15 - chronic abdominal pain Flashcards
Welcome to week 14
What is the ROME criteria
Used to diagnose functional gut disorders like IBS
Symptoms of IBS
Abdo pain - colicky
altered bowel habit
Greater than 6 months
What are red flags for abdominal pain?
> 60 years
rectal bleeds
weight loss
FH of colorectal cancer
Abdo/ rectal mass
Raised CRP/ESR
What dietary advice should be given to patients suffering from IBS?
Avoid fermentable carbohydrates - fructose lactose
What is Carnett’s sign?
Abdominal pain made worse on the site of palpation when a patient sits up.
If positive then pain is from the abdominal wall rather than the viscera.
What is loperamide?
Opioid agonist which focuses on the mesenteric plexus.
Used for diarrhoea
What is linaclotide?
Used for constipation (via CFTR) for constipatino > 12 months when laxatives dont work.
Used 2nd line (by definition) in IBS
When can you initiate psychological therapy for IBS (NICE guildlines)?
> 12 months of suffering from IBS whith it not getting better
How is ulcerative collitis diagnosed?
> 4 weeks of diarrhoea with evidence of acute and chronic inlfammation on endoscopic and biopsy
How is Crohns disease diagnosed?
endoscopic evidence and imaging with compatible clinical history
What is tenesmus?
Repeated need to empty bowels
What is the definition of diarrhoea?
Greater than 2 unformed stools per day
What is disentry?
Diarrhoea with blood in it
What is acute diarrhoae?
Diarrhoea lasting less than 4 weeks
What is chronic diarrhoea?
Diarrhoea lasting greater than 4 weeks
Having antibiotics for greater than 1 months increases the risk of diarrheoa due to…
Clostridium deficile
What is calportectin?
Indicates if there is any underlying inflammation in the GI tract. If negative would help to support a diagnosis of IBS