State Exam Flashcards
the practice of talking to yourself as you anticipate, encounter, or evaluate an event
Self-awareness and empathy
remind yourself that the individual you are interacting with is a person too, and likely has similar needs and wants as you. Focusing on things you have in common will help you resist thinking about the other person in stereotypical or derogatory terms.
Alert, Verbal, Unresponsive, Pain
Accessory after the fact
person who gives the principal any aid with the intent that the principal or escapes detention, arrest, trial, or punishment
Principal in the first degree
who commits any criminal offense. It includes a person who helps another person or other people to commit or attempt to commit a crime.
First Amendment
freedom of speech, press, peaceful assembly, and religion
Second Amendment
Right to bear arms
Fourth Amendment
prohibits unreasonable search and seizure
Fifth Amendment
prohibiting compelled self-incrimination
Due process
laws must be applied fairly and equally to all people, including a person accused of a crime
Substantive due process
the fair and consistent enforcement of the law. This means that people are treated fairly.
Procedural due process
the procedures that must be followed to protect a person’s rights during a criminal justice process.
occurs during acceleration and braking
occurs when turning
The transfer of a vehicles weight causing and end to end motion
Statutory law
is written and enacted by Congress, state legislatures, or
local governing authorities in response to a perceived need. Statutory law includes criminal, civil, administrative, and regulatory laws.
Criminal law
identifies behaviors deemed unacceptable by society
laws enacted by a municipal (city) or county government.
START protocols
Green - Minor
Yellow - Delayed
Red - Immediate
Black - deceased
License PRE-2017 FORMAT
Blue, Yellow, Green 2 headshots
Blue, orange, green- 3 headshots
verbal or non-verbal threats
Aggravated assault
document that the suspect committed all the elements of assault and in addition, made the assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill, or with an intent to commit a felony.
- actually and intentionally touched or struck the victim against their will, or
- intentionally caused bodily harm to the victim.
Aggravated battery
intentionally or knowingly caused great bodily harm or used a deadly weapon
Felony battery
actually and intentionally touched or struck a victim against their will, and caused significant injury, great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the victim
prohibits any communication, oral or written, with the victim or presence within 500 feet of the victim’s residence, vehicle, or workplace
Child domestic battery
when a child commits an act of violence against a parent, sibling, or other family member living in the home.
Luring or enticing a child
18 or older intentionally lured or enticed a child younger than 12 into a structure,
Mentally defective
a mental disease or disorder that renders a person temporarily or permanently incapable of judging their conduct
Mentally incapacitated
a person temporarily incapable of judging or controlling their
own conduct due to the influence of a narcotic, anesthetic, or intoxicating substance
Physically helpless
unconscious, asleep, or for any other reason physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act
Physically incapacitated
bodily impaired or handicapped and substantially limited in ability to resist or flee
- takes money or property from the victim,
- intends to deprive the victim of their property
- uses force, violence, assault, or places the victim in fear during the incident.
Criminal mischief
the willful and malicious destruction of property belonging
to another person
the unlawful entry into any structure with the intent to commit a crime inside
Loitering or prowling
to linger or hang around in a public area without any apparent purpose for being there in a place, at a time, or in a manner not usual for law-abiding people, and under circumstances that raise alarm or immediate concern for the safety of people or property in the vicinity
Makes laws - Congress, senate, house
Carries out laws - Pres, VP, cabinet
Interprets laws - supreme and federal court