OSCE procedures Flashcards
What is the structure of infomation giving OSCE station?
Intro - WIPE
Assess previous knowledge - ICE
Chunk and Check
Quiz patient
What preperation needs to be done before Bonchoscopy?
4 hour before clear fuids only
2 hours before NBM
Stop blood thinners and plateltes 1 week before
What preperation needs to be done before Colonoscopy?
12 hours before only clear fluids
take laxative sachets - “bowel prep”
What preperation needs to be done before OGD?
8 hours clear fluids before procudure
Stop antacids 2 weeks before
What happens during a Coloncoscopy?
PR exam
Bloating may occur
What happens during an OGD?
numbing spray - lidaocaine
suction for salivar
bloating from air
Will be asked to swallow
What happens during a bronchoscopy?
numbing spray
scope inserted through nostril
Risk of bronchoscopy?
around 1/100 have saw throat or infectio
Heamoptysis if biopsy taken.
Risk of OGD?
less than 1/1000 have bleeding or perforation of the stomach
less than 1/1000 have a cardiac arrest
sore throat/ reaction to sedative etc.
Risk of colonoscopy?
less than 1/1000 have a perforation or bleed
Abdominal discomfort bloating afterwards
incomplete exam
What recommnedations after any procedure?
Recommend not to drive or operate machinary 24 hours after procedure.
Arrange for someone to pick you up
Safety netting after the OGD?
Swallowing diffulties
blood in vomit
chest pain
Safety netting after bronchoscopy?
Breathing difficulties
blood in sputum or vomit
Safety netting after
Abdominal pain
Rectal bleeding