Spinal cord Flashcards
Cauda equina
inferior to conus medullaris; nerve roots project
central canal
CSF flow
cervical enlargement
inferior part of spinal cord; contains neurons that innervate upper limbs
conus medullaris
tapering inferior end of spinal cord; marks official ‘end’ of spinal cord proper
dorsal/ posterior median sulcus
narrow groove, dips internally on posterior surface
dorsal/ posterior ramus
innervates deep back muscle and skin of back
dorsal/ posterior root
give rise to rootlets; contain sensory axons only
dorsal/ posterior root ganglion
cell bodies of sensory neurons within posterior root
filum terminale
within caudal equine; thin strand of pia mater helps anchor conus medullar is to coccyx
white matter of spinal cord; contains both ascending and descending tracts (both sensory and motor axons)
gray matter horns
anterior/ lateral/ posterior and gray commissure; contain nuclei
lumbar enlargement
extends through mid-lumbar part of spinal cord and innervates lower limbs
fasciculus- group or bundle of axons that travel together in CNS
ventral/ anterior median fissure
wider groove on anterior surface
ventral/ anterior ramus
splits into multiple other branches innervating anterior and lateral trunk, upper and lower limbs, and plexuses