMF, RADS, MLSP (mid life sustainment, programme)
- has OPs planning meeting twice a week with TO & OPS officer to see what sortie we can and cant do due to A/C availability
- manages the A/C plot to carry out mid and long term planning
- point of external agencies for use of aircraft and availaiability (A/C
- I/C of the maintenance unit, AEO writer and pubs
- liases with force SAE and fleet planner to schedule aircraft in and out of depth maintenance
who is the MU CPO
what does he do
CPO james
- takes control of the unit maintenance, taking control of large maintenance packages i.e. gearbox changes etc
- preservation of Mat state of the aircraft through corrosion prevention and husbandy
who is the Eng rec manager
what does he do
CPO Davis
- liases with DT for extension and Mods
- carries weight and moment QA’s
- carries out document checks (min of 10% day of co-ordinated docs)
- monitors MGMs for SI(T)s
- monitors GolDesp for any issues, lifing, mods and gold creation
- CCP checks
- oversee the Mk4 take on and RADS (M in Y2-Y3)
who is the A/C custodian
what does he do
Po hayes
- A/C rectification - provide a justification of pick ups or ensures picks ups are corrected
- Create Gold and CIETP accounts for personnel
- receipt and dispatch for A/C and ECUs iaw PL101 transfers and acceptance procedures for merlin - physical checks of the A/C when we get new cabs to ensure what’s fitted is correct
- PUP admin - moves A/C from gold server to PUPs for detachment
who is deals with data integrity
what are his responsibilities
PO vokes /LH
- ensure 2% checks are carried out - once per month
- carries out QA checks - looks at the master task schedule and ensures no task is missing for that A/C
- carries out structure reports - ensures no gaps in component missing from a higher assembly (generator on APU on GOLD)
who is the pubs LH
what does he do
LH verdan
- distributes amendments to the relevent publications
- carries out publications muster
- ensures the MF700 forms are at the correct amendment state
- updates CIETP laptops
- Eng planning - looks at whern CRLs are due and orders components for efficiency and DT extension
Pubs rating
- archive
- ensures correct filling of maintenance work orders
- tops up paperwork
- makes detachment documentation pack ups
Auths LH
- manages, updates all personnel’s authorisations on squadron
- manages and tracks all engineering competency checks
Lt smith
- an outward facing role to liase with HQ1 hanger of LO with regards to Eng support or logs issues
- ensures support equipment is available as required to maintain operational capability
- focal point for all supply issues, liasing with logs officer to resolve high priority demands. (Pt3 dmd’s not being fullfilled causing a build up of pt3s not being rectified)
- MAG AEO (lead engineering officer for all mag aircraft on ops or exercise)
- post crash management incident officer
- SQN visiting liasion officer (I/C of visits from schools/officer/etc)
- engineering crypto custodian
- monitors the online and paper cannibilisation log - ensures its correct and signed off by the AEO
Eng support CPO
CPO douglas
- first line managment of engineerign support sections
- radiation supervisor - co-ordinates any issues with radiation products (broken beta lights)
- co-ordinates requirments for detachment stores, tools, ground and role equipment
- responsible for the inflam locker - daily checks and stocking (currently closing down)
Eng support SR
PO merrils
- responsible for a small amount of role equipment (main role equipment is signed out following AESO’s and must give 48Hrs notice)
- accountable to the support chief, and co-ordinates all eng support ratings
- acts as the SOOQ
- responsible for the SQN pes log
Tool control SR
- ensures airworthiness by maintaining tools in good working order
- maintains issue centre S & P
- in charge of calibration and safe custody
Issue centre LH
LH sindry
- responsible for custody, safekeeping and condition of hand tools and their containers
- the upkeep of associated documentation
- reporting lost tools to the tool controller
- maintaining register of unmarked hand tools
- ensures safe custody, stowage and maintenance of support equiment
- liase with the station ground equipment section for major servicing, repairs and replacement or extra equipment
- carry out daily/weekly/ monthly checks on GSE which has CIETP or DAP procedures
- uses james portal for maintenance procedures and before and after use inspections
PO logs (stores control)
- ensure stores and spares placed in their charge are used solely for their intended purpose
- ensures demands for spares and equipment are consistent with the task
- SQDN POC for all supply chain matters
WO Haseltine
- Head NCO AE
- monitors and maintains squadron standards and practices
- advise and direct the QSC (maintaining S&P)
- supervise engineering training
- to liase with the QSC and review the SQN self audit programme
- acts as the Sr DO SR to all engineering ratings
- custodian of SMR tallies
- act as duty eng
- acts as AEO in the absence of the AEO, DAEO and AAEO
- act as the focal point for the co-ordination of SQN CAMO activity specifically management and closure of all aircraft ARs in liason with merlin CAMO WO
- act as HUMS data manager overseeing HUM and CVM logs and procedures
- RADS program manager
- acts as SMR in his absence
CPO ward
- I/C of their flight
- act as duty Eng
- liases with internal and external agencies required to fullfil the role
AV/M trade CPO
CPO hunter/Hone
- accountable to the duty Eng regarding trade issues
- accountable to Dsmr regarding routine tasks S&Ps
- liases with Sqdn on technical issues, Mosst, CHF HQ
training cell Cpo
CPO mcutchin
- supervises engineering training and competencies
- ensures all personnel are correctly trained and authorised to meet the sqdn objectives
- sqdn POC for engineering training matters
CPO higgins
- managing sqdn engineering manpower & manning levels
- manages manpower for detachements
- plan training courses for engineering personnel
duty authoriser
- conducts out-briefs prior to flight
- takes the pilots declaration they are authorised to fly
duty aviator
- responsible for conduct of daily flypro
- liase with wcpo (A/C availability)
- liase with OPS/TO
- inform duty eng, WCPO, TO, OPS of problems
- ensures pre-flight briefs are carried out
- ensure flights are correctly authed
duty eng
- advising on all engineering matters and undertaking engineering risk management to meet the operational requirement
- direct maintenance to meet flying requirements
- authorise pt2’s and pt3’s, deferments, cannibilisation and D states
- liase with the duty aviator to manage changes to flypro (PTF’s & GR’s)
- Co-ordinate engineering response to accidents involving sqn A/C
- Hangar rounds with duty sup
- Briefs aircraft availability and serviceability states at daily shareholders
- Allocates trade manpower to meet flypro
- Produces the state board
- Informs duty Eng/Aviator of any changes
- Allocates manpower for line operations
- Overall responsible for tool control
- Monitors pt 2 & 3 scheduled maintenance
- Ensures standards and practices, safety, health, fatigue levels and morale are maintained
- Ensures all personnel understand what work is going on
- All maintenance that cannot be completed is brought to the attention of the duty engineer
- Makes sure the MF700C reflects the serviceability state of the A/C
- Correct level of servicing carried out
- Ensures Fuel/Role/Special flying requirements are correct
- Control of line tool tallies/line equipment
- Prints new Pt2, Pt3 and short forecasts
line supervisor
- Providing serviceable A/C, in the correct role, fuel state and for the correct time to meet flypro requirements
- Direct all personnel involved in line ops
- Co-ordinate all A/C moves
- supervise line ops and ensure personnel are correctly dressed on the line
- Liases with WCPO, duty aviator and duty engineer to ensure FLYPRO is met
duty supervisor
- Accountable to Duty Eng
- Co-ordinates hangar cleaning and carries out hangar rounds with duty Eng
- Ensures all personnel are accounted for on watch
what is the AEO responsible for in regards to Delegation
(1) availability and (2)sustainability of A/C through (3)S&P of manpower on a (4)day to day basis
3. SMR
4. Duty eng
What is the QSC’s role
QSC manages QMS on behalf of the QSO iaw Brd 763