Staph. Flashcards
Mention the diseases caused by S. aurus.
1_focal suppuration
A_superfacial infections«carbuncles, boils, absesess
B_deep seated infections«osteomyelitis, bronchopneuomonia, Empyema, endocarditis, meningitis»
2_spread via lymphatics and blood«Bacterimia, septicaemia»
3_toxogenic disease «food poising, TSS, scaled skin syndrome.
What’s the virulunce factors of s. arus
1_protective pn. P A binds IGg prevent opsonization, phagositosis» Coagulase hemolysin leukocidin penicillinase 2_tissue destroying pn. Hyaluronidase staphylokinase lipase 3_toxins exofoliative toxin enterotoxin TSST.
How can you treat S. aerus infection?
pencillinase resistant pencillin eg: dicloxacillin oxacillin. Nafcillin methicillin
what’s the habitat for S. epidermis?
normal flira on skin, mucous mem.
What’s the virulunce factors of S. epidermis?
glycocalyx adhere to forign bodies.
low-virulunce organism
no toxin
what’s the disease caused by S. epidermis?
hospital accqierd disaese:
endocarditis on prosethtic heart valves, prosthetic hip infection, intravascular catheter inf., SCF shunt inf., neonatal sepsis.
How do S. epidermis transmit?
usually it’s the own person bacteria which cause disease.
can be transmitted by hands
what’s the lab diagnosis for S. epidermis?
gram stained mear
culture on blood agar: whitish, non. hymolytic colonies.
serological test is not useful
how to differentiate between S. epidermis and S. saprophyticus?
S. epidermis is sensitive to novobiocin.
how can you traet S. epidermis?
vancomycin +rifampicin or aminoglycosides.
have B. lactemase.
what’s the disease caused by S. saprophyticus?
normal flora in vagina
cause community aquired urinary tract infection
in young sexually active women«GUT».