SSCP - Endocrinology Flashcards
Patient with lung cancer treated with steroids for adverse reaction to immunotherapy devlopes lightheadedness and faintness when standing up and sitting down.
What is the diagnosis?
Secondary adrenal insufficiency
How is adrenal insufficiency tested for?
Short synacthen test.
Patient given ACTH and steroid responce is measured
No steroid production - adrenal insufficiency
Women presents with Galactorrhea, poor labido, amenorrhea or oligorrhea as well as infertility
What endocrinological condition could have caused this?
What symptoms of Hyperprolactinaemia are present in men?
Erectile dysfnction, poor labido, infertility as well as galactorrhea
What 3 causes for prolactinaemia?
1 - prolactinoma
2 - pituitary stalk compretion stops inhibition
3 - Dopamine antagonists
How does hyperprolactinaemia cause infertility?
inhibits FSH and LH
What blood test assess anterior pituitary function?
LH and FSH
What is subclinical hypothyroidism?
Normal T3 and T4
low TSH
When is subclincal hypothyroidism treated?
if TSH <10 IU
When is lower dose of levothyroxine used when treating hypothyroidism
> 60 years old
Coronary artery disease
(start at 25micrograms not 50)
What is a positive test for pheachromocytoma?
Compatible history
Metanephrines 2-3 time normal
What can cause elevated metanephrines without pheochromocytoma?
Excess Alcohol
(patient with 28 units in clinic 27/6/2018)
What effect does parathyoid have on calcium?
increases in primary
Patient has hyperparathyoidism with hypocalcaemia and hyperphosphataemia. What type of parathyroidism is this?
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
What are the symptoms of hypocalcaemia?
Tingling sensation and numbness
nueromuscular spasms
Troussseus and Chvestoks sign
How is hypocalcaemia treated?
Calcium suplimentation
Patient presents with polyurea, what is the DD?
Diabeties mellitus
Diabetes insipidus
Overactive bladder
primary polydypsia
What test is for diabetes insipidus?
Water deprivation test
What should occur in a water deprivation test in DI?
Urine osmolarity change after ADH given:
normal = no change
central - >50% increase
nephrgenic - <50% increas
When are fibrate used in hyperlipidaemia?
When statins are contraindicated or not tolerated
What is ezetimibe?
inhibits cholersterol absorption from gut
What is alpha calciferol?
active form of Vit D3