Public health Flashcards
What is public health (5)
- ‘The science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organised efforts and informed choices of society, organisations, public and private’
- Focus on the overall health of the population
- International level – World Health Organisation (WHO)
- National level – responsibility of the home countries e.g. Public Health England, replaced by UK Health Security Agency and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
- Local level – health and social care organisations
What is health inequalities (2)
- ‘Differences in health that are unnecessary, avoidable, unfair and unjust’
- Illness and death are not evenly distributed across the population
What are inequalities in life expectancy (3)
- People living in the most deprived areas have a life expectancy a decade shorter than those living in the least deprived areas.
- Life expectancy is 76 years in Blackpool and 86 years in Kensington).
- For any given level of deprivation, life expectancy in the north of England is lower than in the south of England.
What are the determinants of health (5)
- Health is determined by a complex interaction between individual characteristics and the environment:
- Individual characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity, genetics)
- Behaviours (lifestyle, the way we live)
- The social and economic environment
- The physical environment
What are the three domains of public health (3)
- Health improvement
- Health protection
- Healthcare public health
How can we improve health (7)
- Helping people to live healthy lifestyles, make healthy choices and reduce health inequalities
- Education
- Lifestyles e.g. obesity, smoking
- Employment
- Housing
- Family/community
- Surveillance and monitoring of specific diseases and risk factors
How can diet and obesity affect health (4)
- Diet is ranked top alongside tobacco as contributing to the most morbidity for the UK population
Linked to:
- heart disease and stroke
- type 2 diabetes
- Some cancers
What are the benefits of exercise (8)
- Reduce dementia by up to 30%
- Reduce hip fractures by up to 68%
- Reduce depression by up to 30%
- Reduce all-cause mortality by up to 30%
- Reduce cardiovascular disease by up to 35%
- Reduce type 2 diabetes by up to 40%
- Reduce colon cancer by up to 30%
- Reduce breast cancer by up to 20%
What is health protection (6)
- Protecting the population’s health from major incidents and other threats, while reducing health inequalities
- Chemicals and poisons
- Radiation
- Emergency response
- Environmental health hazards
- Sexually transmitted infections e.g STIs
What is healthcare public health (7)
- Quality and delivery of health and social services
- Service planning
- Clinical effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Audit and evaluation
- Clinical governance
- Equity
What is the role of pharmacy in public health (4)
- Role across all three domains – Health improvement, Health protection, Healthcare public health
- The NHS Five Year Forward View – ‘Radical upgrade in prevention’, Key role for pharmacy
- Pharmacy – A Way Forward for Public Health – Strengthened role for community pharmacy
- The3 NHS Long Term Plan
What is the role of pharmacy in health improvement (3)
- Promote health and wellbeing messages
- Encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles
- Support people to take responsibility for their own health
What is the role of community pharmacy in public health improvement (6)
- Healthy lifestyle advice
- Minor ailments schemes
- Weight management
- Smoking cessation
- Pharmacy First
- BP and CVD risk monitoring
What is the role of hospital pharmacy in public health (2)
- Healthy lifestyle advice. e.g. patients with long-term conditions
- Signpost to smoking cessation services
What is the role of primary care pharmacy in public health (2)
- Chronic condition clinics (blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, COPD)
- NHS Health Check
What is the role of pharmacy in health protection (3)
- Prevention and transmission of infectious diseases
- Antibiotic resistance
- Pharmacy response to an emergency
What is the role of community pharmacy in public health protection (5)
- Travel vaccines
- Antimalarials
- Needle exchange
- Influenza vaccine
- Hepatitis C screening
What is the role of hospital pharmacy in public health protection (3)
- Antimicrobial stewardship
- Infection control
- Major Incident Policy
What is the role of primary care pharmacy in public protection (3)
- Antimicrobial stewardship, campaigns
- ePACT data analysis
- Influenza vaccine
What is the instrumental role of COVID-19 in community pharmacy
Kept its doors open
What is the instrumental role of COVID-19 in community pharmacy (5)
- Planning
- Medicines Management
- Ongoing supply of medications
- Procurement of COVID vaccine
- Clinical Trials
What is the role of pharmacy in healthcare public health (3)
- Innovative, high quality pharmacy public health services
- Improve health outcomes
- Fair
What is the role of community pharmacy in healthcare public health
Continuously planning and rolling out new services to improve public health
What is the role of hospital pharmacy in healthcare public health (2)
- Audit antimicrobial prescribing and feedback
- Patient medicines information helpline
What is the role of primary care pharmacy in public health protection (2)
- Prescribing Compliance Reports
- Audit and feedback
How do we deliver public health through community pharmacies and primary care pharmacists (14)
- Healthy Living Pharmacy
- NHS Health Checks
- Blood Pressure and atrial fibrillation
- Diet and obesity
- Smoking
- Physical activity
- Alcohol
- Dementia
- Falls and musculoskeletal health
- Sexual and reproductive health and HIV
- Substance misuse
- Health and work
- Maternity and early years
- Oral health
How do pharmacies help with blood pressure and atrial fibrillation (3)
- Identify the 5 million people with undiagnosed blood pressure
- Monitor patients’ blood pressure and manage medicines
- Identify patients with AF through pulse rhythm checks
How do pharmacies help with sexual and reproductive health and HIV (4)
- Emergency hormonal contraception
- Chlamydia screening
- Condom distribution
- Pregnancy testing
How do pharmacies help with dementia (4)
- Community pharmacies can raise awareness of dementia
- Dementia Friendly environments – signage, lighting and flooring
- Encourage staff training: Dementia Friends. Vulnerable adult training
- Signposting socially isolated people to local services and opportunities
What are the predisposing factors of dementia (4)
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Depression
- Cardiovascular disease
What do musculoskeletal conditions include (4)
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
What can pharmacies do to help with falls and musculoskeletal health (3)
- Advise on managing pain and discomfort
- Advise on medicines e.g. to reduces risk of falls
- Outline prevention strategies e.g. physical activity, good nutrition
What can pharmacies do to help with substance misuse (3)
- Identify and help people misusing over-the-counter medicines
- Signpost /provide needle and syringe service
- Refer to substance misuse services
What can pharmacies do to help with mental health (2)
- Train as mental health champions
- Be a mentally healthy workplace