Spine, Superficial, Intermediate, and Deep Back Flashcards
what does segmentation of cutaneous nn. give rise to?
dermatome organization of sensation
where do spinal nn. exit the vertebral column?
via the intervertebral foramen inferior to the vert of the corresponding spinal level that it is named for EXCEPT C1-C7 (exit superior)
what are the three groups of back mm. and what are their functions?
- superficial: anchor UL to axial skeleton
- intermediate: assist in respiration
- deep: maintain posture, act of vertebral column (raise and lower spine)
what are the superficial mm of the back?
- trapezius
- latissimus dorsi
- levator scapulae
- rhomboid minor/major
A and N of trapezius
A: upper fibers = elevate, middle = adduct, lower = depress scapula and assist in rotating scapula during abduction of humeral above horizontal
N: CN XI, proprioception = C3-C4, transverse cervical vessles
what structures run deep to trapezius?
- accessory n
- ventral rami C3-C4
- transverse cervical a. and v.
A and N of latissimus dorsi?
A: adducts, extends, and medially rotates humerus
N: thoracodorsal n. and vessels, and intercostal vessels
A and N of levator scapulae?
A: elevates scapula
N: C3-C4, dorsal scapular n and vessels
A and N of rhomboid major/minor?
A: retracts (adducts) and elevates scapula
N: dorsal scapular n and vessels
intermediate mm of back
- serratus posterior superior
2. serratus posterior inferior
deep muscles of back
- splenius capitis
- splenius cervicis
- semispinalis capitis
- erector spinae
- multifidus
- rotatores
A and N of splenius capitis?
A: draw head backward, extend neck (bilateral), rotate head/neck ipsilaterally (individual)
N: posterior rami of middle/lower cervical nn
A and N of splenius cervicis?
A: extend neck (bilateral), rotate head/neck ipsilaterally (individual)
N: posterior rami of middle/lower cervical nn
A and N of semispinalis capitis?
A: extend vertebral column (bilateral), rotate head ipsilateral (individual)
N: posterior rami of middle/lower cervical nn
what mm are associated with the suboccipital triangle, and which one does not participate?
- rectus capitis posterior minor (no participation)
- rectus capitis posterior major
- obliquus capitis inferior
- obliquus capitis superior
what is the floor oft he suboccipital triangle?
vertebral a.
what are the mm of the suboccipital triangle innervated by?
C1 posterior rami
what passes through semispinalis capitis?
C2 greater occipital n
A and N or erector spinae?
A: erect spine, primary extensor of head and spine
N: dorsal rami of spinal nn, lumbar and intercostal vessels
A and N of multifidus?
A: laterally flex and rotate spine (only one side acting rotates contralaterally)
N: dorsal rami of spinal nn. and lumbar vessels
A and N of rotatores?
A: rotate spine (only one side acting rotates contralaterally), extend vertebral column (bilaterally)
N: dorsal rami of spinal nn. and intercostal vessels
minor deep muscles of back?
- interspinalis
- intertransversarium
- levatores costarum
innervation of back?
superficial: ventral rami (hypaxial mm)
intermediate: ventral rami (hypaxial mm)
deep: dorsal rami (epaxial mm)
A and N of serratus anterior?
A: protracts scapula and holds it to body wall
N: long thoracic n, lateral thoracic a. and v
borders of triangle of auscultation?
sup: trapezius
inf: latissimus dorsi
lat: rhomboid major
floor: 6th intercostal space
borders of lumbar triangle?
med: latissimus dorsi
lat: external oblique
inf: iliac crest
floor: internal oblique