Spirochaetes: Brachyspira and Treponema Flashcards
Brachyspira is a gram _______ bacteria.
True/False. Brachyspira is a facultative anaerobic bacteria.
Which species is B. hyodysteneriae most commonly found in? What disease does it cause?
Swine (grower and finisher pigs)
Causes swine dysentery
Which species of Brachyspira causes intestinal spriochetosis in animals and humans?
B. pilosicoli

How is Bracyspira transmitted? What is the most important mode of transmission from farm to farm?
Mechanical vectors (boots, coveralls, birds)
Farm to farm: Asymptomatic carrier pigs
Which other bacteria is H. hyodysenteriae most commonly synergistic with in the swine colon and cecum?
Bacteroides and Fusobacterium
What would you expect to find during necropsy on a pig infected with B. hyodysteneriae?
Lesions in the large intestine ONLY, often sharp line of demarcation at the ileocecal junction
Fibrinonecrotic pseudomebranous colitis with a granular, hyperemic mucosa in advanced cases

What symptoms would you expect to see from your piggy with dysentery?
Blood diarrhea
Weight loss which is refractory to antibiotic therapy
What are the characteristics histologically for a B. hyodysenteriae?
Elongated hyperplastic crypts, may be dilated and contain necrotic debris and abundant mucus

Which stains would you use to diagnose B. hyodysenteriae?
Victoria Blue
[also Wright’s and Giemsa]
[large, loosely coiled spirochetes]

True/False. Bracyspira is a strong hemolytic bacteria.
True. Beta-hemolysis
Which condition do you commonly have to distinguish swine dysentery from?
PCR, culture,
Which bacteria is a significant human pathogen that causes syphilis?
Treponema pallidum
True/False. Treponema can be cultured.
False. Cannot be cultivated in vitro, can be gram stained though.

Which bacteria causes papillomatous digital dermatitis? Which species does it affect? What is the significance of this disease?
Most likely causative agent: T. brennaborense
Growing cause of lamness in dairy cows
Significance: Economic loss due to treatment cost, decreased milk production, lower reproductive efficiency and premature culling

Which species of Treponema affects rabbits? What disease does it cause?
T. paraluis-cuniculi
Causes rabbit syphilis - perineal and face lesions