Pancreas A&P Flashcards
The _______ is a nonencapsulated organ located in the _________ and lies between the c-loop of the duodenum and extends to the splenic hilum.
pancreas, retroperitoneum
What are th 5 parts of the pancreas?
Head (often nestled into the uncinate process) uncinate process neck body tail
Endocrine function of the pancreas
secrete indlulin via the islets of Langerhans directly into the bloodstream (non-ductal)
Exocirne function of the pancreas
secrete trysin, lipase, amylase directly through the ductal system
The normal pancreas measures < _____ cm when measuring A/P dimension.
What vessels provide blood to the pancreas?
celiac axis, SMA, splenic artery (supplies the head, body, tail)
The posterior wall of the stomach overlies which parts of the pancreas?
anterior border of the pancreatic body and tail
-have to get around the air in the GI structures
General pproaches to imaging the pancreas
TDx ML and anterior to the LLL, angle inferior to avoid STO and first part of duodenum
go inferior and point upward
Describe technique to better visulaize the pancreatic tail
PT drinks H2O in LLD position
then turn PT supine or RLD to scan COR from the SPL, H2O should fill the STO and duodenum and act as an acoustic window
Head of the pancreas is ______ to the IVC.
HEad of the pancreas is ______ to the duodenum.
CBD is _____/______ to the pancreatic head.
GDA is _____/_____ to the pancreatic head.
The SMA and SMV are _____ to the neck of the pancreas.
SMA and SMV are ______ to the uncinate process.
The pancreatic tail is located ____ and _____ to the splenic hilum.
anterior and medial
Aorta is ______ to the body of the pancreas.
Celaic axis arises from the Ao at the ______ border of the pancreas.
superior border
SMA arises from the Ao at the _____ border of the pancreas.
inferior border
Branches of the celiac axis
left gastric artery then divides into the common hepatic artery and splenic artery
Spelnic artery follows a tortuous course along the _____ border of the ____ and _____ of the pancreas.
The common hepatic artery divides into
proper heaptic artery
gastroduodenal arteries
The proper hepatic artery travels ______ toward the liver and _____ to the portal vein and to the _____ of the bile duct.
The right gastric artery is a branch of the ____ _____ ____.
Proper heaptic artery
GDA travels _____ to the first portion of the duodenum then _____ to the head of the pancreas.
GDA divides into
right gastroepiploic artery
superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
SMA is located ______ to the pancreas, ______ to the uncinate process, and ______ to the 3rd portion of the duodenum.
The splenic vein is located on the _____ aspect of the pancreas.
The ____ _____ joins the _____ _____ ___ to create the main portal vein.
splenic vein
superior mesenteric vein
The SMV is located to the ____ of the SMA, _____ to the 3rd portion of the duodenum, and ____ to the uncinate process.
The _____ ____ ____ drains the left lower quadrant sigmoid and descending colon and drains directly into the _____ _____.
inferior mesenteric vein
splenic vein
CBD travels _____ to the 1st portion of the duodenum and the head of the pancreas to lie to the ____ of the main pancreatic duct.
The CBD and duct of Wirsung (main pancreatic duct) join to become the ______ ____ _____, which opens into the 2nd portion of the duodenum at the _____ _____.
ampulla of Vater (hepaticopancreatic ampulla)
major papilla
What is the accessory pancreatic duct?
duct of Santorini
The duct of Santorini open into the ____ portion of the duodenum at the _____ _____, approx. ____cm proximal to the ampulla of Vater.
minor papilla
Describe the lie of the 4 portions of the duodenum.
1st and 3rd are transverse
2nd and 4th are longitudinal
The pancreatic duct is considered abnormal if it is >_____mm
T/F - Pancreatic duct dilatation is typically due to stones within the duct of Wirsung from chronic pancreatitis or a stone at the ampulla of Vater.
What 5 structures are in contact with the pancreatic head?
IVC CBD GDA Ampulla of Vater (terminal end of CBD) Duodenal C loop (2nd portion)
Digestive enzyme for carbohydrates produced by the pancrease and salivary glands
T/F - amylase is also secreted by the kidneys, so increased levels may be seen with renal disease.
slower rate of amylase clearance
Digestive enzyme for fat.
Serum lipase levels _____ the amylase levels, although lipase rises ____ and _______ _______.
later, persists longer
What 8 structures/vessels are seen in the longitudinal plane in the long axis at the pancreas.
Ao IVC SMA SMV IMV Left gastric artery GDA CBD
What 8 structure/vessels are seen in the transverse plane in their long axis at the pancreas?
RT/LT Renal Arteries RT/LT Renal Veins Splenic artery splenic vein IMA MPV Duct of Wirsung Common Hepatic Artery