Instrument Oral Exam (blue book + additionals) Flashcards
An applicant for an instrument rating must have at least how much and what type of flight time as pilot?
(14 CFR 61.65)
An applicant must have:
a) 50 hours of x-ctry flight time as PIC, of which at least 10 hrs must be in planes
b) 40 hrs of act. or sim inst. time ( on the areas of operation specified)
c) 15 hrs of inst flihgt training from an authorized instructor in the a/c catagory for which the inst rating is sought
d) 3 hrs of training appropriate to the inst rating sought from an auth instructor, in prep for the practical test w/in the 60 days preceding the date of test
e) 250 NM x-ctry conducted under IFR, incl. 3 diff approaches
When is an instrument rating required?
When ops are conducted:
a) under IFR rules (IFR flight plan)
b) wx conditions less than the min for VFR flight
c) In class A airspace,
d) Under special VFR within Class B, C, D, and class E surface areas between sunset and sunrise.
what are the recency of experience requirements to be PIC of a flight under IFR
a) BFR
b) to carry passengers, 3 T.O.’s and landings w/in the preceding 90 days (full stop at night)
c) the preceding 6 mts logged under actual or sim inst. conditions, either in flight in the appropriate catagory of a/c or in a flight sim or flight training device—-
- at least 6 inst. approaces
- holding procedures and
- intercepting and tracking courses through the use of nav equipment.
If a pilot allows thier currency to expire what can be done to become current again?
Pilot is current for 6 mths after the check ride or profeciency check, then if allowed the 6 mths to expire w/out doing the 6 approaches holding proc, etc. pilot is not able to file IFR and give another 6 mths “grace period” to accomplish the approaches etc. If that grace period is allowed to expire then the pilot may become current again by completing a instrument proficiency check.
Define appropriately rated safety pilot.
Pilot must hold at least a private pilot cert. they must also have a current medical cert and be current in the catagory and class of a/c being flown.
what information must a pilot in command be familiar with before a flight?
All available information including:
a) Weather reports and forecasts
b) Known ATC delays
c) Runway lengths of intended use
d) Alternatives if the flight cannot be completed as planned
e) Fuel requirements
f) Takeoff and landing distances
What are the fuel requirements for flight in IFR conditions?
the a/c must carry enough fuel to fly to the first airport of intended landing (including the approach) the alt. airport (if required), and thereafter, for 45 minutes at normal cruise speed. If any alternate airport is not required, enough fuel must be carried to fly to the destination airport and land with 45 min of fuel remaining.
What a/c instruments are required for IFR ops?
generator or alternator of adequate capacity
attitude indicator
rate of turn
directional gyro
what are the required tests and inspections of aircraft and equipment to be legal for IFR flight
- Airworthyness Directives
- VOR w/in preceding 30 days- record kept in bound logbook
- Inspection 100 hr. if operated for hire (must have annual). record kept in a/c / engine log
- Altimeter preceding 24 mts
- Transponder w/in preceding 24 mts
- ELT 1/2 batt. life or 1hr cumulative use
- Static/ Pitot System w/in preceding 24 mts.
May portable electronic devices be operated on board an a/c?
No person may operate nor may any PIC allow the operation of any portable electronic device:
a) On a/c operated by an air carrier or commercial operator; or
b) On any other a/c while it is operated under IFR
what documents must be on board an a/c to make it legal for IFR flight?
Airworthyness Cert
Registration Cert
Radio Station Licence (International Ops)
Owner’s Manual or Operating Limitations
Weight and balance data
When can you cancel your IFR flight plan?
An IFR flight plan may be canceled at any time the flight is operating in VFR conditions outside of Class A airspace. Pilots must be aware that other procedures may be applicable to a flight that cancels an IFR flight plan within an area where a special program, such as a designated TRSA, Class C airspace, or Class B airspace, has been established
When using GPS for nav underIFR , how often must the database be updated?
Every 28 days for IFR ops
When must a pilot file an IFR flight plan?
Prior to departure from within or prior to entering controlled airspace, a pilot must submit a complete flight plan and recieve clearance from ATC if weather conditions are below VFR mins. The pilot should file the flight plan at least 30 mins prior to the estimated time of departure to preclude a possible delay in receiving a departure clearance from ATC
What is a composite flight plan?
It is a flight plan that specifies VFR for a portion and IFR for another.
what type of aircraft equipment determines your “special equipment” suffix when filing an IFR flight plan?
TACAN- only equipment
Area Navigation Equipment (RNAV)- LORAN, INS
Radar beacon transponder
DME equipment
Advanced Area Navigation Equipment- (GPS), (GNSS)global navigation satellite system
The requested altitude on an FAA flight plan form (Block 7) represents which altitude for the route of flight- the initial, lowest, or highest?
Enter only the initial requested altitude in this block. When more than one IFR altitude or flight level is desired along the route of flight, it is best to make a subsequent request direct to the controller.
What are the alternate airport requirements?
1-2-3 Rule
If from 1 hr prior to 1 hr after your planned ETA at the destination airport, the weather is forecast to be at least 2,000 ft ceilings and 3 mile vis., no alternate is required. If less than 2,000 and 3 miles an alternate must be filed using the following criteria:
a) If an IAP is published for that airportm the alternate airport minimums specified in that procedure or, if none are specified, the following mins–
- Precision approach procedure: ceiling 600’ and vis. 2 stat. miles
- Nonprecision approaches: ceiling 800’ and vis. 2 stat. miles.
b) If no IAP has been published for that airport, the ceiling and visibility minimums are those allowing descent from the MEA, approach, and landing under basic VFR.
What is the definition of the term ceiling?
Ceiling is defined as the height above the earth’s surface of the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena reported as “broken, overcast or obscuration” and not classified as “thin or partial”
What minimums are to be used on arrival at the alternate?
If an instrument approach procedure has been published for that airport, the minimums specified in that procedure are used.
what are preferred routes and where can they be found?
Preferred routes are those established between busier airports to incrase system efficiency and capacity. preferred routes are listed in the Airport/Facilities Directory.
What are Enroute Low Altitude Charts?
Enroute low-altitude charts provide aeronautical information for navigation under IFR conditions below 18,000’ MSL. These charts are revised every 56 days.
What are Enroute high atlitute charts?
Enroute high altitude charts are designed for navigation at or above 18,000’ MSL. This four color chart series includes the jet route structure; VHF NAVAID’s w/ freq., identification, channel, geographic coordinates; selected airports; reporting points. Revised every 56 days.
What are area charts?
Area charts furnish terminal information azt a laorge scale in congested areas such as Dallas/Ft. Worth, Atlanta, etc. Multiple area charts are printed in one publication and are revised every 56 days.