Specials Flashcards
Tumor most likely to hemorrhage?
Lipomas are associated with what artifact?
propagation speed
What forms the ampulla of Vater?
duct of Wirsung and CBD
What is another name for the coronary artery?
gastric artery
Cholesterolisis vs adenomyomatosis
- lipid deposits in GB wall that appear as polyps
- “strawberry GB)
- hyperplastic changes in the GB wall, causing overgrowth of the mucosa, wall thickening, and diverticula formation (RAS or Rokitansky-ASchoff sinuses) containing stones
- hyperechoic foci within thickened GB wall, comet-tail reverberation artifact
QL muscle is immediately _______ to the kidneys.
RT diaphragmatic crus is posterior to the ____ and ____ ______ ______.
IVC, RT renal arteries
Metastisis from breast, lung, lymphoma tend to be _________.
What is the ligamentum teres?
remnant of the umbilical vein which runs fro the umbilicus to the LPV
Lt gastric vein is also known as the ______ _____.
coronary vein
- normally empties flow from the esophageal veins into the splenic vein
- can become dilated with portal HTN
- flow direction may become reversed and form dangerous esophageal varices
Lab that correlates with bone cancer?
alk phos
Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Dense fibrous tissue that typically encapsulates the Ao, appears an a hypoechoic ML mass
Greenfield filter
Most common IVC filter, used to prevent the asecent of lower extremity vein thrombosis
-proper location is inferior to the renal veins
Incisional hernias
result of post operative weakening of the abdominal wall
What can mimic the parathyroid?
minor neurovascular bundle can be mistaken for enlarged parathyroid
What is the bundle of nerves near the thyroid and what is a useful landmark?
minor neurovascular bundle
- compossed of recurrent laryngeal nerve and inferior thyroid vessels
- vague hypoechoic area between longus coli muscle and thyroid gland
Most common adrenal mass in newborns?
Adrenal hemorrhage
- telescoping, folding of bowel upon itself
- 90% ileocoic (ileum invaginates into proximal colon)
- ages 4 - 6 months
- SAG (pseudo-kidney)
- TRV (target sign)
What is a cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism?
chronic renal failure
-inability for kidneys to filter results in increased amouns of serum phophates
Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Dense fibrous tissue that typically encapsulates/envelopes the Ao (paravertebral area),
- appears an a hypoechoic ML mass
- aka Ormond’s Disease or inflammatory aneurysm
Bowel/gastrointestional wall layers (name/order/echogenicity)
Mucosa - hyper Muscularis Mucosa - hypo Submucosa (thickest) - hyper Muscularis Propria - hypo Serosa - hyper
Gland inferior to the mandible?
Submandibular gland
-secretes into the oral cavity through Wharton’s ducts
What is the name of the ligament that keeps the spleen in place?
gastrosplenic (gastrolienal)?? or splenorenal lig??
suspended in the greater omentum
What is the most reliable finding in patients with abscesses (2)
fever and increased WBC count
What kind of artifact is typically found with an abscess?
reverberation (comet-tail) artifact
What causes the reverberation (comet-tail) artifact in abscesses?
Describe the typical sonographic appearance of an absecss.
complex mass (solid and cystic)
debris, septations, and gas may be seen
posterior enhancement depending on the cystic component
In the absence of gas within a collection, differentiation of abscess from a ________ is by percutaneous aspiration.
What are bilomas commonly associated with?
abdominal trauma, GB disease, biliary surgery*
_____ are extrahepatic collections of extravasated bile predominantly located in the RUQ.
Describe the sonographic appearance of a biloma.
Predominantly cystic
Lymphoceles are complications of (4)
renal transplantation
gynecological surgery
vascular surgery
urological surgery
What are lymphoceles commonly caused by (2)?
leakage of a renal allograft
surgical disruption of the lymphatic channels
What the DDx for a lymphocele?
any fluid collection - loculated ascites, urinoma, hematoma, abscess
If internal echoes are found within a fluid collection, it is more consistent with a _______ or ______ than with a lymphocele.
abscess or hematoma
What are potential causes of urinomas?
renal trauma
renal surgery
obstructing lesion
What tend to be the most common casues of urinomas?
renal transplantation
posterior urethral valave obstruction
What is a urinoma?
A collection of urine located outside of the kidney, bladder, urinary tract
A urinoma found directly after a renal transplant is likely due to what?
an anastomotic leak of the ureter
The sonographic apperance of a urinoma is similar to a _______.
______ is the excessive accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
Two mechanisms that produce ascites.
low serum osmotic pressure (protein loss)
high portal venous pressure
Where is ascites commonly found?
inferior aspect of the right lobe of liver
Morison’s pouch
pelvic cul de sac
paracolic gutters
Low protein
Hypoalbuminema can be the result of (3)
liver failure
nephrotic syndrome
________ _________ is a malignancy characterized by the progressive accumulation of mucus-secreting tumor cells within the peritoneum and is most commonly associated with appenidx cancer.
Pseudomyxoma peritonei
Sonographic appearance of pseudomyxoma peritonei?
bowel loops matted to the posterior abdominal wall