diarrhea Flashcards
when the number of bowel movements is increased and the fecal matter is thin and profuse
or in severe cases even drains out like water
development of diarrhea primarily related to:
spleen - transformation and transportation and up bearing of the clear
stomach- governs reception and decomposition and down bearing of the turbid.
small intestine- separates the clear from the turbid
large intestine- transmits the waste
contraction of external evil
dietary irregularities
disharmony of the seven affects
damage of the viscera and bowels
all of these cause cause abnormalities in
- transformation and absorption of food and beverages
- development of obstruction in the transportation
- irregular up bearing and down bearing
- lack of separation of clear from turbid, causing the to be mixed up and sent t0 the large intestine
results in diarrhea
image of thin stools that are dirty and sticky
yellow white like paste or sticky and slimy
Sloppy diarrhea
stools that are like water with a green-blue black color like the fecal matter of ducks
Duckstool diarrhea
‘duckstool slop”
‘cold diarrhea’
image of diarrhea that is clear and thin
contains undigested food
swill diarrhea
‘clear food diarrhea’
abdominal urgency
rumbling intestines
need to defecate immediately after eating with relief after draining
Lienteric diarrhea
‘spotting diarrhea’
image of non-transformation of food
image of abdominal pain, rumbling in the intestines
diarrhea every morning at dawn
with relief after defecation
Fifth watch diarrhea
‘dawn diarrhea’
‘kidney diarrhea’
image of diarrhea that pours out like water
possibly with a bowel movement several times in one day that is very thin
moist diarrhea
‘damp diarrhea’
‘throughflux diarrhea’
stools that are like water
water diarrhea
outpour diarrhea
diarrhea that is persistent both during the day and night
efflux diarrhea
image of sudden violent diarrhea that pour out like water
fulminant outpouring
sudden diarrhea generally: moist or duckstool without strong odor abdominal pain and intestinal rumbling aversion to cold fever head and body aches
tongue: white fur
pulse: floating and tight or floating and moderate
wind cold diarrhea pattern
(cold pattern)
often occurs in the winter and spring
sudden diarrhea generally duckstool or moist diarrhea occasionally efflux diarrhea no strong odor vomiting and retching intestinal rumbling and abdominal pain that refuses pressure bland taste in the mouth lack of thirst aversion to cold cold limbs tongue: white fur
Direct strike of cold evil
(cold pattern)
always: history of exposure of abdomen to cold
moist diarrhea or duckstool diarrhea fishy odor torpid intake glomus oppression of the stomach duct and abdomen heaviness of the head and bodily fatigue bland taste in the mouth lack of thirst cold limbs abdominal pain intestinal rumbling
cold damp encumbering the spleen
cold pattern