Stage 1 Oral Questions Flashcards
What does VOR stand for?
very high frequency omnidirectional radio range
What navigational aid symbol is this?

VOR/DME refers to combined radio navigation station for aircraft, which consists of two radio beacons, placed together, a VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) and distance measuring equipment (DME).
What navigational aid symbol is this? What does it mean?

a navigational aid for aircraft pilots consisting of a co-located VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) beacon and a tactical air navigation system (TACAN) beacon
What navigational aid symbol is this?

Tactical Air Navigation system used by military aircraft
What navigational aid symbol is this?

VHF Omni Directional Radio Range (VOR)
a short-range radio navigation system for aircraft, enabling aircraft with a receiving unit to determine their position and stay on course by receiving radio signals transmitted by a network of fixed ground radio beacons. It uses frequencies in the very high frequency (VHF) band from 108 to 117.95 MHz.
What are the three types of VOR navigational stations?
VOR (just the VOR),
VOR-DME (VOR plus distance measuring equipment),
Vortac (VOR plus the military’s tactical air navigation system).
Name and explain the three classifications of VOR stations.
Terminal VORs
- 1,000 -12,000 ft AGL range 25NM
Low-altitude VORs
- 1,000 - 18,000 AGL range 40 NM
High altitude VORs
- 1,000 - 14,500 AGL range 40 NM
- 14,500 -18,000 AGL range 100 NM
- 18,000 -45,000 AGL range 130 NM
- 45,000 - 60,000 AGL range 100NM

What equipment is required for IFR flight?
Airspeed indicator
Temperature guage
Oil temp guage
Manifold pressure guage
Oil pressure guage
Fuel guage
Landing gear lights
Anti Collision lights
Magnetic compass
Emergency equipment
Safety belts
Landing Lights
Anti-collision lights
Position Lights
Source of electrical Power
Radio Navigation,
Altimeter (pressure sensitive),
Ball on turn coordinator,
Artificial Horizon,
Rate of turn on turn coordinator
Directional gyro (heading Indicator), and
DME (above 24,000 feet when using V.O.R)
What would happen if both the pitot tube opening and the drain hole should become clogged simultaneously?
ASI acts like a altimeter
Current altitude shows no change in airspeed
If a descent is made, the static pressure would increase against the diaphragm causing it to compress thereby resulting in an indication of decreased airspeed.
If the aircraft were to climb, the static pressure would decrease allowing the diaphragm to expand, thereby showing an indication of greater airspeed.
What would happen if the pitot tube becomes blocked and its associated drain hole remains clear?
Ram air no longer is able to enter the pitot system. Air
already in the system vents through the drain hole, and the
remaining pressure drops to ambient (outside) air pressure.
Under these circumstances, the ASI reading decreases to
zero, because the ASI senses no difference between ram and
static air pressure.
What happens if the static system becomes blocked but the pitot tube remains clear?
The ASI continues to operate; however, it is inaccurate.
The airspeed indicates lower than the actual airspeed when
the aircraft is operated above the altitude where the static
ports became blocked, because the trapped static pressure is higher than normal for that altitude. When operating at a loweraltitude, a faster than actual airspeed is displayed due to the relatively low static pressure trapped in the system.
Trapped static pressure causes the altimeter to freeze
at the altitude where the blockage occurred. In the case of
the VSI, a blocked static system produces a continuous zeroindication.
The localizer transmitter operates on one of 40 ILS channels within the frequency range of ________
108.10 to 111.95 MHz.
Identification is in International Morse Code and consists of a ______letter identifier preceded by the ____ transmitted on the localizer frequency.
Identification is in International Morse Code and consists of a 3 letter identifier preceded by the letter I (• •) transmitted on the localizer frequency.
What are the limits of Localizer Coverage range?
10 degrees either side 10 - 18 NM from the antenna
10 to 35 degrees either side from antenna - 10 NM.

What is GPS RAIM?
Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM)
The GPS receiver verifies the integrity (usability) of the signals received from the GPS constellation through receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) to determine if a satellite is providing corrupted information. At least one satellite, in addition to those required for navigation, must be in view for the receiver to perform the RAIM function; thus, RAIM needs a minimum of 5 satellites
in view, or 4 satellites and a barometric altimeter (baro−aiding) to detect an integrity anomaly. [Baro−aiding satisfies the RAIM requirement in lieu of a fifth satellite.] For receivers capable of doing so, RAIM needs 6 satellites in view (or 5 satellites withbaro−aiding) to isolate the corrupt satellite signal andremove it from the navigation solution. Baro−aiding is a method of augmenting the GPS integrity solution by using a nonsatellite input source.
The GPS constellation has ____ satellites and designed so that a minimum of ____ is always observable by a user anywhere on earth. The receiver uses data from a minimum of four satellites above the mask angle (the lowest angle above the horizon at which it can use a satellite).
The GPS constellation has 24 satellites and designed so that a minimum of five is always observable by a user anywhere on earth. The receiver uses data from a minimum of four satellites above the mask angle (the lowest angle above the horizon at which it can use a satellite).
What is WASS?
Wide Area Augmentation System
it’s a system of satellites and ground stations that provide GPS signal corrections, giving you even better position accuracy.
What are the magnetic compass errors?
Variation - Difference between Magnetic and True North
Deviation - The electrical and magnetic fields in an aircraft that creat different heading.
Magnetic Dip - the position of magnetic north relative to the aircraft, causing the compass to dip down to the shortest route to the pole.. Through the earth. The south side of the compass dial is weighted to compensate for this tendency
Oscillation - Vibrations from the aircraft
Northernly turning errors -Turning from north indicates turn in the opposite direction. Turning from south indicates an accelerated turn in the correct direction. UNOS, Undershoot North and Overshoot South
Accelerating Errors -accelerating or deccelerating will indicate either a turn to the north or south while on a east or west heading. ANDS = Acceleration causes a drift in compass to north. Decceleration causes a drift in compass to south. Accelerate north deccelerate south
What is the ATC Clearance acronym?
EX: N53NA, you’re cleared to the Los Angelas Airport via Miami.2 Departure, Winco Transition, then as filed. Climb and maintain 2,000, expect 8,000 in one-zero minutes. Departure control frequency is 128.6. Squawk 0041.
Clearance limit #1
Route #2
Altitude #3
Frequency #4
Transponder #5
N53NA, you’re cleared to the Los Angelas Airport (#1)
via Miami.2 Departure, Winco Transition, then as filed (#2). Climb and maintain 2,000 (#3),
expect 8,000 in one-zero minutes. Departure control frequency is 128.6(#4).
Squawk 0041(#5).
What are the V Speeds for the Archer 2?
Max x wind
Vso - Stall Speed Landing Config 49
Vs - Stall Speed Controllable - 55
Vr - Rotation Speed 59
Vx - Best Angle of Climb 64
Vy - Best Rate of Climb 76
Va - Maneuvering Speed 89
Vno - Max Structural Cruise 125
Vne - Never exceed speed 154
Vfe - Flap extend speed 102
Max x wind - 17
Name 5 different types if fixes
Name the section of the holding pattern
Which direction is standard turn?

Standard turns are to the right.