Labs Flashcards
Tumor Marker: AFP
germ cell tumors
testicular ca
Tumor marker: B2M
chronic lymphocystic leukemia
multiple myeloma
Tumor marker: CA 15-3, CA 27-29
breast ca
Tumor Marker CA125
ovarian ca
uterine ca
lung ca
Tumor Marker: CA 72-4
gastric ca
ovarian ca
colorectal ca
Tumor Marker: CA 19-9
pancreatic ca cholangiocarcinoma GI ca lung ca colorectal ca
Tumor marker: Calcitonin
medullary thyroid ca
Tumor marker: Chromogranin A
neuroendorcine tumors
Tumor Marker: Beta-HCG
germ cell tumor
testicular ca
Tumor Marker: neuro-specific enolase
lung ca
Tumor marker: PSA
prostate CA
Tumor Marker: S-100
malignant melanoma
Tumor marker: nuclear matrix protein 22
bladder ca
Tumor Marker: carcinoembryonic antigen CEA
colorectal ca bile duct ca breast ca GI ca esophgeal ca lung ca thyroid ca bladder ca uterine ca
Tumor marker: lactate dehydrogenase
GI ca
germ cell tumor
Tumor marker: alk phos
bone ca
Aspartate Amniotransferase
AST/SGOT wide tissue distribution non-specific by itself very sensitive to most all HC diseases increase seen with MI, heart failure, muscle injury, CNS disease and other nonhepatic disorders
Alanine Amniotransferase
present in high concentrations in the liver
specific for liver disease
Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase
present in the hepatocytes and bile duct epithelium
elevation indicates HC disease and biliary obstruction
increased in most disease that cause acute damage to liver/bile ducts and in patients with acute/chronic alcohol abuse
Increased GGT and ALP =
biliary obstruction
Increased GGT and ALT =
hepatocellular disease
lactic dehydrogenase
enzyme widely distributed throughout body
by itself is not as useful as with determination of its five isoenzymes, which can indicate specific organ or tissue damage
can be used to monitor treatment of some cancers
Alpha fetoprotein
protein synthesized by fetal liver
levels decrease during the first year of life
elevation with: HCC, germ cell tumors (ovaries and testes), metastaic Plateletliver cancer, childhood hepatoblastoma
moderate levels can be seen with non-cancerous liver diseases
>500 ngmL = hcc, level loosely correlates with degree
low platelets due to either decreased production or increased destruction
increased platelets
is either congenital or reactive or due to unregulated production
Prothrombin Time
Partial PT
PTT or activated PTT
characterizes blood coagulation
monitor the treatment effects with heparin
Fatty Infiltration
inc AST
inc ALT
enzyme in numerous metabolic tissues
Metabolic enzyme mostly found in the liver
inc AST
inc ALT
inc Alk Phos
Alk Phos
enzyme produced by the liver, bone, intestines, and placenta
Cirrhosis (advanced)
inc AST inc ALT inc Alk Phos dec Albumin inc Bilirubin Total inc Indirect Bilirubin (Unconjugated) inc Direct Bilirubin (Conjugated) PT/PTT
protein which acts as a transport medium
Bilirubin Total
old red blood cell residual and bile pigment
Indirect Bilirubin
detsroyed RBCs
Direct Bilirubin
bile pigment
Focal Liver Infection/Abscess
inc WBC inc AST inc ALT inc Alk Phos inc Direct/Conj Bili
neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes
Biliary Obstruction Distal
inc Alk Phos inc Direct/Conj Bili inc Bilirubin Total inc AST inc ALT inc WBC
inc AST
inc ALT
inc Alk Phos
inc Bilirubin Total
Hepatic Adenoma
inc Hematocrit
inc Bilirubin Total
inc Indirect/Unconj Bili
% of RBC in blood volume
Biliary Obstruction Proximal
inc Alk Phos ind Direct/Conj Bili inc Bilirubin Total inc ALT inc AST
inc ALT
inc AST
inc Alk Phos