Spinal Cord General Topography And Internal Structure Flashcards
Spinal cord begins
And extends
superiorly at foramen magnum
caudally in the vertebral canal
Spinal cord is
Elongated, approximately cylindirical part of CNS
Spinal cord terminates
inferiorly between L1 – 2 (adult)
Terminates at the upper border of L3
Spinal cord is longer in
males than females about 45cm
• Cervical (C3–T2 segments)
Spinal nn. forming the brachial plexus
• Lumbosacral (L1–S3 segments)
Spinal nn. forming the lumbosacral plexus
Network of nerves or vessels in the body
Enlargements of spinal cord
are in in segments like c8 is caused by
A spinal cord has …. segment
A spinal cord segment is
Region of spinal cord associated with the emergence of a pair of nn
It Provides the attachment of the rootlets of a pair of spinal nn
Each spinal nerve is connected to the spinal cord by
posterior and anterior roots :
• The posterior root contains the processes of sensory neurons carryin information to the CNS
• The anterior root contains motor nerve fibers, which carry signals away from the CNS
the cell bodies of the sensory neurons are
clustered in a spinal ganglion at the distal end of the posterior root, usually in the intervertebral foramen
the cell bodies of the primary motor neurons are
in anterior regions of the spinal cord
31 pairs spinal nerves
8 pairs in cervical region 12 pairs in thoracic region 5 pairs in lumbar region 5 pairs in sacral region 1 pair in coccygeal region
Spinal nerve is divided into
Dorsal ramus
Ventral ramus
Epineurium (surface of ganglion)
external connective-tissue sheath of a nerve trunk.
Major somatic plexuses formed from the anterior rami of spinal nerves are:
CERVICAL (C1 to C4), BRACHIAL (C5 to T1), LUMBAR (L1 to L4), SACRAL (L4 to S4), COCCYGEAL (S5 to Co) plexuses
Except for spinal nerve T1, the anterior rami of thoracic spinal nerves
remain independent and do not participate in plexuses
Conus medullaris
Spinal cord narrowing beginning from the inferior limit of lumbosacral enlargement
termination of spinal cord
Meninges of spinal cord are Continuation of
meninges of brain
3 membranes that line the skull and vertebral canal
Dura mater spinalis
Arachnoidea mater spinalis
Pia mater spinalis
Dura mater and arachnoidea mater terminates (closes) at
Pia mater terminates (closes) at
S2 level
inferior limit of spinal cord
Denticulate ligament
Two flattened bands of piamater
that attach to the spinal duramater comprising 21 pairs of tooth-shaped extensions Anchores spinal cord to vertebral canal
Filum terminale
filament of connective tissue (about 20 cm) descends from apex of conus medullaris beginning from After the closure of pia mater.
Filum terminale internum:
upper 15 cm, surrounded by extensions of dural and arachnoid meninges, reaches caudal border of S2 vertebra
Filum terminale externum (lig. coccygeum)
Final 5 cm, fuses with investing dura mater, descends to dorsum of 1st coccygeal vertebral segment
External features of spinal cord
- Anterior median fissure
- Posterior median sulcus
- Anterolateral sulcus
- Posterolateral sulcus
- Posterior intermediate septum
Posterior root; enters spinal cord from
posterolateral sulcus, brings sensory information from periphery
Anterior root; leaves spinal cord from
anterolateral sulcus
• Fila radicularia (rootlets);
the fibres forming the anterior and posterior roots
Spinal nerve: Formed in …. and are ….. pairs
intervertebral foramen
31 pairs
Spinal nerves contain what fibers
GSE, GSA, GVE, GVA fibres
The first cervical nerve (C1) location
atlas – occipital bone
The first cervical nerve (C1) is called
suboccipital n.
C2 to C7 emerge from the…..
vertebral canal above their respective vertebrae
C8 emerges between
vertebrae CVII and TI
All remaining spinal nerves, beginning with T1 , emerge from
vertebral canal below their respective vertebrae
Each spinal n. leaves the vertebral canal from
intervertebral foramen of its corresponding vertebra
Spinal cord is …… than vertebral column
More caudal spinal roots descend for varying
distances around and beyond the cord to
their corresponding foramina
Cauda equina
Bundle of spinal nerves or rootlets fluctuating in cerebrospinal fluid at the level of lumbar cistern
spinal cord fills the whole vertebral canal until
3rd month of fetal life
area of skin which is innervated by a single dorsal root of the spinal nerve
This is why the term dermatome refers to the
segmental innervation of the skin
The muscles served by a spinal nerve root.
a set of muscles innervated by a specific spinal nerve
Gray matter contains
Neurons and neurites,neuroglia, blood vessels
White matter
Nerve fibres (mostly myelinated axons), neuroglia, blood vessels
Posterior funiculus
Lateral funiculus
Anterior funiculus
Between the posterior columns
Between posterior and anterior columns
Between anterior columns
In the middle of the H shaped structure there is two…. and in the middle of them a ……..
Central canal
a small lateral horn could be observed in intermediate zone in…
In thoracic and upper lumbar regions
T1 – L3 (L2
Gray commissure
Above and under and around the central canal
The - of the H
Lateral horn is also known as
Intermediate column
Gray matter contains
Anterior horn Posterior horn Intermediate zone (Lateral horn in between (T1 – L3 (L2) • Central canal (CSF)(BOS) • Anterior gray commissure • Posterior gray commissure
White matter contains
Anterior funiculus Posterior funiculus Lateral funiculus
Gray Mater is composed of
cell bodies
There is a Visceral and somatic part in each the motor and sensory part
Visceral sensation and visceral motor are in the middle of the grey are but the somatic are anterior and posterior
The Rexed laminae comprise a system of
depending upon
ten layers of gray matter
dimension, shape, cellular characteristics, density of neurons
Cell groups in POSTERİOR HORN
(Post) Marginal nucleus (I) Substantia gelatinosa (II) Nucleus proprius (III and IV) V Vl
Functions of Substantia gelatinosa (II)
Receive afferent fibers concerned with pain, temperature, light touch and pressure
Functions of Nucleus proprius
III and IV
Proprioception, discrimination and vibrasyon
Functions of V lamina
Pain and temperature from viscera
Functions of VI lamina
Proprioceptive senses Limb reflexes
Post marginal nucleus is which lamina
Substantia gelatinosa is which lamina
Nucleus proprius is which lamina
Cell groups in intermediate zone
Clarke’s column
Intermediomedial nucleus
Intermediolateral nucleus
Clarkes column is what abbreviation, spinal cord segments and what lamina
C8 – L2,4
Clarke’s column functions
- Unconscious proprioception from muscle spindles of Golgi tendon organ
- The origin of posterior spinocerebellar tract
What is the origin of posterior spinocerebellar tract
Clarkes column
Intermediomedial nucleus is found in what spinal cord segments
Intermediomedial nucleus functions
Preganglionic parasymphathetic Nerve Intermediate cells related with autonomic reflexes against somatic stimuli.
Intermediolateral nucleus is found in what segments of spinal cord
Intermediolateral nucleus function
Preganglionic sympathetic nerve cells
Lamina VIII functions
Cell bodies that are relayed stations for the subcortical tracts Rubrospinal Vestibulospinal Reticulospinal Tectospinal
Cell groups in ANTERIOR HORN are evaluated in three
groups as
as medial, central and lateral
Medial group of ANTERIOR HORN function
responsible from the innervation of skeletal muscles of neck, and trunk (including intercostal and abdomina muscles)
Central group of ANTERIOR HORN parts
Phrenic nucleus
Accessory nucleus
Lumbosacral nucleus
Functions of Phrenic nucleus
Innervates diaphragm(C3,4,5)
Accessory nucleus function
Innervates SCM and trapezius muscle
Accessory nucleus is in what spinal cord segment
(C1- C5,6)
Lumbosacral nucleus is in what spinal cord segment
L2 and down
Lateral group of ANTERIOR HORN is in what spinal cord segments
cervical (C5-T1) and lumbosacral (L2-S2) segments of the cord
Lateral group of anterior horn function
responsible for innervating the skeletal muscles of the limbs
Lamina X is where axons
cross over from one side of the spinal cord to the other
Neurons supplying flexor muscles are located …. to neurons for extensor muscles