OME Flashcards
What publications detail OME storage, management and handling?
High Level
BRd 862 – MOD Maritime explosive regulations surface ships and subs DSA 03 – MOD Explosives guidance for in service and operational safety management of OME
JSP 886 – Stores
JSP 440 – Defence manual of security
JSP 800 – Dangerous goods transport inc. attractive to terrorist organisation
Mid Level
BRd 767
Low Level
NAO 4652 Weapons Prep
NAO 4690 Air Station Organisation NAO 4691 Unit Organisation
NAO 4693 PES Logs
NAO 4694 OME Accounts
VL AESOs (includes TORs, Procedures, General Orders such as delivery routes to EDP, authorised arming spots etc.) Topic 5A6 – Weapon loading.
Churchill - a stores ordering and accounting system used by JHC for the ordering of ammunition, vehicles, hotels etc required for detachments
What are the roles and responsibilities of the unit OME org?
Holds functional authority over the unit OME organisation
ERO – Explosives Responsible Officer
This is the AEO, he is trained and authorised to hold OME on behalf of the CO IAW NAO 4691(2)
Must have completed TEM 93
He ensures the safe custody and control of all expendable explosive stores on Sqn from the EDP until they are:
o Accepted by the Aircraft Commander o Embodied into an aircraft system
o Expended
o Returned to the ESA
Is the specialise Air ERO (SAERO) when embarked
Ensures that regulations for the safety of all explosives are enforced at all times He is responsible specifically for the squadron PES and the competence of the squadron SOOQ and TACs in the safety and handling of explosives
Carry’s out monthly inspections
Specialist Officer of the Quarter (SOOQ)
The ERO will select a qualified and authorised AV senior rate to act as the Sqn Specialist Officer of the Quarter (SOOQ)
Must have completed TEM 83
He is accountable for the safe management and custody of all explosive associated with the quarter.
He ensures that all regulations for the safe stowage, handling, preparation and associated documentation of the explosives stores are enforced
The cleanliness of the quarter and regular monthly PES inspections Determining the OME requirements to achieve operation and training task Demanding or returning OME (NAC Form 1)
Temporary ammunition custodian (TAC)
Qualified and authorised SR or LH by exception who act as a TAC Must of completed TEM 83.
Responsible for:
The safe custody of all explosive to the quarter during their period of duty Issuing and receiving explosive stores and recording this in the PES log Carry out PES inspections on behalf on the SOOQ in their absence.
What does the Potential Explosive SITE (PES) Log (Shore) contain? (BRd 767 nao 4693)
Section 1 – Inspection of explosives facilities and explosive management safety (JSP 482 Chap 20 Annex A)
Section 2 – Monthly inspection record sheet (Record of faults/tests/drills)
Section 3 – Authorised quantity explosives licence (MF1659) for RU locker/EDP (Quantity, What we can hold, Category)
Section 4 – Section 5 –
Section 6 – Section 7 – Section 8 –
Section 9 –
Quality Audit Report Latest copy
List of personnel Authorised to draw OME keys
List of personnel Authorised to conduct explosive tasks List of specimen signatures for above personnel Personnels responsibilities
S3139 (Officer of Quarter Log) for each nature held in the PES log OME Stores issue (Open NAC OME 1 Forms)
Unit explosive Risk assessment forms
Unit applicable AEROs
Delivery routes and loading spots applicable to Sqn PES VLAESO’s
Completed pages for PES forms - Section 2 = 11 years,
- Section 6 S3139 = 3 years
- NAC OME 1 Forms = 3 years
When are the different PES inspections and when are they carried out and by who?
Weekly – By the SOOQ
Monthly - By the ERO and SOOQ (or TAC in SOOQ Absence) checking against section 6 of PES log
3 Monthly – Head of Establishment Explosives Safety Representative (HoE ESR) and Explosives storage area manager (ESAM)
6 Monthly - Command muster with ESAM. Carried out by an independent officer, WO or CPO and consists of a physical count of all OME
Annually – IQA
Bi-annually - Fleet Inspector Explosives & NCHQ explosives
Additional – Squadron Self Audits as required by QSO/QSC.
What Ready Use/PES Locker is designated for 846?
RU 19
The contents of the PES locker must reflect the S3139 section 6 of PES log at all times PES lockers are provided for temporary storage only and should hold OME stores for a minimum time necessary.
Squadron is to ensure does not exceed limits or hold OME not listed on Authorised Quantity Licence (Section 3 of PES log)
SOOQ/TAC must ensure correct Hazard classification marking is shown on exterior of PES log at all times
What is the procedure for signing out the PES/ RU keys? Order 14.1 Bk2 Pt2 Chap3
Sect 4
Authorised SOOQ/TAC (as detailed in section 5 of PES) will sign out keys from guard room (ID Card Required)
SOOQ/TAC Signs the keys into the PES log when the key is drawn or at a watch handover (PES log held at Duty Eng desk) (RU Keys kept in engineering office/ PES log controlled via duty engineer)
A TAC may then sign out RU key by signing in temporary loan section of section 5 in PES log
TAC needs to sign for keys by 2359 in guardroom if he intends to keep them out or return key to guard room signing key log
Completed forms kept for 12 months
Who can sign out the keys, and where would you find out if you don’t know?
SOOQ/TAC – AV senior rate completed TEM 83
Section 5 Pes Log – List of authorised personnel
What is the procedure for signing out an explosive item from the PES and what documentation would need to be checked and signed?
Transactions are recorded on S3139s (Officer of the Quarter Log) kept in the PES log, section 6, and are compared on a monthly basis with the relevant establishment S3139 OOQ log entries to ensure completeness and accuracy
What form is raised for ordering and returning expended ammunition, who authorises it and what is the process and lead times?
NAC OME Form 1 – NAC OME stores issue and return (BRd 767 NAO 4694)
Email or firing order received from person requiring OME or SOOQ monitors when carts are due and will order just before life ex
SOOQ checks JSMCR to ensure no bans or constraints are in place for the requested OME
DAEO/AAEO (Carts) / OPs (Ammo) demands on CHURCHILL and supplies SOOQ with event number
Event number is entered on to NAC OME 1 form
Duty Eng authorises for cartridges / MAG FWI or SWO authorises flares and ammo Emails it to CHF CCS stores accountant (Sgt Roberts) who checks its been ordered on CHURCHILL before accepting the demand
He sends a copy to AWS OOQ
OOQ will contact SOOQ to arrange a delivery time and place
What are the delivery timings for OME?
- Carts-28days(or1dayifinstock)
- Ammo/Flares-6weeks(or1dayifinstock)
NAC OME Form 2 Weekly OME transactions/ Expenditure’s form (BRd 767 NAO 4694) Provides a weekly return to AWS OOQ(S)- Details OME stock Sqn are holding and used to inform of explosive stores that have been expended for training/practice or operational use or were fitted to/removed from Aircraft. This is a weekly accounting form. For physical returns use a NAC OME Form 1.
Completed by SOOQ and returned to the AWS OOQ(S) electronically
Where are OME stores delivered to?
Explosive Delivery Point (EDP) can include the following:
o ESH Explosive Stores House within the ESA explosives Storage Area o PES Potential Explosive Site Locker
o LicensedAircraftArmingHardstanding
o Licensed Weapon Prep area
What Spots are licensed for Merlin?
South Dispersal – Rotary Wing Spots 1 & 2
Lima Spots 22-28
Licensed by the Inspector Of Explosives (Fleet Establishments)
What are rules regarding transportation of OME?
Must follow authorised delivery routes as per AWS map (blue lines) to minimise RADHAZ All stores that are transported off the establishment must have a dangerous goods notice DGN.
Personnel must be appropriately trained depending on threshold of ammunition i.e. awareness trained or HAZMAT trained.
Transported around station in red transit ACAs (Approved Container Assembly)
What is CFFE?
Certified Free From Explosives - All recoverable remains of ammunition must be processed to ensure no explosive material remains within these stores i.e. Brass, links and any packaging. Only VL AWS authorised personnel can CFFE.
Where Can weapon preparation take place?
ESH Explosive Store House No1. In ESA Explosive Storage Area.
How is lifing of OME ascertained?
Joint Services Munitions Control Register (JSMCR). Each store has a Life Item Register (LIR) in the JSMCR that details storage and operational life’s against the store.
How are lifing details recorded on MWO and GOLDEsp for Merlin?
Recorded in GOLDESP against the comments field of cartridge task under higher assembly for the cartridge i.a.w Leaflet 152C (Gold standards and practices for sanction, SI(T), Carts and Mods
Record lifing details on MWO i.a.w L178 by establishing the operational and shelf/ storage life from the JSMCR.
Life equals the lower of the two sums;
JSMCR Operational life + DOI Date of insulation JSMCR Shelf Life + DOM Date of Manufacture
What details must be written on a cartridge? i.a.w 767 NAO 4652C
DOI (Initial/ 1st installation)
Serial no. if applicable, not all cartridges have a serial no. hence tracked against higher assembly
What is PL 178?
- Details how to record cartridge lifing details on MWO and GOLD
- Carts raised on GOLD by 3rd sig
What are the hazard divisions?
- 1 - Explosives which have a mass explosion hazard
- 2 - Explosives which have a projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard
- 3 - Explosives which have a fire hazard and either/or a minor blast/projecting hazard but not
a mass explosion hazard
- 4 - Explosives that present no significant hazard
- 5 - Very insensitive substances that have a mass explosion hazard
- 6 - Extremely insensitive articles which do not have a mass explosion hazard
The letter after is to determine compatibility group for storage/ transportation.
What classification of Explosive Stores do we hold on 846 NAS?
Cartridges and rounds = 1.4
Flare and pyros = 1.3
What publication would detail types of flares ,pyros and ammunition cleared for use on Merlin HC?
What is the RTS?
- A list of limitations of the aircraft and systems
What Publication is Weapon Loading carried out I.a.w?
Topic 5A6 (Merlin currently has policy leaflet 2N in its place)
What are EEID explosive hazards on your aircraft? And what test should be carried
out prior to fitment?
- rescue hoist cable cutter
- Fire bottle cartridges (normal and cross feed)
- BAU cartridge
- Dry bay fire protection
- Flotation System
- Flare (TACDS), Not cleared for Chaff i.a.w latest RTS. -No Volts test to be carried out before fitment of EIED’s.
What should be checked when carrying out an inspection?
Stowages - are correct and secure
Temperatures - are correct and recorded
Oils and greases - no hydraulic leaks, no oily rags, any leaking oil to be caught by
save alls
Clips - water tight doors and hatches are serviceable and secure
Keys - all hatches and doors are locked with all keys controlled
Firefighting - spraying appliances are serviceable and free from leaks, portable
equipment is serviceable and in place
Unauthorised items - have been removed
Lids - of all packages are properly secured
Lights - all electrical equipment and lighting in magazines to be switched off when the
magazine is not in use
What are the chaff and flare safety precautions?
General armament
Pyrotechnic safety
Loaded chaff and flare magazines are to be transported in authorised special to type
transport containers
Ensure the ejection end of magazines never points towards personnel
What are the pyrotechnic safe handling precautions?
They have thin skins and are easily damaged
If they show signs of dampness, mildew or swollen containers they are not to be used
When removed from an aircraft they are to be returned to their authorised stowage
Preparation and de preparation is to be carried out IAW the appropriate DAP 110E
preparation and de preparation must only be carried out in authorised areas
When are the precautions to be observed when handling EIEDs?
- EEDs must be kept in their protective containers until ready for fitting.
- EEDs must be replaced into their containers immediately after removal
- Handling time must be kept to a minimum.
- Do not handle terminals, contacts or cables.
- Make sure you are not in a RADHAZ danger area
- Make sure you wear correct PPE (safety clothing, glasses, hearing protectors and electro
static discharge ground straps)