Stability of excipients Flashcards
What is the importance of stability in extemporaneous preparation (3)
- The stability of a medicine will determine it’s shelf life
- The pharmacist must assign a shelf life to every product manufactured
- For some products the BP/BPC specifies the shelf life
what is the official BP/BPC formula for stability (3)
- No comment - as stock stable for 12 months, decreases for 3 months once opened - after issued to patient stable for 4 weeks
- Recently prepared - as stock stable for 2 weeks - after issued to patient stable for 2 weeks
- Freshly prepared - prepared no more than 24 hrs before issue - after issued to patient stable for 2 weeks
How is shelf life assigned for unofficial (not in BP/BPC) products (4)
- For most unofficial (not in BP/BPC) products there will be no such information
- It is usual to give unofficial products a shelf life of 2 weeks and not to prepare them more then 24 hours before supply
- An understanding of this and the previous table is usually sufficient
- In practice pharmacists must fully research the formula before assigning the shelf life
What information & clues are there to the degradation pathways of a drug (5)
- Reference texts such as Martindale/BP/BPC give information and clues as to the degradation pathways of the drug
- Store in airtight containers-oxidation
- Protect form moisture-hydrolysis
- Protect from light-oxidation/hydrolysis
- The manufacturers can be contacted for information about stability
What affects the stability of a product (5)
- Oxidation
- Hydrolysis
- Microbial growth
- Formulation
- Storage
How can oxidation be reduced (5)
- Storage in airtight containers
- Adding antioxidants- which are oxidised in preference to the drug e.g. ascorbic acid
- Boiling the water to remove any dissolved oxygen
- Using a sequestering agent to remove any metal ions which catalyse oxidation reactions e.g. citric acid
- Using purified water- no metal ions present
How can hydrolysis be reduced (2)
- If for internal use- formulate the product as a powder or capsule, or reduce the shelf life
- If for external use- formulate the product with an ointment, oily or IMS base
How can microbial growth be reduced (8)
- Preservatives
- Chloroform- active concentration 0.25%
- Chloroform BP (100%)
- Concentrated Chloroform Water (10%)
- Chloroform Spirit (5%)
- Chloroform Water Double Strength (0.5%)
- Chloroform Water BP (0.25%)
- Main disadvantage- Volatile
What are p-hydroxybenzoates (4)
- p-hydroxybenzoates widely used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals-both internal and external
- Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate is most water soluble-used to preserve aqueous phase
- Butyl Parahydroxybenzoate is more oil soluble
- If the patient does not wish to have a preservative included in the medicine- give the medicine a 7-day shelf life
How does formulation affect shelf-life (3)
- Very important-can either increase or decrease shelf life
- Antioxidants/preservatives increase shelf life (see above)
- If excipients are incompatible with drug -decrease shelf life
what is the importance of potassium permanganate (2)
- Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidising agent-will burn in contact with glycerol
- Recommend using water as a base
What are the incompatibilities with shelf life (2)
- redox reactions
- Acid-base reactions
What are the factors of euganol extemporaneous preparations (6)
- BP - store in airtight Containers
- Martindale- Susceptible to oxidation in aqueous solutions
- Oxidation increases with increase in pH
- Studies show it is stable for 5-30 days
- Studies show increase in shelf life at 5C
- 2% Solution has a pH of 2-2.6
What are the factors of aspirin extemporaneous preparations (3)
- “Aspirin is stable in dry air but gradually hydrolyses in contact with moisture to acetic and salicylic acids”
- Suggest, Best option-offer powders
- Solution with a shelf life of 7 days or less and labelled store in a fridge
What are the factors of simvastatin extemporaneous preparations (7)
- Store in airtight containers, under nitrogen, permits the addition of an antioxidant to the drug
- Compendium of Data Sheets - The tablets contain citric and ascorbic acids
- Manufacturer - Stable for three days at pH 7
- Very susceptible to oxidation
- Tablets contain citric/ascorbic acid-cannot crush and add to water
- ↓pH and therefore ↓ shelf life
- Only option is to crush tablets before use or offer powders with a 7 day shelf life