Gram+ rods, c. tetanus Flashcards
How many types of serotypes are there in C. tetanus? what is the common b/w them? and difference?
10 serotypes.
same toxin
same O antigen.
different in flagellar antigen.
Mention the types and functions of C. tetanus toxins?
1_ tetanolysin: cause hemolysis on blood agar.
2_Tetanospasmin: polypeptide nueorotoxin.
Mention the modes of transmission of C. tetanus.
1_nail prick 2_contaminated surgical wound,during illegal abortion 3_gunshot wound,stab wound,any cut wound 4_animal bites 5_skin popping 6_ umbilical stump
why does tetanus attack not provide immunity for future attacks?
b/c the toxin is potent and minimal amount will induce the symptoms of the disease.
Mention some clinical manifestations of C. tetanus.
1_spasm of jaw,facial,neck muscels«trismus»
2_sardonic grin
5_Death caused by respiratory and cardiac arrest.
6-neonatal tetanus
What’s the possible examination of c. tetanus?
1_microscopic examination of wound swap
2_direct immuonoflourescent staining
3_culture on blood agar
4_Animal incolution
cocerning active immunization of C. tetanus.. combinations possible? number of doses age booster dose risks
1_DTP:three intramascular injections months
booster every 10 years but for TD.
it may cause encaphalitis after 6 age
at 2.4.6 months + booster at 18 months+4.6 years.
booster dose for those 10.18 years.
What’s done in C. tetanus treatment?
1_Keep the patient in quite dark room 2_proper care of wound 3_give antitoxin at once 4_HTIG 5_pencillin and metronidazole 6_adequate airway maintained and respiratory support. 7_benzodiazepines, valium