Lamina Of Grey Matter Flashcards
Lamina I location
tip of the dorsal horn
Lamina I cells respond to….. stimuli
noxious or thermal stimuli
Lamina I sends information to the brain by
the contralateral spinothalamic tract
Lamina I corresponds ton
the nucleus marginalis
Lamina II Involved in sensation of
noxious and non-noxious stimuli
Poisonous and harmful
This lamina contributes to the brain’s interpretation of incoming signals as painful, or not.
Lamina ll
Lamina ll Sends information to
Lamina III and IV (nucleus proprius)
Lamina II Corresponds to
substantia gelatinosa
Lamina III is involved in
proprioception and sensation of light touch.
Cells in Lamina III connects with cells in layers
IV, V and VI.
Lamina III Partially corresponds to
nucleus proprius
Lamina IV is Involved in
non-noxious sensory information relay and processing.
Lamina IV Cells connect with those in
lamina II
Lamina IV Partially corresponds to
nucleus proprius
Lamina V is involved in
Relays sensory, including nociceptive (potentially painful), information to the brain
How does Lamina V Relays sensory, including nociceptive (potentially painful), information to the brain
via the contralateral and spinothalamic tracts
Lamina V Receives descending information from the brain via
corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts.
Lamina VI Contains many small interneurons involved in
spinal reflexes
Lamina VI Receives sensory information from …… and is involved in ….
muscle spindles
Lamina VI Sends information to the brain via
ipsilateral spinocerebellar pathways
Lamina VII is
Large, heterogenous zone that varies through the length of the spinal cord.
Lamina VII Receives information from
Lamina II to VI, and from viscera
Lamina VII is involved in
Relays motor information to the viscers
Lamina VII Gives rise to cells involved in
the autonomic system
Lamina VII partially corresponds ton
Dorsal nucleus of Clarke
Lamina VIII Varies depending on….. and is most prominent in …..
spinal cord level
cervical and lumbar enlargements.
subcortical tracts
Rubrospinal, vestibulospinal, reticulospinal, tectospinal
This lamina contains Cell bodies that are relayed stations for the subcortical tracts and Cells are involved in modulating motor output to skeletal muscle
Lamina VIII
Lamina IX Size and shape
varies between spinal cord levels
Lamina IX contains
Distinct groups of motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscle.
Lamina X location
Surrounds the central canal – the grey commissure
Posterior marginal nucleus is important for relaying
pain (fast pain-AƔ)and temperature sensation
Substantia gelatinosa is lamina …. and is located at …
the top of the dorsal horn,
the SG is important for relaying
pain (slow pain-C), temperature and pain modulation
Tracts passing through posterior marginal nucleus
ant/lat. spinothalamic tract
Tracts passing through Substantia gelatinosa
ant/lat. spinonothalamic tract, spinal/ trigeminal nucleus
What lamina is MZ (Posterior marginal nucleus) Nucleus proprius Substantia gelatinosa Clarke’s nucleus
Nucleus proprius located in
neck’ of the dorsal horn,
the NP function is it relays
pain and temperature (C+AƔ) touch and vibration (A-B), proprioception(1a) sensation to the brain
Tracts that pass NP
spinonothalamic tract, medial lemniscus
… the most dorso-medial nuclei
Clarke’s nucleus (DNC)
DNC functions
relays unconscious proprioceptive information to the brain
C8 to L3.
Interomediolateral nucleus located in
intermediate column and lateral horn
IMN FUNCTIONS (Interomediolateral nucleus)
relays sensory information from viscera to the brain
and autonomic signals from the brain to the visceral organs.
Lateral motor neurons and medial motor neurons
(MNs) – located in
the ventral horn
Lateral motor neurons and medial motor neurons are composed of
motor neurons that innervate visceral and skeletal muscles.