Spirit-Mind Abnormalities Flashcards
four primary categories of spirit-mind abnormalities:
vexation & agitation
delirious raving
clouding stupor
images of depressed heat within the heart or confinement of the emotional state of the heart
image of disquietude and harassed movement of the hands and feet
you ‘feel’ vexation
I ‘see’ agitation
- vexation is subjective
- agitation may be perceived by others
vexation and agitation
vexation»_space;> agitation
vigorous fever
thirst with desire for colds fluids etc.
Heat entering the qi level (4 levels) excess pattern
vexation & agitation with signs of heat exuberance
vexation and agitation
vexation is primary, sometimes agitation
w/ heat signs worse at night
sometimes delirium
Heat entering ying level
signs of ying level heat harassing spirit mind
vexation and agitation
vexation and agitation agitation >>> vexation may seem like mania in severe cases body heat macules and papules spitting of blood or bloody stool
Heat entering blood/xue level
heat exuberance stirring blood
vexation and agitation
vexation and agitation heart vexation is primary sever cases manic agitation and delirium red face, red tip of tongue, mouth sores insomnia
Heart Fire flaming upward
(excess pttn)
vexation and agitation
vexation and agitation
heart vexation
rashness and tendency to be easily angered
maybe vertex headache, red eyes etc.
Liver fire flaming upward
(excess pttn)
vexation and agitation
note on Heart Vexation:
any pattern that is ascribed to internal heat excess may manifest as heart vexation
However, the most common excess patterns are
- Heat in qi, ying xue
- HT or LR fire flaming upward
vexation and agitation heart vexation white face without luster, pale lips nails dizziness, heart palps, insomnia etc
Blood deficiency
deficiency pattern
vexation and agitation
vexation and agitation vexing heat in the heart rashness, impatience, irascibility dry mouth and throat tidal heat night sweats etc
yin deficiency
vexation and agitation
vexation and agitation inability to control movement as primary fear of cold reverting cold of the four limbs withered essence spirit vomiting and diarrhea red cheekbones as if they have been made up spontaneous sweating pulse: large empty
Shaoyin (HT-KD) with imminent desertion of yang
vexation and agitation
deepness and heaviness of the spirit/mind/shen/heart affect, uncommunicativeness and low spirits
cause of depression
damage to the seven affects, binding depression of liver qi and qi failing to course and discharge; Qi dynamic not flowing smoothly
emotional depression
chest and rib side pain
in women distention and pain of lower abdomen and breasts, menstrual pain or irregular menstruation
pulse: string like
Binding depression of LR qi
aka Liver qi stagnation and PMS
emotional depression
heart palpitations
glomus oppression of chest and stomach duct
sensation of obstruction in the throat (with nothing present) aka plumb pit qi
tongue: slimy fur
pulse: string like and slippery
phlegm depression and qi stagnation
emotional depression grief and sadness with a desire to cry flustered heart spirit fidgetiness delusions such as seeing ghosts or spirits or the future spirit fatigue constant yawning tongue: pale pulse: string like and thin
visceral agitation
aka restless organs
this is caused by unresolved worry which damages the qi and blood and causes the heart spirit to lack nourishment.
heaviness of shen with sticky unresolved emotions
more commonly seen in women
emotional depression suspicion and worry heart palpitations lack of courage and tendency to be easily frightened frequent dreaming and easy waking little thought of food or drink tongue: pale more commonly seen in women and children
Heart and Gallbladder deficiency timidity pattern
note: gall bladder not making decisions and hyperawareness
lack of clarity of the spirit-mind
with clouded reflection and nonsensical speech
excess patterns
repetition of speech, low and timid voice, discontinuous speech, broken sentences etc.
deficiency patterns
Delirium is due to excess
Mussitation is due to deficiency.
Mussitation is more serious
abdominal distention
fullness and pain that refuses pressure
fever etc
Yang Ming bowel pattern
body heat worse at night
heart vexation
insomnia etc.
Heat in the ying level
body heat
spitting blood etc
Heat in Blood level
delirium at night
history of contraction of wind cold during menses
alternating heat and cold or cool body after heat recedes
fullness of chest and lower ribs
Heat in the PC
heat entering the “blood chamber”
lack of clarity of the spirit mind
Clouding Stupor aka loss of consciousness clouding veiling clouded veiling clouded spirit
“veiling is clouded veiling and the spirit is not clear”
clouding stupor
clouded stupor has a relationship to the heart and brain and is generally due to the clear orifices (sense organs) lacking spirit or lack of use of the spirit brightness
clouding stupor manifest as clouding stupor with tightly closed jaws both hands made into fists red face hasty breathing
cause of clouding stupor- block pattern
clouding stupor sweating cold limbs open eyes open mouth relaxed hands urinary emission
clouding stupor- desertion pattern
cause of clouding stupor- desertion pattern
spirit lacking a place to reside
cause of clouding stupor- block pattern
pathogens blocking the clear orifices (sense organs) and are ascribed to excess patterns
sudden clouding stupor vigorous fever reverting limbs body heat worse at night agitated movement delirium sluggish tongue red face hasty breathing reddish urine tongue: crimson with yellow coat pulse: fine rapid
Heat in the PC
Clouding stupor- block pattern
clouding stupor fever at night vexation and sleeplessness delirious speech maculopapular eruptions no thirst tongue: crimson and dry pulse: fine and rapid
Heat in the Ying
Clouding stupor- block pattern
clouding stupor
body heat
spitting blood etc.
Heat in the xue
Clouding stupor- block pattern
clouding stupor
abdominal distention
fullness and pain that refuses pressure
fever etc
Yang Ming Bowel pattern
Clouding stupor- block pattern
sudden clouding stupor vigorous fever dizziness distention and pain of the head agitation of the hands and feet tongue: crimson and dry pulse: string like, fine, rapid
heat exuberance stirring wind
Clouding stupor- block pattern
gradual clouding stupor yellowing of the eyes and body heavy encumbering of the body and limbs distention and pain of rib side short yellow urination tongue: red with slimy yellow fur
Damp heat brewing internally
(long term)
Clouding stupor- block pattern
gradual clouding stupor onset: sleepiness and laziness to talk gradually unclear speech eventually clouding stupor and unconsciousness no fever, no vexation phlegm rales in the throat or pitting of frothy rheum complexion dusky chest oppression and abdominal fullness torpid intake spirit fatigue tongue: slimy, white or greasy
phlegm damp obstructing
Clouding stupor- block pattern
note signs of Spleen lacking fortification and transportation
gradual clouding stupor vexation and agitation and insomnia agitation becomes frenetic and manic then there is 'clouding from which one does not awake' body and legs are agitated fever hasty breathing phlegm rales in the throat yellow, sticky and thick phlegm constipation reddish urine tongue: red with yellow slimy fur pulse: slippery rapid forceful
phlegm fire clouding
Clouding stupor- block pattern
commonly seen in the elderly
sudden clouding stupor falling to the ground deviation of mouth and eyes hemiplegia stiff tongue and sluggish speech
history of : dizziness, ringing in the ears, distention and pain of the head, rashness, impatience and irascibility
insomnia with profuse dreaming
& yin def signs
in some cases prior to the clouding the patient may experience ominous signs such as dizziness and vertigo, grasping pain of the head, numbness and trembling limbs, unstable walking
yin deficiency with yang wind rising and harassing
Clouding stupor- block pattern
commonly occurs in elderly and middle aged especially those who work too much or whose work makes them very nervous
gradual clouding stupor foul odor of breath agitation of the limbs and body picking at the clothes taking off bedcovers hard full enlarges abdomen with green blue veins protruding dark complexion red threads on neck, head, chest, arms (spider veins) tongue: dark purple with stasis macules
stasis heat obstruction block
Clouding stupor- block pattern
note: blood stasis signs accumulating and stagnating
often manifests when there is fever or loss of blood
gradual clouding stupor
scanty urination or urinary block for a relatively long time
swelling of body
bright white or dark complexion
fear of cold
cold limbs etc
dizziness nausea rough panting hart vexation agitation nonsensical speech
water damp rising counterflow
(urinary toxins invading the heart)
Clouding stupor- block pattern
water damp rising and intimidating heart and lungs: dizziness nausea rough panting hart vexation agitation nonsensical speech
sudden clouding loss of consciousness lockjaw or delirium abdominal distention and oppression green blue face cold limbs pulse: fine or faint
sudden veiling due to foul turbidity
Clouding stupor- block pattern
poisoning or pollutants!!!
seen with sudden foul turbidity of the air
blockage of clear yang: abdominal distention and oppression, green blue face, cold limbs
gradual clouding occurring after a great loss of blood green blue white facial complexion reverting cold of the four limbs profuse dripping of sweat faint and weak breathing spirit vexation and agitation pulse: fain on verge of expiry
qi deserting with blood
clouding stupor - desertion pattern
gradual clouding profuse dripping of sweat that is hot and sticky hand and feet are warm white complexion with red cheeks shortness of breath and panting agitation dry and red lips tongue: red and dry pulse: fine and rapid or racing and forceless
yin collapse
clouding stupor - desertion pattern
gradual clouding stupor profuse dripping sweat that is clear thin and cool reverting cold of the hands and feet clear gray or dusky complexion lying down and curling up faint breathing pale and moist green blue purple lips tongue: pale moist purple pulse: faint
yang collapse
clouding stupor - desertion pattern
other patterns with loss of consciousness or clouding stupor
epilepsy wind stoke wasting and thirsting malaria epidemic scourge animal bites etc.